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Healthy and easy snacks that will fill you up until dinner

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Toast with tomato and mozzarella

Toast with tomato and mozzarella

A mid-afternoon snack can give us the energy we need to avoid arriving very hungry for dinner. On a diet of 1,500 kcal a day, the snack would not have to exceed 225 kcal. Try this savory option: on top of a slice of toasted whole wheat bread, put 4 cherry tomatoes and 1/4 of a mozzarella ball. Dress with olive oil and basil.

225 kcal

Turkey and avocado wrap

Turkey and avocado wrap

So that you can guide yourself if your diet exceeds 1,500 kcal, calculate that the snack should provide around 10-15% of the daily calories. We suggest you turn the classic turkey sandwich around with this mini whole wheat tortilla roll that also has avocado.

1 tortilla with a slice of turkey and 1/4 avocado: 185 kcal

Fruit with chocolate

Fruit with chocolate

If you opt for fruit, but want to give it a bit of joy, accompany it with dark chocolate. Chocolate (with more than 70% cocoa, 85% is ideal) is highly antioxidant and contains polyphenols that help take care of our intestinal flora. A very good combination is a handful of strawberries, a banana, and two ounces of chocolate.

202 kcal

Tuna sandwich

Tuna sandwich

If you prefer a mini sandwich, go ahead, but leave the sausage for special occasions (better Iberian). Let's see if you like this combination: a quarter can of tuna in oil, beets and lettuce.

220 kcal

Energy balls

Energy balls

Crush a cup of dried apple, 12 pitted dates, half a cup of rolled oats, half a cup of raw almonds, a tablespoon of chia seeds and a little cinnamon. With the resulting dough you have to make balls and then refrigerate them. With these amounts, about 22 come out. For a snack you can eat three. The recipe is from Natalie's Health.

3 balls / 200 kcal

Yogurt with fruit

Yogurt with fruit

If you have little time and are looking for something light, a yogurt accompanied by your favorite fruit is an excellent healthy snack option.

116 kcal if you accompany the yogurt with blueberries or 138 kcal if it is with a peach

Porridge (oatmeal porridge)

Porridge (oatmeal porridge)

If oatmeal does not occupy a special place in your diet, start with this snack to discover all its properties. Boil a cup of the milk of your choice, a pinch of cinnamon and 1/3 cup of oatmeal in a saucepan until you get the creamy texture you want. Add cut fruit, strawberries for example. You can take it in a tupperware to work.

265 kcal

Dehydrated banana

Dehydrated banana

If you want to eat the fruit in a different way, try its dehydrated versions without added sugar. You can find them in health food stores or make them yourself by putting banana slices, for example, on greaseproof paper and baking them for two hours at 90 degrees. You can accompany it with a yogurt, which would add about 110 kcal.

110 kcal / 100 g (if it does not have added sugar)

Vegetable patés

Vegetable patés

Accompany 4 tablespoons of any homemade vegetable pate with some carrot or celery sticks and you will have a perfect healthy snack option. Remember that there is life beyond hummus - here we show you how to prepare it -: substitute chickpeas for aubergine, carrot, zucchini or roasted pumpkin.

123 kcal



If you just want a super quick snack that takes away the feeling of an empty stomach, always have raw nuts on hand. Do not eat more than a handful (20-30 g). Can you eat nuts on a diet?

115 kcal

Roasted apple with cinnamon and dried fruits

Roasted apple with cinnamon and dried fruits

If you want to have something different, discover the recipe for roasted apple with nuts. It is a very filling option since it combines the fiber of the apple with the nuts, which also have fiber and, in addition, healthy fats. To meet the recommended calories in the snack, you can eat half an apple.

316 kcal / apple

Integral biscuit

Integral biscuit

If you have a sweet tooth, you can also opt for a couple of pieces of a good homemade and very healthy sponge cake. Like, for example, the one in this low-calorie whole wheat cake recipe.

300 kcal

Fruit shake

Fruit shake

If you want an alternative to the piece of fruit, you can opt for a smoothie. Use vegetable or cow's milk and crush it with the fruit of your choice. You can also make it with yogurt. If you like smoothies, here are several recipes.

With semi-skimmed milk and strawberry-type fruit, 150 kcal

Guacamole with crudités

Guacamole with crudités

Instead of vegetable patés, you can accompany the vegetable sticks -crudités- with 4 tablespoons of light guacamole.

150 kcal

Mini of vegetables

Mini of vegetables

Another healthy idea for you to fill up your sandwich: spread two slices of whole wheat bread with mustard and then add cucumber, red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, fresh spinach and green sprouts.

175 kcal

Yogurt with fruits and cereals

Yogurt with fruits and cereals

Yogurt can taste little unless we give it a sweet and satiating extra. How? Adding a tablespoon of fruit compote or pieces of fresh fruit, a handful of cereals and a thread of honey, for example.

146 kcal

Toast with roasted vegetables and anchovies

Toast with roasted vegetables and anchovies

Prepare a roasted pepper, aubergine and onion toast with anchovies, or a vegetable salad with onion, red and green pepper, tomato and black olives. And season it with oil and salt.

180 kcal

Jelly Fruits

Jelly Fruits

Gelatin has a super appetizing look, but with very few calories, which is why it fits as a hunger remover snack. To make it from fruit, you just have to mix unflavored gelatin with fruit juice and heat to the point of boiling. And if you want, add a few pieces of fresh fruit.

