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You can now buy tarte mascara in spain


Lights, Camera, Lashes 4-In-1 , that's the name of the mascara from the firm Tarte that has the Internet going crazy and that has just landed in our country at the hands of Sephora. We already announced that they had started to sell what, they say, is the best proofreader in the world and now we can't get over the excitement because things are very promising.

Those who have already tried it assure that it is capable of curling the eyelashes, lengthening them and giving them volume and all this without leaving those dreaded clumps that end up ruining all the makeup. The Lights, Camera, Lashes 4-In-1 mask is one of the most used in the tutorials of beauty gurus on YouTube and Instagram and seeing the before and after we are not surprised at all.

With these characteristics and given its fame, anyone could think that it will be one of those very expensive masks that are not worth it later, but no. It has a very affordable price (€ 24.95) even lower than the average of some other good quality masks. And above all, it has a plus, and that is that it contains vitamin C, provitamin B5, rice bran wax and olive ester so in addition to making up the eyelashes, it takes care of them and, above all, they prevent them from being damaged with the continued use of the makeup.

We are looking forward to trying it after all we have heard and read about it.

Mascara Lights, Camera, Lashes 4-In-1 Mascara by Tarte, 24.95 at Sephora AVAILABLE HERE

And if the same thing happens to you, pay attention because in addition to the mask individually, Sephora has prepared several packs that are worth it, like this one, which is one of our favorites.

Tarte at Sephora Picture Perfect Eye Kit, € 17.95 AVAILABLE HERE