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5 Things you have to do when you receive a package


Delivery drivers can't keep up in times of coronavirus. Online purchases soared during confinement and, now, in de-escalation, they continue to be an important resource to avoid going out so much.

Businesses and restaurants are trying to adapt to the “new normal”. Given that it will take us some time to live and relate again as we did before, they have had no choice but to reinvent themselves and offer telematic services to try to ensure the survival of their businesses. Many have launched to sell their products online, others already offered this service and have eliminated the shipping costs of their orders … Discounts and offers are skyrocketing on the net to encourage us to invest again in their products. There is no choice but to adapt to the new situation!

Surely you have already made some purchases online during these weeks and are receiving more packages at home than ever. It is possible that every time the courier knocks on your door, you have doubts: What do I do with the package? Should I leave it out? How do I disinfect it? Will there be any risk of contagion if I touch it with my hands?

The Dr. Jhoan Silva , director of the medical team Elma and specialist in General Medicine, gets you out of doubt. The risk is never zero, so you must follow these steps to minimize any risk of contagion:

  • Always keep a safe distance. If the courier company complies with all the established rules, the delivery person will wear gloves, a mask and disinfectant gel. He should not come near your door. The best thing is to leave the package on your doormat and not require you to sign any document; will confirm your identity respecting the established space.
  • Wear gloves. Pick up the packages without having any contact with the delivery person and do so with gloves in case the box or bag contains any pathogens.
  • Deja el paquete en cuarentena durante 3 días. Si no te urge abrir el paquete, puedes dejarlo en cuarentena para mantener el virus alejado de tu hogar. Se recomienda aislar el envío durante 72 horas (tres días), aunque el tiempo necesario para inactivar el virus dependerá del embalaje y del contenido. "Según varios estudios, la permanencia de SARS-CoV-2 viable en superficies de cobre, cartón, acero inoxidable, y plástico fue de 4, 24, 48 y 72 horas respectivamente, a 21-23 ºC y con 40% de humedad relativa. En otro estudio, a 22 ºC y 60% de humedad, se dejó de detectar el virus tras 3 horas sobre superficie de papel (de imprimir o pañuelo de papel), de 1 a 2 días sobre madera, ropa o vidrio, y más de 4 días sobre acero inoxidable, plástico, billetes de dinero y mascarillas quirúrgicas", expone el doctor Silva.
  • Disinfect the order well. If you cannot wait to open the package, either due to lack of patience, because the contents are perishable, or because you need to use the item urgently, dispose of the packaging quickly. Leave it out of the house if you have a chance or throw it in the appropriate container and disinfect all surfaces that have been in contact with it. Wash all the products with soap and water (fruits, vegetables or other foods that are not packaged) and disinfect the surface of the products that are packaged with a 2% bleach solution or 70% alcohol. It is important to bear in mind that the virus can persist on the surface for different times depending on the material.
  • Wash your hands. You may already be tired of hearing and reading it everywhere, but maintaining good hygiene is extremely important to ward off the virus. Never forget to wash your hands with soap and water or a hydroalcoholic solution after coming into contact with any object that comes from outside.