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Vitamin d: how and where to get your daily dose during confinement

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Vitamin D is one of the most important for our body. As explained by Dr. Jhoan Silva, director of Elma's medical team , “this vitamin is essential for our body. It is important in bone metabolism mainly and the mineralization of our bones, but it also has a regulatory role in the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, strengthens the immune system and helps maintain skin health among other things ”.

20% of vitamin D is obtained through food

The problem that arises at the moment is that approximately 80% of this vitamin is obtained through the sun's rays and now, staying at home all day, it is difficult for us to put ourselves under the star king. Except for the privileged ones who have a terrace or garden, we are not lucky enough to take advantage of all the benefits that the sun provides us. Then what do we do? The remaining 20% ​​is achieved through food, so we must incorporate products that guarantee this nutritional contribution to the diet.

Foods with vitamin D

“For vitamin D to be activated, you need a little sun exposure and these days it is difficult. It is advisable to look out the window or the balcony for a few minutes and increase the consumption of foods rich in this vitamin, such as seafood, fatty fish (tuna, salmon, bonito, sardines, anchovies, mackerel …), avocado, eggs, dairy products, cereals, meats, mushrooms and mushrooms ”, recommends Mar Lázaro , an expert in nutrition and aesthetic medicine.

Vitamin C supplementation, yes or no?

But… is it enough to include foods rich in vitamin D in the diet and look out the window from time to time or is it necessary to resort to supplements that contain it? Most specialists agree that supplements are only necessary when an analysis determines the lack of this vitamin or any other essential substance for our body … Never before!

“Supplements should be taken if there is a vitamin D deficiency. The problem is that now you probably can't get a blood test to find out. Until having the confirmation of said deficiency, it is advisable to limit yourself to following a healthy, varied and balanced diet, which provides all the necessary nutrients, including this vitamin ”, points out Dr. María José Crispín, from Clínica Menorca.