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Recipes and tricks to get children to eat more vegetables

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Green bean soup with prawns

Green bean soup with prawns

It is a variation of the classic sautéed beans with prawns, but with the "camouflaged" vegetables so that it goes more unnoticed and among those who do not go crazy about vegetables. See recipe.

Sachets stuffed with vegetables

Sachets stuffed with vegetables

Besides being very healthy, they have an exotic and mysterious touch, as a surprise gift. That is why we love them as a party dish or for a special occasion. Whether it's to impress guests or to feast ourselves, because yes, because we're worth it. See recipe.

Zucchini noodles with red pesto

Zucchini noodles with red pesto

Whether alone or mixed with pasta, zucchini noodles always triumph and help you add vegetable fiber to your diet. If you want to give them a tastier touch, instead of blanching them in water, sauté them in a wok or in a non-stick pan with a thread of oil. They are delicious, so don't miss the recipe.

Whiting and vegetable dumplings

Whiting and vegetable dumplings

Another way to strain the vegetables into a much more tempting dish is to add it to the filling, as in these fish patties with onion, pepper, zucchini and tomato. And it is that, in addition, they are delicious.

Zucchini and pepper coca

Zucchini and pepper coca

Both the cocas and the pizzas go perfectly with any type of vegetable. And if you don't want to make your head too hot, you don't even need to make the dough. You take the dough they sell already made or a pre-cooked margarita pizza and enrich it with the vegetables that you like the most or have in the fridge. Discover more ideas here.

Tortilla cake

Tortilla cake

It is one of the most popular dishes that exist. You can have it prepared in advance and it also fits as a party plate. And if it is made with vegetables, it helps you incorporate a good dose of this essential food into your diet. See recipe.

That the little ones and the not so little ones eat more vegetables can become a real battle… unless you sign up our tactics to "hide it". These ideas are so rich that you will repeat even the most anti-green! Next, you have all the tricks and, in the image gallery, the succulent recipes that prove it.

1. Vegetable (and fruit) creams

If the problem is that you don't like a particular vegetable, you can easily hide it by making a cream along with other vegetables. But if you don't like vegetables in general, you can add fruit to the cream and thus camouflage its flavor. Most vegetable creams combine very well with apple or orange, for example.

2. Express camouflage

The trick is that the vegetables are not even visible. Add aubergines, zucchini, peppers or tomatoes to some dumplings. Or make croquettes or hamburgers with them. One of the keys is to shred them a lot so that they are not noticed. And if you tolerate vegetables a little, why not fill these vegetables with meat, rice, legumes or fish. Or also make a coca or a vegetable pizza …

3. Vegetable noodles

It is about mixing pasta noodles or spaghetti with other vegetables (zucchini, carrots …). To shape them, you can use a potato peeler or a spirilizer (a specific kitchen utensil to cut vegetables in the shape of spaghetti). When cooking them, just blanch the vegetables for a minute in boiling water or sauté them a little in the pan or wok. Then, mix them with the boiled wheat pasta in the normal way and accompany them with the sauce you like best: pesto, Neapolitan, Bolognese …

4. Tortilla cakes

Make 3 tortillas, each one with the vegetable you want (aubergine, pepper …). Cut the vegetables into small pieces and steam them before adding them to the eggs. Once the tortillas are set, put them one on top of the other. And, if you want to camouflage them more and give them a more tempting touch, you can cover the cake with a little bechamel, sprinkle cheese on top and gratin.

5. Stuffed pasta

Take advantage of the good press of pasta - almost everyone loves it - and camouflage the vegetables in it in the form of tortellini, ravioli, cannelloni or lasagna (only vegetable or mixed with meat or fish).

6. Surprise bags

They look so attractive that hardly anyone pays attention to the filling. You only need phyllo dough sheets superimposed and fill them with vegetables alone or mixed with minced meat, seafood, shredded fish or a little cheese.

If your "need" to eat more vegetables is marked because you are vegan, you should know that it is very important that your diet is balanced and that, by not taking animal protein, you must meet the needs of vitamin B12. How? With supplements that help your body in the formation of red blood cells and the nervous system