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5 Symptoms That Indicate You Have Vaginal Yeast Infection

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Candidiasis is a fungal infection that affects many women, 3 out of 4 according to data provided at the XIV National Meeting of Women's Health and Medicine in 2014, although some women suffer from it on a recurring basis.

The 5 symptoms that indicate that you have yeast infection:

  1. You feel itching and stinging in your intimate area.
  2. There is redness or swelling of the vulva.
  3. Your discharge is thicker and whiter and has a more intense odor.
  4. You feel discomfort, even pain, when urinating or having sex.
  5. A vaginal rash may appear.

Don't confuse the symptoms of yeast infection with those of bacterial vaginosis

Candidiasis can sometimes be mistaken for bacterial vaginosis, but the appearance and smell of the discharge can help tell the difference.

In the case of vaginosis, instead of a whitish discharge, similar to cottage cheese, typical of candidiasis, we speak of a viscous and grayish discharge.

Also, in the case of candidiasis, the smell is more intense, but not unpleasant like that of vaginosis, which can remind you of a past fish smell.

What is the cause of this vaginal yeast infection

Candidiasis is triggered when a fungus - Candida albicans - that lives in our body grows uncontrollably. Candida albicans is a yeast that lives in our digestive system in balance with the intestinal microbiota, that is, the "good" bacteria in the intestine, without problems.

But if that delicate balance is broken and this yeast grows uncontrollably, it can invade other digestive mucous membranes and also the urinary or genitals, causing the symptoms that we have discussed before: itching, irritation, inflammation, redness, painful sexual intercourse. ..

Causes of candidiasis

This balance can be upset for several reasons.

  • It can be due to both lack and excess of hygiene.
  • To the use of too aggressive soaps in the intimate area.
  • To hormonal changes, such as those experienced during pregnancy or menopause.
  • Consuming certain medications such as antibiotics, which alter the intestinal microbiota, or corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, which make fungi more resistant.
  • People who have diabetes or are obese are at higher risk of yeast infection.


It is not a sexually transmitted disease, so you cannot get it from having sex. But, if you already have it, it is better for your partner to use a condom, because he could suffer itching and inflammation in the penis when having sex with you. And you also have to refrain from having oral sex on you. As for other types of contagion, as a precaution, avoid sharing towels.

How is yeast infection treated

If you have discomfort, go to the doctor or gynecologist, who will prescribe a treatment that can be oral or vaginal, such as creams or vaginal ovules.

And if it happens frequently, your doctor may recommend intravaginal administration of probiotics to restore the balance of the microbiota. For example, in the form of probiotic tampons that are used during menstruation.

Home remedies for yeast infection

Natural yogurt poultices. Put on a panty liner with a little tempered plain yogurt, which is not cold from the fridge, before going to bed.In the morning wash normally with an intimate gel of neutral pH. Repeat these poultices for 7 days.

What is not recommended: douching

Do not douche if you have discomfort or to feel "fresh." This consists of irrigating the inside of the vagina with water or water mixed with vinegar or other preparations. Douching is associated with vaginal infections and other diseases such as sexually transmitted infections, pelvic inflammatory disease …, so it can cause or aggravate your problem.

How to prevent yeast infection

  • Take care of your hygiene. Do not abuse the soap and try to use those that are specific for this intimate area. Use a specific towel for this area and dry the humidity well after the shower, the pool, etc., and renew it each use.
  • When you go to the bathroom … Always wipe downwards, that is, from the vagina to the anus and not the other way around. It is preferable not to abuse wet wipes and use a dry toilet paper.
  • Underwear. The ideal is to wear cotton underwear and if you wear stockings, better than those that hold to the thigh, but do not cover the panties.
  • Take care of your intestinal flora. Try to eat a diet rich in fruit and vegetables and that includes probiotic foods, such as yogurts, kefir, sauerkraut … Here we tell you more about how to take care of your intestinal microbiota.
  • Avoid foods such as white bread, pastries, dehydrated fruits, beer … They are foods that contain yeasts and sugars and are not highly recommended if you usually suffer from vaginal yeast infections.

Photos: Unsplash