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How to make pancakes step by step?

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Ingredients of the dough

Ingredients of the dough

To make the dough for these pancakes, you need:

  • 270 g of flour - 3 teaspoons of baking powder - 50 g of sugar - 1 egg - 310 ml of milk - 1 yogurt - 90 g of butter.

Prepare the dough

Prepare the dough

On one side, mix the flour and yeast in a bowl. And on the other, beat the egg with the milk, sugar, yogurt and 75 g of melted butter in another bowl. Then, add the flour and yeast, and stir with manual whisk until a smooth dough is left.

Pour the dough

Pour the dough

Once the dough is made, spread a non-stick frying pan with butter or olive oil, heat it and pour two or three scoops of dough to form pancakes of about 6-7 cm.

Curdle and turn

Curdle and turn

Set the pancakes by letting them cook for about 1 minute, turn them over and make them on the other side for another minute.

Remove and make the rest of the pancakes

Remove and make the rest of the pancakes

Once curdled on both sides, remove them from the pan with the help of a spatula, place them on a plate and repeat the operation until all the dough is finished.

Add topping and serve

Add topping and serve

For the coverage you can put, as in this case, some cubes of butter, sprinkle them with warm honey and serve. But there are many possible toppings, both sweet and savory.

Pancakes with scrambled egg and salmon

Pancakes with scrambled egg and salmon

For example, you can combine them with scrambled egg and salmon. An alternative to the classic salmon toast, ideal for a weekend brunch or a holiday, or to start the day with energy thanks to its high nutritional value. See recipe.

Pancakes with fresh fruits and honey

Pancakes with fresh fruits and honey

In this case, we have made a tower of pancakes and topped them with strawberries, banana, orange and blueberries. We have watered them with honey. And to decorate, some fresh mint leaves. A dish that works both as breakfast and dessert.

Oat pancakes with cottage cheese and tomato

Oat pancakes with cottage cheese and tomato

You can also make the pancakes with oatmeal instead of wheat flour. To make them, you need 8 egg whites, 70 g of rolled oats, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, tomatoes, and cottage cheese. Beat the oatmeal with the egg whites. Add the yeast, a pinch of salt and beat again. Heat a pan, pour small portions of the preparation. Wait 1 or 2 minutes for it to set and turn it over. Spread the pancakes with the cottage cheese and place the chopped tomato on top. It is one of the ways to add oatmeal to your breakfasts.

Pancakes with blueberries, jam and cream

Pancakes with blueberries, jam and cream

Another sweet option is to accompany the pancakes with some fresh or dried blueberries, wash them with a little jam mixed with water, and a whipped cream on the side.

Pancakes with roasted chicken and mushrooms

Pancakes with roasted chicken and mushrooms

With eggs, milk and flour, the pancakes are very nutritious so they also work as the main dish of a meal. In this case, we have made a tower of pancakes filled with roasted chicken and mushrooms and a light béchamel. Don't miss the recipe to make béchamel in six easy steps.

Pancakes with raspberries and a touch of cinnamon

Pancakes with raspberries and a touch of cinnamon

A trick to make them taste and smell more is to customize the dough depending on whether you are going to make them sweet or savory. To make these pancakes with raspberries and a touch of cinnamon, for example, what we have done is add cinnamon to the dough. And if they were salty, you could add aromatic herbs and other spices.

Pancakes with hummus and salmon

Pancakes with hummus and salmon

A very nutritious idea to start the day full of energy is to spread the pancakes with hummus and add smoked salmon on top. If you don't want them to be so caloric, you can substitute whole milk and yogurt in the crust for skim versions, or use our super light chickpea hummus.

Oat pancakes with strawberries

Oat pancakes with strawberries

With this recipe you will make oatmeal your best friend. To prepare them, you need 4 eggs, 250 g of crushed oat flakes, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of oil and 500 ml of skimmed milk. The dough for the pancakes should be somewhat thick, as this will make it easier for you to handle it. If it is very runny, add some more crushed flakes little by little, until you find the right texture. Once done, add pieces of strawberries to sweeten them and fill them with vitamins.

Pancakes with salmon and poached egg

Pancakes with salmon and poached egg

Another delicious and super nutritious dish is to combine the pancakes with salmon and a poached egg. A protein triplet to face the day with a lot of energy and stay satisfied for many hours.