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Light dinners that serve to purify and recover from Christmas excesses

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Zucchini stuffed with vegetables with prawns

Zucchini stuffed with vegetables with prawns

As you can see, light dinners don't have to be unappetizing. To make this, wash the zucchini and blanch it for 1 minute in salt water. Drain it, let it temper, peel it off and cut it in half lengthwise. Empty it a little, chop the pulp and reserve it. Sauté chopped onion along with pepper, carrot, tomato and the pulp that you had reserved and chopped garlic and parsley. Cook for about 10 minutes, add some cooked peeled prawns or prawns, salt and pepper and stir. Fill the zucchini with this preparation, bake them in the oven at 180º, about 10 minutes, and serve them.

  • Its powers. Garlic improves blood circulation and help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. And parsley is one of the vegetables with more iron and vitamin C, so it is very remineralizing, and it is also very diuretic, so it is very cleansing.

Torti-pizza with mushrooms and green pepper

Torti-pizza with mushrooms and green pepper

Make a French omelette; Spread with tomato sauce; Top with sliced ​​mushrooms, tomato cubes, green pepper strips and mozzarella; salt and pepper to taste and gratin it.

  • Its powers. Peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamins of group B and E, and a high content of beta-carotene. It is ideal for preventing the onset of degenerative and chronic diseases, as well as preventing cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Discover more recipes with easy and appetizing green peppers.

Zucchini noodles with egg and mushrooms

Zucchini noodles with egg and mushrooms

Using a knife, a potato peeler, or a spiralizer, make thin strips of zucchini. Sauté or scald them and mix them with mushrooms sautéed with garlic and parsley, and top with a boiled or soft-boiled egg (find out how to make the perfect egg here).

  • Its powers. Thanks to its high water content (95%), zucchini is ideal for staying hydrated and is one of the vegetables with the lowest caloric content. It is rich in minerals and vitamins and contains fiber and antioxidants, according to this study by Jacksonville State University. If you want to make the most of it, eat it with the skin, since most of its nutrients are found there.

For more ideas, don't miss our easy and irresistible zucchini recipes.

Baked salmon with broccoli

Baked salmon with broccoli

In a bowl, mix minced dill and garlic, honey, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. Spread the top of some washed salmon fillets with this preparation. Cover them with cling film and marinate for about 30 minutes. Remove the film, place the fish in an ovenproof dish with the skin facing down and roast it for 10 minutes in the oven preheated to 200º. While it's cooking, wash and chop the broccoli into twigs, and steam for 4 minutes. If you want it to be juicier, cover the baking dish with parchment paper. And if you want to save time, you can also make the salmon directly on the grill.

  • Its powers. Oily fish, such as salmon, is one of the staples of a cleansing diet because it is light and satiating, and a source of high-quality biological protein.

Discover more recipes with salmon: 20 delicious, healthy and very successful ideas.

Spinach with prawns gratin

Spinach with prawns gratin

Peel and chop onion and garlic. Póchalos with a little oil and reserve. Add some peeled prawns (they can be frozen), salt and pepper and sauté for a few minutes. Add some spinach and sauté a few more minutes, until the maximum amount of water has evaporated. Add the onion and garlic again and mix. Place it in ovenproof casseroles, sprinkle with cheese on top and gratin. If you want them to be lighter, skip the gratin and put a little cottage cheese instead of the gratin cheese.

  • Its powers. Spinach, like other green leafy vegetables, are rich in fiber, promote intestinal transit and have diuretic properties.

Here are more recipes with spinach that are irresistible and easy to make.

Grilled rabbit with grilled vegetables

Grilled rabbit with grilled vegetables

Heat a griddle or grill and roast zucchini slices, tomato wedges and asparagus in batches. Salt and pepper them all and keep them covered to keep them warm. Also grill the rabbit on the grill. And serve it all together, dressed with a mixture of olive oil and chopped parsley. If you want it to be juicier, macerate the rabbit before roasting it, sprinkling it with mustard and a splash of lemon juice.

  • Its powers. White meats, such as rabbit, turkey and chicken, are better digested than red meats and are more suitable for dinner. The rabbit also has a lot of protein and very little fat, so it is very suitable when you want to lose weight. Together with parsley and asparagus, which are both very cleansing, they make a perfect combination.

Artichokes with cuttlefish

Artichokes with cuttlefish

Eliminates the outer leaves, the tips and the central grain of the artichokes; wash them too, dry them and cut them into quarters. Boil them in plenty of salty water with a sprig of parsley. Cook for 15 minutes, until tender, and drain. While they cook, heat two tablespoons of oil in a non-stick pan, sauté garlic and add diced onion and bell pepper. Sauté until onion is transparent. Add the artichokes and diced cuttlefish and sauté for a few minutes. Add white wine and cook until the cuttlefish is tender. Salt and pepper, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

  • Its powers. The artichoke favors the regeneration of liver cells, the detox organ par excellence. It also lowers blood cholesterol, hindering the action of fats; improves digestion and is a great diuretic, which helps you not retain fluids and makes you feel less bloated. Here you have more cleansing foods.

Hake with ratatouille

Hake with ratatouille

Clean, wash and dry some hake loins; Season and brown them in a frying pan with a thread of oil for a couple of minutes on each side. And serve them on a ratatouille or a sanfaina, which is one of the easy and basic recipes that we can all make, or any vegetable you have on hand, sautéed or steamed.

  • Its powers. Hake is one of the most satisfying fish of all and one of the least fattening. Its white meat is easy to digest and is very tasty and, according to various studies, its regular consumption helped reduce abdominal fat.

Asparagus with egg and smoked salmon

Asparagus with egg and smoked salmon

Clean the asparagus and cut off the woody end. Arrange them on the tray of a steam pot, salt and pepper them, drizzle them with oil and, when the water is boiling, cook them, covered, for 4-5 minutes. Arrange the asparagus on plates, top with slices of marinated or smoked salmon and finish with a soft-boiled or boiled egg.

  • Its powers. Salmon is a good source of healthy omega 3s, and asparagus, rich in fiber, super light and highly diuretic, is one of the most cleansing foods out there. And they are highly indicated in the case of fluid retention or high blood pressure.

More delicious recipes with smoked salmon here.

Vegetable cream

Vegetable cream

Vegetable soups and creams are an excellent option for dinners after excesses. To make them more complete, you can combine them with some low-fat cheese or egg, nuts, or some noodles.

  • Its powers. Most vegetable soups and creams have diuretic effects and are easy to digest, which is why they are very suitable for dinner. If you add parsley, celery, leek, apple or asparagus, you will accentuate its purifying power. And if you want a broth that detoxifies you, deflates you and helps you lose weight, try our cleansing broth. Works!