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Gallo pasta has the solution to eat pasta and not gain weight

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"Pasta makes you fat"

One of the urban legends most listened to, shared and believed in the universe of diets is that pasta makes you fat

It is not true since by itself, pasta has hardly any fat. So, where do we stay: fattening or not fattening? What makes it fattening is , in particular, the sauce or the accompaniment that you add. It is useless to give up pasta if when you do it you turn your dishes into a real pool of heavy and super fat sauces.

Keep in mind that if we talk about carbohydrates in general, you can take about 300g a day. What comes to be 150-200 g of potato, 60-80 g of rice or pasta heavy in raw and about 3 or 4 slices of bread.

Where does the bad reputation of pasta come from?

The problem is that hydrates are confused: they are not the same in sugar as in pasta, due to their glycemic index . This index marks the speed with which the sugar or glucose from a food passes into the blood. The faster it is assimilated, the higher its glycemic index (GI) and the lower its satiating capacity, which pushes you to continue eating or eat again after a short time.

To "lengthen" our level of satiety, it is better to take hydrates with a low glycemic index, among them pasta is one of the most indicated, due to its satiating power and the variety of preparations in which it can be combined

And interestingly, the glycemic index of a pasta dish drops the more al dente it is cooked

What pasta to take?

Every moment has its paste. If we want to satisfy ourselves, with an extra supply of fiber, we can choose whole grains , of which there is a wide variety on the market. For the nights, nothing like superfine pasta , less heavy. For playful moments we can resort to large format pasta , vegetable lasagna, stuffed pasta,…. And, of course, to salads in summer.

Of all these pastas, the national specialist, Pastas Gallo, has the widest variety. Among them, to take care of yourself , its Nature range stands out, which, due to its 100% natural elaboration of multigrain and multigens, provides more nutrients and more benefits.

Tricks to eat pasta without getting fat

We tell you how you can make the GI lower and you can eat pasta happily and without getting fat. So that you don't give up on wonderful pasta dishes, take note of these 5 infallible tricks.

  • Take care of the portions. They are enough between 60 and 80g of pasta, at noon. If it's for dinner, reduce to 40-60g of pasta.
  • Cook it al dente. In addition to being able to opt for its integral versions, look at the cooking. To make you feel more satisfied, it should be al dente, that is, soft on the outside and a little harder on the inside.
  • Drink it cold. Yes, as you read. When pasta cools, the starch it contains turns into resistant starch, a type of starch that is up to three times more satiating. So, you know, to make pasta salads, of which Gallo has a wide variety, with fun shapes such as Conchitas, Tulips, Pajaritas, ……
  • Choose whole grain pasta to increase the amount of fiber in your diet.
  • Give up greasy sauces and balance your dishes. A good combination for noon would be 2/4 pasta, 1/4 protein (chicken, ham, turkey, avocado …) and 1/4 vegetables and some fruit (fresh or nuts), which you can add as a topping. . If it is for the night, increase the amount of vegetables to half, reducing the amount of pasta.

You see, it is very easy to enjoy a delicious pasta dish without fear of getting fat. These recipes with pasta that we propose are 100% guilt-free, lighter, yes, but with all the flavor in the world.



If you make the pasta al dente or choose the integral version, you will have to chew it more and you will be satisfied much sooner.

If you like to innovate in the kitchen, head over to the Pastas Gallo website because they have plenty of recipes like this bowl of feathers, avocado, salmon and edamame, vegetarian salad with tulips, lentils and mango or chicken cannelloni with curry.