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10 very easy tricks to disconnect and relax

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Although it costs, disconnecting is possible. Of course, it requires some mental training. But if you put these ideas to relax into practice, we assure you that you will quickly learn to calm your nerves and overcome stress and anxiety once and for all. It's easier than it sounds, do you dare?

1. Set a schedule and stay true

Setting a schedule will allow you to have time for everything. Mark a few hours for your obligations and others for your devotions. Stick to those schedules as much as possible and stick to them, without excuses or feelings of guilt. Mentalizing that there is nothing so urgent that it cannot wait will help you return to your tasks with more energy and being more efficient.

2. Practice mindfulness

You need to calm your mind. Focus your attention only on what you are doing in each moment and on the emotions or sensations that this produces in you. At first you will not be able to maintain that mindfulness for a long time, but little by little you will endure more.

3. Put time for worries

Instead of spending all day brooding over your problems, spend 15-30 minutes each day at a specific time thinking about what worries you and looking for a practical solution. When thoughts about your problems assail you, say "not now, at such an hour." You will ensure that these concerns do not affect your activities for the rest of the day and you will be more effective in solving them.

4. Disconnect by changing environment

Staying at home is difficult to park worries. Leaving your usual environment is good to disconnect from the routine. Go to different places, like a new coffee shop or a neighborhood you haven't visited. Doing different and alternative things will help you momentarily eliminate worry.

5. Dedicate yourself 15 minutes a day

A good trick to avoid that the thousand and one things you have to do every day "eat up" the daily time that you must dedicate to yourself is to write it down on your agenda. On Sunday plan what you want to do (reading, meditation, writing, …). Be careful, going to the hairdresser or the gym is not worth counting as personal time.

6. Pause between homework and homework

Give yourself 5 minutes. By having such tight schedules, we usually jump from one activity to another without leaving a minute of rest between them. Instead of being more effective, what you do is gradually decrease your energy and raise your stress level. Allow 5 minutes between one task and another and dedicate them to doing nothing or doing something relaxing: breathing deeply, stretching, giving yourself a massage …

7. Have a hobby always at hand

Carrying a book with you always and taking advantage of silly moments, such as queuing or waiting for the bus, to read will help you escape and relax. You can also do sudokus to disconnect.

8. Meet friends

Talking with your friends can help you break the routine by talking about things other than your day to day. If you feel overwhelmed by a problem, sharing it is the first step to solving it. Could it be that you lack vitamin S? Discover it here.

9. Enjoy your hobby

Dancing, running, cooking … Doing an activity that you like will help you forget about problems and worries while you practice it. If you already dedicate time to your hobby, try to pay your full attention to each act you do. If it costs you, mentally repeat what you do at all times.

10. Turn off the mobile

Mark an hour and go off. You can program the mobile to deactivate during certain times, such as at lunchtime or at a specific time of night. It's about avoiding the maximum possible distractions in the moments when you try to disconnect. Also, turning off your mobile at night will help you sleep better.