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15 original rice salads and very easy to make

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Rice salad with pineapple and prawns

Rice salad with pineapple and prawns

It is one of the most popular rice salads of all: with pineapple, shrimp and, of course, rice.

How to do it

Cook white rice, drain it and let it cool. Add some cooked and peeled prawns or prawns. Add drained corn and diced cooked ham and pineapple. Mix everything well and add a little chopped chives, salt and pepper, sprinkle with oil and stir.

  • To dress it, you can use homemade mayonnaise or, if you prefer something lighter, a little yogurt mixed with a thread of oil and lemon juice.

Rice salad with squid

Rice salad with squid

It is the typical rice salad with diced raw vegetables, but enriched with sauteed squid rings.

How to do it

On the one hand, cook the rice, refresh it with cold water and drain it well. On the other, sauté some squid rings and reserve them. Next, mix the rice with diced peppers, carrots and raw tomato. Add the squid and dress with the vinaigrette that you like best.

  • If you want it to be tastier, you can add caramelized onion (discover here how to make it and not burn it).

Seafood rice salad

Seafood rice salad

Here's one of the most sought-after rice recipes: seafood rice salad.

How to do it

While you cook the rice, chop onion, tomato and green and red peppers into small cubes on one side. And for another make some mussels and some steamed clams. Remove the shells from the mollusks, mix them with the minced peppers and the cooked and drained rice. And complete with some cooked prawns or prawns.

  • To go faster, you can use canned mussels and cockles.

Rice salad with turkey and beets

Rice salad with turkey and beets

A less common combination (but no less delicious) is the rice salad with turkey and beets. You'll see, try it.

How to do it

Place cold, drained white rice in a salad bowl and mix it with drained corn, diced turkey, beetroot, tomato and apple. Add some canons. Sprinkle with chopped boiled egg and chives. Salt and pepper, season with oil and serve.

  • To avoid blackening the apple, sprinkle it with a little lemon juice.

Rice salad with boiled egg, tomato and tuna

Rice salad with boiled egg, tomato and tuna

It is one of the easiest and fastest rice salads to make.

How to do it

Take cooked and well drained white rice and mix it with diced tomato and pepper, some onion strips, natural canned tuna, olives and a boiled egg. And dress with a vinaigrette or a light sauce.

  • To save time, save yourself the cooking of the rice and, instead, add couscous (you just have to hydrate it with hot broth) or use a glass of pre-cooked rice or quinoa as a base.

Rice salad with omelette

Rice salad with omelette

Apart from boiled egg, rice salads are also super rich with tortilla strips.

How to do it

On the one hand, make a French omelette with aromatic herbs (you just have to add washed and chopped parsley, basil, chives to the beaten egg); let it cool and cut it into thin strips. On the other hand, cook white rice, cool it and drain it well. And mix both with arugula, tomato wedges and carrot cubes.

  • For dressing, you can opt for an old-fashioned mustard salad vinaigrette, for example.

Rice salad with cucumber, tomato and onion

Rice salad with cucumber, tomato and onion

It is a Moroccan style rice salad with cucumber, tomato and onion as the protagonists.

How to do it

You just have to mix cooked and drained basmati rice with quarter cucumber slices, tomato cubes and chopped onion. Then you add chopped mint and parsley. Salt and pepper, water with a thread of oil and the juice of a strained lemon, and mix well.

  • If you want it to be a unique dish, add some protein: a few strips of grilled meat or fish, a few cubes of marinated and sautéed tofu, or fresh cheese …

Rice salad with red beans

Rice salad with red beans

Another little known rice salad is that of red beans.

How to do it

Mix cooked and drained white rice with red beans, beans, or kidney beans. Add red onion rings, julienned lettuce leaves, and flaked canned tuna. Dress and serve with chopped chives on top.

  • If you want to add more flavor, put pickled tuna.

Rice and watermelon salad

Rice and watermelon salad

An ideal rice salad for the summer or to take advantage of a watermelon that has turned out to be bland.

