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10 tricks to eat slowly and fill up earlier

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Aim the trick

Aim the trick

If you chew slowly, you fill yourself up by eating less and enjoying more. But it is a habit that must be learned and practiced. Here we give you the keys to achieve it. Keep reading!

Goodbye to "fast culture"

Goodbye to "fast culture"

With the arrival of "fast food" the calm rhythm of meals has been lost, and this makes you eat more and worse.

Set the table whenever you can and create a relaxed atmosphere.

Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Savor and appreciate what you eat.

With family or friends

With family or friends

If you speak, it will take longer to eat. Share the moment with family or friends and make it a habit. Be careful though, when we speak we tend to gulp air and it can get indigestible, so pay attention and talk between bites.

Do not get distracted!

Do not get distracted!

Eliminate distractions before eating or, inadvertently, you will have gobbled up the food in record time:

Leave your cell phone in another room and turn off the television.

Don't bring the book you are reading to the table while you eat.

Forget about the computer or eating while you are working.

Water in small sips

Water in small sips

Water has no calories and fills your stomach, so if you drink a sip of water between bites, you will eat more slowly and feel full sooner. Drinking a glass of water before eating will also make you feel fuller and eat less. Do you want to learn tricks to drink more water?

Not forgetting the knife …

Not forgetting the knife …

If you want to add time between bites, use a fork and knife. While you chew, you can leave the cutlery on the table.

In large pieces

In large pieces

Do not prepare the dishes with the food cut into small pieces because you will end up eating faster. The act of shredding food with a knife and fork will slow down the process.

Use chopsticks more

Use chopsticks more

Why limit them to the Chinese restaurant? You can use them daily! You will eat much more slowly than if you use the fork, no matter how clever you are. If your day to day does not allow it, use them on weekends or holidays.

Better with shell

Better with shell

If you are hungry between meals you can have nuts. Pick them with their shells: walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, etc., as opening the shell will slow you down. Of course, do not exceed 20 g per day.

Fiber is your great ally

Fiber is your great ally

Harder foods, and with more fiber, need more time to chew. Do not miss vegetables and legumes, raw vegetables, fruits and nuts in your diet. For example, hummus accompanied by raw vegetables is a delicious way to include fiber in your diet.

Eat in 20 minutes

Eat in 20 minutes

It is the minimum time each meal should last for the feeling of fullness to reach your brain. To do this, chew well and dedicate to each bite between 10 and 20 seconds. This will help you feel more satisfied. It will also allow you to keep your metabolism active, which will help you burn more calories throughout the day and lose weight.

Are you still hungry?

Are you still hungry?

If in spite of everything you still do not feel satiated, finish the meal with a hot infusion. If you take it in small sips it has a satiating effect:

Green Tea. In addition, it is thermogenic and makes you burn more calories.

Digestive infusions. Chamomile, boldo, fennel, pennyroyal, mint, anise or thyme. The digestive combined infusions also feel very good.

Coffee. Due to its caffeine, it helps to activate your metabolism.

Are you one of those who gulps down food in 5 minutes? Error. Eating slowly has many more benefits than saving you 10 minutes by rushing. As it is a habit that is hard to break, we are going to tell you the tricks to learn to eat slowly and get satisfied before.

20 minutes is the optimal time

This amount of minutes is not on a whim, it is simply the time it takes for your brain to feel full. To achieve this, chew thoroughly and make each bite last 10-20 seconds . Your metabolism will thank you.

Goodbye fast food, hello slow food

We are not referring to fast food chains, but rather that as a society we have lost the ability to enjoy a meal with the time it deserves. To regain the habit and learn to eat slowly, it can help to always set the table and be mindful of your breathing while eating. Another key element to enjoying food is doing it in society. In addition to strengthening your ties with your family or friends, you will eat more slowly because you are talking. Also, put down your mobile and turn off the television.

Tricks to satisfy yourself before

Drinking small sips of water between bites makes the feeling of fullness come sooner. Eating with a knife and fork also adds minutes to your meal. And if you go for a note, eat with chopsticks!

Fiber, your great ally

Vegetables, legumes, raw vegetables, fruits and nuts are loaded with fiber with a high satiating power, so give them a leading role in your diet. Is it difficult for you to include them in your diet? Take note of these tricks.

And remember, if when you finish eating slowly you are still hungry, you can finish your meal with an infusion.

Do you know the calories that are hidden in some foods?