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15 tricks to lose weight without dieting

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If you want to lose a few kilos, you don't have to follow a strict regimen. By applying some changes in your eating habits you will notice the difference.

1. Alcohol, only occasionally

Alcoholic drinks are fattening: a glass (200 ml) of wine provides 165 kcal and a can of beer, 135 kcal. The researcher at the University of Indiana (USA) William Eiler has found that drinking alcohol is eating more because it stimulates the sensations of aroma and taste. Less healthy foods get more appetizing! Avoid it.

2. Plan a weekly menu to lose weight

The easiest way to get over it is by "improvising." Plan your meals (if you want to make 3, 4 or 5) and distribute what you can eat per day.

3. What drink to drink if you are on a diet?

It's good to drink liquids for two reasons: Sometimes thirst is confused with hunger, and liquid takes up a space in your stomach that makes you feel full. But not just any drink. Avoid all those that contain added sugar or sweeteners. If you like fruit juices, dilute them in the same amount of water. If you don't like plain water, look for infusions that you like or become fond of vegetable juices, which are less caloric than fruit juices.

4. Homemade protein shakes

Together with a fruit dessert they can be an excellent dinner. If you make them at home you will know what they contain. Recipe: mix 150 ml of skimmed milk, 50 g of fresh cheese 0% fat, half a banana and a tablespoon of pure defatted cocoa powder. Pass it all through the blender and enjoy it. It gives you 12 g of protein and 175 calories.

5. Drink coffee

If you are one of those who does not live without coffee, you are in luck. Why? Having a cup before breakfast reduces hunger by 35% and increases fat metabolism by 5%. But take it without sugar or with liquid stevia.

6. Fry with sparkling water instead of oil

There are ways to save calories while cooking without giving up what you like. For example, fry an egg, but … in sparkling mineral water. Put two tablespoons of sparkling mineral water and two drops of vinegar in the pan and when it boils, add the egg.

7. The benefits of cucumber water

Two ingredients as simple as water and cucumber can become an isotonic and satisfying drink that will help you get to the next meal without biting. Wash the cucumber well (do not peel it), cut it into slices and put them in two liters of water. Leave it in the fridge overnight. The next day take it during the day. In addition, it is antioxidant and purifying.

8. "Clean" food diet

It is not about washing food well, but about the new trend of “clean food”. What does it consist of? In eating as naturally as possible: without preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, trans fats, sweeteners … The body gets the nutrients it needs and gets rid of toxic substances that promote overweight and obesity.

9. Eat chilli

Capsaicin, the spicy substance in chilli, has certain properties, it stimulates digestion (contrary to popular belief) and makes the body use fat to produce energy instead of accumulating it. You can start by adding more garlic and black pepper to the dishes. Follow with the Padrón peppers, the chili, the jalapeños, and finish with the tabasco.

10. Benefits of vitamin C

It is not just for preventing colds. The body needs it to burn fat too! Without it, you could not synthesize the hormone norepinephrine and without it you cannot extract energy from fat. The foods richest in this vitamin are red peppers, kiwi and citrus. Make sure you do not miss them.

11. Eat slowly

Some people eat with breaks and others don't. The former tend not to gain weight. Eat slowly, chewing well. There will come a time when you will put your fork down on your plate. Stop for a couple of minutes. Are you full Don't pick up your fork again.

12. Fat Burning Lamb

Of all the meats, lamb is the one that provides the most l-carnitine, an amino acid that is very important for metabolism. This nutrient drives free fatty acids into cells, where they are burned. If you exercise, this process is further enhanced.

13. Include eggs in breakfast

People who eat eggs for breakfast as the main ingredient tend to consume fewer calories at other meals throughout the day. Do not be afraid to eat an egg a day: your cholesterol will not go up, but you will get iron, proteins and B vitamins that help you regulate your metabolism.

14. Eat seaweed to lose weight

The time has come to include them regularly in rice dishes, legumes, salads and fish. The reason is its richness in iodine, necessary for the formation of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These speed up your metabolism and help you burn more.

15. Sleep one more hour

A study on obesity from the University of Michigan, among many others, has proven that by sleeping an hour more each night you can lose 7 kilos a year without doing anything else! And if you don't eat a bite between 8:00 and 8:00 p.m., you can lose even more weight, according to an animal study at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, USA.