How to do it

Cook rice until al dente, drain it and let it cool. Peel watermelon, remove the seeds and cut it into small cubes. Wash tomatoes and chop them. Scrape carrot, peel cucumber and grate both. Mix the rice with the vegetables in a bowl. Season to taste, stir for a moment and serve immediately with sesame and chives, washed and chopped, sprinkled on top.

  • If you want a unique dish, you can add some fresh cheese tacos. And it is also very good with melon instead of watermelon and tomato.

Tomatoes stuffed with rice salad

Tomatoes stuffed with rice salad

If you want a different and original presentation, you can fill some tomatoes with rice salad.

How to make them

Wash and dry the tomatoes. Cut off the tops, like tapas, and set them aside. Extract the pulp with a teaspoon, being careful not to break them, and cut it into cubes. Cook white rice, cool it with cold water and let it drain very well. Cut small cubes of carrot, radish and fresh cheese. Add them to the rice together with drained corn and the reserved tomato pulp and chopped chives. Season and fill the tomatoes with the mixture. And serve them with the reserved caps.

  • If you do not have tomatoes or you do not like them, use as a base to fill peppers or cucumbers cut in half lengthwise and emptied, so that they are as if they were little boats.

Rice salad with orange, pineapple and dried fruits

Rice salad with orange, pineapple and dried fruits

As you can see with this quick and easy recipe for when you don't want to complicate your life, rice also goes very well with citrus and nuts.

How to do it

While cooking rice in plenty of salted water, hydrate a few raisins in warm water. Peel the pineapple, remove the central part and cut it into small pieces. And peel the orange removing the maximum of white skin and cut it into wedges. Once the rice is cooked and drained, mix it with the pineapple, the orange, the drained raisins, some chopped almonds and some pine nuts.

  • For seasoning, make a vinaigrette with oil, lemon juice, chopped fresh mint and a pinch of salt.

Rice salad with mackerel and roasted peppers

Rice salad with mackerel and roasted peppers

It has mackerel as its star ingredient, but it could also be made with canned sardines, anchovies or tuna.

How to do it

You just have to cook white rice and, once cold and well drained, mix it with crumbled canned mackerel and roasted, roasted, sautéed or canned pepper strips. And to complete it, you can add some capers, a little chopped parsley and a sauce based on oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.

  • It will be tastier if you make it with fresh, roasted or grilled mackerel. To remove the thorns, you can use tweezers to pluck.

Grilled chicken rice salad

Grilled chicken rice salad

In addition to eating on a picnic, rice salads are ideal as healthy and light tupper salad because, in addition to not having to heat up, they hold up very well from one day to the next.

How to do it

Cook white rice and, when it is well drained and cold, mix it with sweet corn, olives and diced onion, pepper and tomato salad. And so that there is no lack of protein, complete it with cubes of grilled chicken or turkey breast.

  • Instead of meat, you can also put peeled prawns, fresh cheese, crumbled tortilla, marinated tofu …

Rice salads with lentils

Rice salads with lentils

Another possibility is to turn the classic rice and lentil stew into a salad. You just have to mix them cold and accompany them raw vegetables instead of cooked.

How to do it

Mix white rice with cooked canned lentils and add diced onion, carrot, red pepper, and a few leaves of baby spinach, for example.

  • The combination of the vegetable proteins of lentils with those of rice, like that of other legumes with cereals, makes them compensate for their deficiencies and is a very complete dish. Find out where to find vegetable protein and how to incorporate it well into your dishes.

Rice salad with chicken and tomatoes

Rice salad with chicken and tomatoes

And if you're looking for a really easy rice salad, try this one with chicken, one of the chicken recipes (for when you've tired of eating chicken).

How to do it

Cook rice (or if you want you can throw one already pre-cooked to save even more time) and mix it with some sautéed tomatoes, some grilled or roasted chicken tacos, and the aromatic herbs that you like the most.

  • You can tune it up improvising with whatever you have in the fridge or with the ingredients that you like the most: carrot, cucumber, pepper, cheese …

Discover here more easy, quick and … delicious salads!