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Do you go back to training after confinement? don't make these mistakes

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If you like to train outdoors, surely you have already gone out to mark some races and series away from home. So many days locked up is what she has … To enjoy this privilege without suffering you must be prudent and try not to fall into some of the most common mistakes when training again after a break. Take it seriously if you want to save yourself unnecessary inconvenience and injury.

Mistakes to avoid to enjoy your training

Wanting to do everything at once

You cannot pretend to start in the same place where you left off. After a sports break, you have to start little by little. Patience! You may notice that you improve quickly if you are used to exercising, since the body has memory, but you don't want to run too much. Going too fast can only have negative consequences . The most common: frustrations, abandonments and muscle or joint injuries. Come on, a mess.

As Fonsi sings, go “des-pa-cito”. Be patient, take it easy, and you'll start to see progress in no time.

Forget to warm up

Even if you can't wait to start your workout, don't be tempted to start exercising without doing a short warm-up. It is a very important aspect that we sometimes put aside and that helps us protect our heart, gradually increase the rhythm and improve our elasticity and our predisposition to get going. Our performance will improve and we will be preventing possible injuries. All are advantages!

Not adapting routines to your current state

Before resuming your training routines you should make an assessment of your physical condition. It is important to know your starting point. The ideal is to have the advice of a personal trainer who can evaluate all the factors to take into account, but if you are going to do it on your own it is essential that you adapt the sports routine to your needs. You can also do this test to find out how your physical condition is.

Take into account aspects such as your weight, the time you have not moved, if you have had an injury, if you suffer any discomfort … It is very possible that with confinement you have gained a few kilos. If so, don't start exercising with too much impact until you regain your normal weight. Your joints could suffer more than necessary and you are at risk of injury. Great care!

Practice only cardio

A good training routine should combine cardio and strength. Many times we become obsessed with losing weight and end up abusing cardiovascular work. This is a big mistake! It is true that it helps to burn fat faster and that it is more fun, but not training globally is a mistake, among other things because you can end up suffering from unsightly flaccidity. It is preferable to lose weight gradually, in a more controlled way and with everything "in place".

Spending time doing strength routines and incorporating weights into your training will reduce joint pain, improve your balance, prevent osteoporosis, and increase your muscle mass . In this way, you will not only be more toned, but your body will consume more calories in a state of rest. You will lose weight or maintain your ideal weight more easily in the long term.

Always do the same

Another common practice is to repeat the same training day after day. Always doing the same thing is a big mistake , since the body gets used to it and the exercise ends up not being as effective. It is also extremely monotonous and boring! Experts recommend varying physical activity and alternating the work of different muscle groups to achieve better results.

Not drinking enough water

During exercise we lose a lot of fluids, so we must replace them. Many times we do not hydrate properly and this can negatively influence our performance and even our health. A hydration adequate allows nutrients and oxygen are distributed properly by the body and muscles.

What is the most recommended drink to do it? Water! Drink water before, during and after physical activity to make sure you don't become dehydrated and suffer from symptoms such as cramps, dizziness, nausea and general malaise.

Eat little and work a lot

Some people make the mistake of doing a super session without having enough energy to do it. There are different theories about the advisability or dangers of training on an empty stomach, but there is unanimity on the need to eat healthy and according to our energy consumption. Sport and food go hand in hand. Adapting the diet to our workouts will help us improve our sports performance and achieve better results in the medium and long term.

Insufficient rest

Resting after a training routine is as important as the training itself. If you don't sleep well after exercising, your tissues won't get oxygenated and won't be able to repair themselves one hundred percent. This can have disastrous effects on your muscles and the rest of the body.

On the other hand, most coaches recommend not training every day. It is wise to be active on a daily basis, but pounding yourself relentlessly can overload your muscles and put you into a state of chronic fatigue known as "overtraining." In most cases, it is advisable to stop one or two days a week.

Do not stretch

Never stop dry after playing sports or go home without stretching. It is essential that you finish your routine with some stretches. Stretching helps the heart recover and progressively relaxes the muscles , preventing injuries and muscle cramps. Never forget to do it. Also, stylize the figure!