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10 surprising habits that leave your teeth yellow

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Why do your teeth turn yellow if you brush every day

Why do your teeth turn yellow if you brush every day

There can be many reasons. With the passage of time, the tooth loses its whiteness as the outermost layer, the enamel, weakens, which, when transparent, reveals the layer underneath, the dentin, which has a grayish-yellow color. But, in addition, we tell you many habits that we repeat day after day that can also stain our teeth and make them yellow.

What if you go clean?

What if you go clean?

Too aggressive brushing with a very stiff bristle brush or the use of an inappropriate mouthwash or more times than necessary can damage the enamel and make your teeth look yellow too soon. Be careful with chlorhexidine mouthwashes, the regular use of which can stain your teeth. It is preferable to do dental hygiene more often than intensive use of these rinses.

How do you dress the salad?

How do you dress the salad?

If you do it with vinegar, be careful because the acid damages the enamel. And if you use a sweeter vinegar, such as Modena, or a sauce, such as soy, they can color the teeth. The ideal is not to go overboard with these dressings and, after the meal, wait about 15 minutes to brush your teeth. As a general rule, it is not advisable to brush your teeth just after having consumed acidic foods, but to wait a little while to avoid damaging the enamel.

Do you drink your coffee short or long, with or without milk?

Do you drink your coffee short or long, with or without milk?

Short coffee stains the teeth less because its tannins remain less in the mouth. Even so, it is better to drink a little and rinse your mouth with water afterwards. And even better if you take it with milk, because according to a study published in the International Journal of Dental Hygiene, casein, a milk protein, "sticks" to tannins and drags them away, avoiding stains, thereby acting , according to the researchers, with a "whitening" effect.

If you drink a lot of water with lemon …

If you drink a lot of water with lemon …

It is a very acidic drink and the acids trigger a chemical reaction in the enamel that causes it to turn yellow. In addition, it weakens it because it also affects the calcium in the tooth. If you drink water with lemon to have a detox effect, you can replace it with an infusion such as horsetail, which is not aggressive with the teeth.

The foods that stain your teeth

The foods that stain your teeth

As a rule, if a food stains your clothes, it can stain your teeth. For example, they can do it blackberries or cherries, which are highly pigmented foods, but also vegetables such as spinach or artichokes. And it is not wisdom of being at home, but there are studies in this regard, such as one from the University of Zagreb (Croatia) that found that patients with stained teeth used to eat more beets. But do not be alarmed, you should not give up eating these foods, just brush after eating them.

Tea (not just black) also stains teeth

Tea (not just black) also stains teeth

Black, but also red, contain tannins that stain tooth enamel. In addition, they are drinks that are not drunk in one sip, but because they are long, they spend a while in the mouth, which means that their ability to stain the teeth is greater. In order not to give up its benefits, which are many, rinse off with tap water after drinking a cup of tea.

And the wine (yes, white too)

And the wine (yes, white too)

White wine does not stain as much as red wine - which contains many tannins, a substance that stains teeth a lot - but it is as acidic as this, and this acidity is what makes its consumption can damage the enamel and make it more porous and prone to be dyed in contact with coloring substances. For example, coffee has been found to stain teeth more if taken after a glass of white wine.

Be careful with carbonated and sugary drinks

Be careful with carbonated and sugary drinks

Carbonic acid erodes enamel. And what about sugar, which not only attacks the enamel but also increases the risk of cavities. But … to avoid great damage, it is best not to abuse and drink these drinks with a straw, so that they have as little contact as possible with the teeth. Of course, you always have to brush afterwards.

Teeth clenching also influences

Teeth clenching also influences

If you clench your teeth a lot due to nervous tension, you wear down the enamel and, as it wears, it reveals the yellowish color of the dentin that is left behind. Furthermore, damaged enamel is more susceptible to staining when consuming certain foods or beverages. During the day, try to put your tongue between your teeth to avoid clenching them and, at night, put on a discharge splint (which the dentist has to make custom).

Candies not only cause cavities …

Candies not only cause cavities …

Sugar attacks enamel and can cause tooth decay but… it can also stain it, because the bright colors that make candies so attractive, for example, are nothing more than food coloring.

We like white teeth. They are a symbol of youth, health and make our smile radiant. But … do you smile the same if you have yellow teeth? Surely not. To maintain a white and radiant smile and avoid stains on your teeth, check your habits, because teeth can be yellowed by things you do regularly such as the fruits or vegetables you eat, the drinks you drink or the way you brush your teeth …

Why do you have yellow teeth

The teeth are not nuclear white, it would not be natural. But it is true that over time, the natural color of white, which is highly determined by heredity, fades for various reasons, but basically because the enamel, the outer layer of the tooth, wears away and reveals the layer just below it, the dentin, which is grayish yellow.

But there are also everyday habits such as drinking tea or coffee or water with lemon, for example, that make your teeth yellow and that we tell you in the gallery. But, to make a summary, keep this in mind:

  • Avoid highly acidic foods, such as citrus fruits, vinegar …
  • Also very sugary foods or drinks.
  • And those that can "dye" because they are highly pigmented, such as beets or blackberries, tea, coffee, wine, etc.
  • Maintain good dental hygiene, but without exaggerating, because too intense brushing or too strong mouthwash can damage teeth.
  • Children's yellow teeth have a lot to do with their taking certain medications when they are young and their teeth are forming.

Yellow teeth from smoking

And no, we have not included in our gallery that you can have yellow teeth from smoking, because we hope it is not a habit you have. But if that were the case, you should know that tobacco also "stains" the enamel and can make it look grayish.

What can I do if I have yellow teeth

Go to your dentist and he will advise you on the professional whitening treatment that is best for you or if it is better to opt for porcelain veneers.

Home remedies for yellow teeth

We do not recommend them because the most common home remedies for teeth whitening, such as lemon bicarbonate, are actually too aggressive and can damage enamel.