150 kcal

Green smoothie

Green smoothie

Here you have a balanced and very satisfying snack. To better control the ingredients, prepare the shake yourself. For example, with a kiwi, half an apple, sweetened skimmed yogurt and a piece of peeled fresh ginger or sprouts.

140 kcal

Ultra-light cottage cheese mousse

Ultra-light cottage cheese mousse

Here's an ultra-light cottage cheese mousse, a super easy dessert to make that also fits perfectly as a satiating snack because it's 100% guilt-free. And is that cottage cheese is one of the lightest dairy products: only 4 g of fat and does not reach 100 kcal (much less than fresh cheese). See recipe.

125 kcal

Pickled cucumber

Pickled cucumber

Each 100 g provide only 25 kcal, so you can take quite a few without your weight suffering. Pickled chives are also light, but be careful with olives that are very caloric.

25 kcal / 100 g

Salmon montaditos

Salmon montaditos

Montaditos are a good option as a snack. And if you also prepare them with fish instead of sausages, you will save a lot of calories. These, for example, are made with smoked salmon, beaten cottage cheese, and dill on top of cucumber slices.

140 kcal

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate (minimum 70%) is one of the quintessential food killers. Keep in mind that three ounces of chocolate provide 100 kcal and can calm your craving for something sweet. Better if you accompany them with some whole wheat bread.

100 kcal



A handful of this dried fruit provides 170 kcal, the same as two chocolate cookies or an apple, with the difference that you will feel much more satiated and it is a very healthy option.

170 kcal

Figs with walnuts

Figs with walnuts

A couple of figs and 20 g of walnuts is a delicious mix that will become your new favorite snack. Figs provide you with magnesium, and reduce blood sugar levels, which makes you not feel like snacking and it takes you longer to feel hungry again.

166 kcal

Cereal with milk

Cereal with milk

Yes Yes. You can also have cereals as a snack. Choose whole wheat flakes with no added sugar and skim milk. In addition to satisfying your appetite, a cup of milk with 30 g of cereals and milk is a good dose of calcium and fiber.

197 kcal

Natural pineapple

Natural pineapple

Whenever you can, avoid fruit canned in syrup and opt for fruit preserved in its juice; Or even better yet, choose to eat it fresh and natural. It preserves all the nutrients and does not contain added sugars. A slice of natural pineapple, for example, has 43 kcal; in its juice, 80 kcal; and in syrup, 136 kcal.

43 kcal.

Fresh cheese

Fresh cheese

Like all fresh cheese, it is light: only 15 g of fat, and 190 kcal / 100 g given its high water content (70%), so it “fills you up” right away. A slice of whole wheat bread with 50 g of Burgos cheese is 159 kcal.

190 kcal / 100 g



Edamame, or the soya in its pod, which is usually eaten blanched and lightly sautéed, contains 8 g of fiber per cup. For this reason, in addition to being a super filling snack, eating edamame is one of the 15 easy tricks to get more fiber.

80 kcal / 100g

Zucchini chips

Zucchini chips

Instead of potato chips, make your own zucchini chips by thinly slicing them and baking on greaseproof paper. If you sprinkle paprika on top, in addition to flavoring, you will activate your metabolism.

99 kcal / 100 g

Snack is one of the most forgotten meals of the day. We associate it with a piece of fruit or the traditional sausage sandwich and, sometimes, we don't feel like one or the other. As it is a very healthy habit, in the gallery above we propose 15 healthy, quick and easy snack options that will satisfy you and also provide extra nutrients to your daily diet.

What is a good snack like?

We do not mean that you snack on a donut and a chocolate shake, but rather that you choose nutritious and healthy options. Most nutrition experts agree that the snack should provide around 10-15% of daily calories. If you do not go overboard, you will avoid gaining weight as well as diseases that can shorten your life such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders or cancer. For a diet that provides 1,500 calories, it means that the snack cannot exceed 225 calories. To achieve this, avoid commercial bakery products and prepare your own snacks with natural and fresh ingredients, which are also richer in nutritional substances. Oh, and control the quantities, always think small.

Healthy snack ideas

  • Yogurt with fruit
  • Turkey wrap with avocado
  • Dehydrated fruits
  • Nuts
  • Toast with tomato and mozzarella
  • Roasted apple
  • Energy balls
  • Fruit smoothies
  • Chickpea, eggplant or carrot hummus
  • Guacamole with vegetable sticks
  • Tuna sandwich
  • Homemade cake
  • Fruit with chocolate
  • Mini of vegetables
  • Oatmeal with fruit

Balance the diet: compensate for the rest of the meals

Maybe you've had lunch away from home and there were no vitamin-rich ingredients on the menu, such as fruits and vegetables? Or did it not include any whole grains? In the snack you can introduce what your diet has lacked up to that point. At dinner you will finish completing it. Looking at the presence or absence of the different food groups and nutrients will help you a lot to eat healthily.

What foods are good for snacking?

  1. Fresh fruits or vegetables. They provide antioxidant vitamins A and C that prevent the degeneration of the skin, collagen and tissues in general. You can combine them with nuts or dairy. Vegetables can be incorporated into your sandwiches or used to dip in hummus or guacamole.
  2. Dairy products. They offer you their quality proteins, calcium and vitamins of group B. Try to choose fresh and fermented products, more digestive. Take, for example, a yogurt with blueberries.
  3. Wholemeal bread . It is rich in digestive fiber and energy. With whole wheat bread you can make healthy snacks based on sandwiches with tomato, fresh cheese, ham or vegetable patés. Choose loaf bread instead of mold, which usually contains sugar and more additives.
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