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How to reduce waist with exercises and diet

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1. A juice when you wake up

1. A juice when you wake up

But not just any juice: 30 minutes before breakfast you can have a purifying juice . The one that we propose below prepares your body to burn more calories during the day. To do this, mix the juice of various citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange and lemon) and a little ginger. In this way, you speed up your metabolism.

Don't you know our cleansing diet to eliminate fluids?

2. Have yogurt for breakfast

2. Have yogurt for breakfast

According to some studies, lactobacillus (live bacteria or probiotics) can inhibit the absorption of fat in meals and even lower cholesterol. A skimmed yogurt with rolled oats and blueberries would be a healthy choice for breakfast.

And if you want more recipes with oats, do not miss these delicious ideas.

3. Eat without going overboard

3. Eat without going overboard

Get the portions right by measuring them by hand. Chicken and fish: What fits in the palm of the hand (without the fingers). Salad and vegetables: Both hands open. Rice, pasta, bread: What fits in a fist. Cheese: The equivalent of the size of your thumb. Fruit: A piece … or strawberries, grape, etc., which fits in the palm of the hand. What is a serving?

4. Yes to satiating fat

4. Yes to satiating fat

Nuts and seeds, avocado, olive oil, and oily fish contain satisfying healthy fats and, taken in moderation, are not fattening like red meat, pastries, and whole dairy products. Do you want to prepare this avocado stuffed with salmon?

5. Be careful! There is food that "widens"

5. Be careful! There is food that "widens"

To lose waistline, you must reduce fried foods, sausages and pastries, rich in "bad" fats, and refined sugars and carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice). Go comprehensive. If constipation and gas make you bloated and bloated, take fiber and drink water. Say goodbye to constipation with these simple tricks.

6. Less and often

6. Less and often

Better to eat less and more times a day. Do five feeds: 3 main meals and two snacks. This way you activate the metabolism and prevent fat from being stored in your abdomen and waist.

7. Before a craving …

7. Before a craving …

An oatmeal, cinnamon and cocoa milk shake takes away hunger and anxiety. Oatmeal is satiating and relaxing; cinnamon helps regulate sugar and prevents you from accumulating fat; and cocoa improves your mood. And it's great!

8. Dinner, light but complete

8. Dinner, light but complete

Dinner is the most fattening meal, because at the last minute the metabolism slows down. Do not eat only fruit (2 or 3 pieces), since the only thing you will achieve is that its sugar is transformed into fat while you sleep. It includes protein such as turkey, fish, egg … and don't forget the vegetables, it is filling and has few calories. If you are for dessert, have something light such as yogurt, a fruit or infusion. The perfect dinner is this.

9. Be careful with the sweetener

9. Be careful with the sweetener

Some studies suggest that taking artificial sweeteners could throw your metabolism out of balance and make you fat. It is best not to abuse and opt for sugar substitutes of natural origin, such as stevia or agave syrup.

10. The exercise that works best

10. The exercise that works best

To lose waist, you also have to exercise, and be consistent! Hypopressive abs are ideal for reducing the waist and achieving a flat stomach. You have to do them 3 to 5 times a week and alternate them with some aerobic exercise: cycling, walking, paddle tennis …


But not just any juice: 30 minutes before breakfast you can have a purifying juice. The one that we propose below prepares your body to burn more calories during the day. To do this, mix the juice of various citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange and lemon) and a little ginger. In this way, you speed up your metabolism.


According to some studies, lactobacillus (live bacteria or probiotics) can inhibit the absorption of fat in meals and even lower cholesterol. A skimmed yogurt with rolled oats and blueberries would be a healthy choice for breakfast.


Get the portions right by measuring them by hand:

  • Chicken and fish. What fits in the palm of the hand (without the fingers).
  • Salad and vegetables. Both hands open.
  • Rice, pasta, bread. What fits in a fist.
  • Cheese. The equivalent of the size of your thumb.
  • Fruit. One piece … or strawberries, grapes, etc., which fits in the palm of your hand.


Nuts and seeds, avocado, olive oil, and oily fish contain satisfying healthy fats and, taken in moderation, are not fattening like red meat, pastries, and whole dairy products.


To lose waistline, you must reduce fried foods, sausages and pastries, rich in "bad" fats, and refined sugars and carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice). Go comprehensive. If constipation and gas make you bloated and bloated, take fiber and drink water.


Better to eat less and more times a day. Do five meals: 3 main meals and two snacks. This way you activate the metabolism and prevent fat from being stored in your abdomen and waist.


An oatmeal, cinnamon and cocoa milk shake takes away hunger and anxiety. Oatmeal is satiating and relaxing; cinnamon helps regulate sugar and prevents you from accumulating fat; and cocoa improves your mood. And it's great!


Dinner is the most fattening meal, because at the last minute the metabolism slows down. Do not eat only fruit (2 or 3 pieces), since the only thing you will achieve is that its sugar is transformed into fat while you sleep. It includes protein such as turkey, fish, egg … and don't forget the vegetables, it is filling and has few calories. If you are for dessert, have something light such as yogurt, a fruit or infusion. Do you want to discover what the perfect dinner looks like?


Some studies suggest that taking artificial sweeteners could throw your metabolism out of balance and make you fat. It is best not to abuse and opt for sugar substitutes of natural origin, such as stevia or agave syrup.


To lose waist, you also have to exercise, and be consistent! Hypopressive abs are ideal for reducing the waist and achieving a flat stomach. You have to do them 3 to 5 times a week and alternate them with some aerobic exercise: cycling, walking, paddle tennis …