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How to apply hair dye at home to cover gray hair well


Retouching the roots and covering the gray hair is a beauty essential for most women and during confinement there is no other option than to transform the bathroom at home into a hairdressing salon. Take note of these tips to apply the dye at home that the stylist Diana Daureo has shared with us and you will be able to achieve results almost as spectacular as if you had just left the hairdresser.

  1. The first thing you have to do is put on gloves and a cape to avoid unwanted stains on your skin and clothes. Pour the dye into a bowl and stir until you get a uniform mixture. It is important to protect the skin in the forehead area with a protective product or, failing that, applying petroleum jelly in quantity.
  2. The idea is to make a subtle touch-up in the root area and wait for the salons to reopen to give the complete dye (thus avoiding overloading the hair with pigments). With dry and unwashed hair, apply the product starting from the hairline of the forehead area, from ear to ear. Subsequently, make the part in the middle and apply the dye / henna on the root that has grown.
  3. It is essential to always take small amounts of product and separate the different sections by selecting fine strands of hair.
  4. Once you have applied the product, let it act for 35 minutes.
  5. Finally, rinse off in the shower with plenty of hot water , shampoo, and then conditioner.

If you don't dare with coloring , you can also use natural ingredients to keep colored hair healthy and beautiful. Rogelaine Tomé Da Costa, image coach and owner of the Rogelaine centers, recommends three plant extracts:

  • Chamomile has substances capable of lightening hair such as apigenin. Boil a cup of dried chamomile leaves with 500ml of water for 20 minutes and apply this lotion after washing your hair.
  • Black tea is a natural ally for pigmenting brown hair. To prepare it, reserve 3 cups of water and another 3 tablespoons of black tea. Boil for 20 minutes and steep for half an hour. The application will be made after washing and conditioning the hair and it is advisable to leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
  • Beet has a reddish pigment that can be used to brighten red tones and add shine (it is rich in beta-carotene and has an antioxidant function). Cut a beet and cook for 30 minutes. After washing the hair, rinse it with the preparation and do not rinse.