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5 Things You Do That Could Give You Diabetes

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13.8% of the Spanish adult population has type 2 diabetes, which is equivalent to more than 5.3 million people and the figure is only increasing. Do you think you are safe from suffering it? You may think you are following healthy habits and, instead, do one of these five things that we tell you, that increase your risk of having it.

We tend to think that taking too much sugar explains why some people suffer from type 2 diabetes, acquired diabetes, which is the result, above all, of a poor diet and of moving less than a square.

But the reasons why a person can develop type 2 diabetes are much more complex. In fact, there are things that you may be doing that predispose you to suffer it and you not know it. We tell you 5 that could be putting you at risk …

1. You tend to do fast diets

These diets are usually very restrictive and it is usual that later you do not do a correct maintenance, which leads you to suffer the dreaded rebound effect, that is, you regain the lost weight and, you can even add a few more pounds of tip. According to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network-Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn), this predisposes the body to develop what is known as insulin resistance, the "prelude" to diabetes 2. If you need to lose weight Do it in a safer way, following the dictates of the Mediterranean diet, a diet that according to scientists from the Rovira and Virgili University reduces the risk of diabetes by 40%.

2. You don't renew your nonstick pans often.

Be aware that these contain perfluoro-octanoic acid (PFOA), a synthetic chemical that is also present in microwave popcorn bags, pizza boxes and other food packaging, and even stain-proof rugs. If your pans are grated, you may be taking in this acid without realizing it. And what happens? This acid is what is known as a persistent organic compound (POP) and there are studies, such as one from the University of Granada, that have found an association between the concentrations of certain POPs in body fat and the risk of suffering type 2 diabetes .

3. You don't eat breakfast

Now, we already know that breakfast is not the most important meal of the day and that not doing it does not mean anything but … according to a study by the University of Umea (Sweden) it can influence whether or not we develop type 2 diabetes. According to these experts, skipping breakfast means that during the rest of the day we can end up consuming more fast-absorbing carbohydrates, which would raise the level of glucose in the blood. So although the important thing is the whole diet, if you see that you resort to pastries, sweets, pizzas, juices, etc., for breakfast, try to change that habit. Here are tons of healthy breakfast ideas.

4. You eat and you sit on the couch

If you do, your risk of type 2 diabetes increases, on the other hand, if you spend 15 minutes going for a walk, for example, the glucose that is going to pass into the blood through food is transferred to the muscles to be metabolized and is eliminated more effectively than if you stay sofing in front of the TV. It is not about doing an intense exercise because it can make digestion difficult, with a brisk walk is enough. And in your day-to-day life it is important that you incorporate sport as something habitual, not only cardio (walking, running, swimming, cycling, skating …) but also some weights, for example, since according to the Harvard Medical School (USA) Including resistance exercises in your sports routine can further reduce the risk of diabetes 2 in women.

5. Your mind does not rest from turning everything around

If your stress level is high and becomes chronic, you have a higher risk of diabetes. An Australian study found that women who experience sustained stress metabolize glucose worse after five years. If you want to improve your life, here we tell you how to end stress in five steps (and without meditating).