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Varicose veins on the legs: why do they come out and how to eliminate them

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We already have good weather here. How good! But those who have varicose veins or spider veins know that it is time to suffer more with their legs. On the one hand, that feeling of heaviness and cramps is accentuated,  and, on the other, we want to lighten our outfits with shorts and little dresses , but there are those unsightly veins that disfigure the legs …

Pay attention to them

Spider veins, those prominent veins that are seen with the naked eye on the skin, are the first phase of a circulatory problem that can evolve into the appearance of more veins or some of them turning into varicose veins. In extreme cases, clots may even appear that can lead to thrombosis. But let's not be tremendous, let's see what causes them and how to improve them or make them disappear, which is what it is about.

Why do varicose veins appear

It is a circulatory disorder that has a lot to do with:

  • The genetic factor. If there have been previously cases of varicose veins in the family, there is a predisposition to inherit the circulatory disorder.
  • The pregnancy. They can appear because abdominal compression hinders circulation.
  • The sedentary lifestyle. Standing or sitting for a long time causes stagnation in blood flow that can cause varicose veins. Yes, we already know what you are thinking, that this confinement has not helped much. Teleworking or not, and regardless of the de-escalation phase you are in, physical activity is very important to avoid that congestion in the veins. Medical specialists (angiologists and phlebologists) assure that one of the main ways to prevent them or stop their worsening is by moving, either practicing exercise, dancing or, simply, walking.
  • A bad diet. Salt or processed foods that contain it are inadvisable because they raise blood pressure.

Surely you have also heard about how contraceptives influence, wearing heels, crossing your legs … Find out what is true and what is myth about poor circulation.

What can I do to end varicose veins?

To eliminate them, angiologists and phlebologists recommend, above all, an initial Doppler ultrasound (a non-invasive test that calculates the flow of blood in the blood vessels) to check the state of the circulation and determine which treatment is the most appropriate.

The treatment will be aesthetic (for the result), but the important thing is that it will be functional and will make your spider veins or varicose veins and their annoying symptoms disappear. Of course, do not forget that once they disappear, there is the "risk" that they may reappear due to your genetic predisposition, but your collaboration will be essential there, that is, that you follow a good diet and stay active. Even if you don't leave the house, there is no excuse, you already know that there are many exercises you can do.

The most effective treatments for spider veins or varicose veins

  • The laser for spider veins. It passes through the skin and heats the vein, causing clotting to occur and disappear. No anesthesia is needed and cold air is usually applied (it cools the skin to protect it from the laser light). They are eliminated in 4 or 5 sessions.
  • Sclerotherapy for varicose veins. It consists of injecting a substance into the varicose veins that causes them to be reabsorbed without having to remove them. It is an outpatient intervention and recovery is quick, but it may require several sessions.

On many occasions, both techniques are usually combined.

And how can I alleviate the symptoms of varicose veins?

Feeling of heaviness, cramps, burning … Do you recognize yourself? To alleviate them, we have selected some nutritional supplements that improve circulation, and gels and creams that relieve these annoying symptoms, which are aggravated by heat, because it makes the veins dilate more. 

Ah! And since this dilation makes them even more visible, while you decide whether to do a treatment or not, we have also included in our gallery a product that you will love: makeup for the legs. No, it is not a self tanner. You apply it as the base of the face and, apart from achieving a medium effect, you hide any imperfections, such as spider veins. Then, to eliminate it, a shower and that's it!

We already have good weather here. How good! But those who have varicose veins or spider veins know that it is time to suffer more with their legs. On the one hand, that feeling of heaviness and cramps is accentuated,  and, on the other, we want to lighten our outfits with shorts and little dresses , but there are those unsightly veins that disfigure the legs …

Pay attention to them

Spider veins, those prominent veins that are seen with the naked eye on the skin, are the first phase of a circulatory problem that can evolve into the appearance of more veins or some of them turning into varicose veins. In extreme cases, clots may even appear that can lead to thrombosis. But let's not be tremendous, let's see what causes them and how to improve them or make them disappear, which is what it is about.

Why do varicose veins appear

It is a circulatory disorder that has a lot to do with:

  • The genetic factor. If there have been previously cases of varicose veins in the family, there is a predisposition to inherit the circulatory disorder.
  • The pregnancy. They can appear because abdominal compression hinders circulation.
  • The sedentary lifestyle. Standing or sitting for a long time causes stagnation in blood flow that can cause varicose veins. Yes, we already know what you are thinking, that this confinement has not helped much. Teleworking or not, and regardless of the de-escalation phase you are in, physical activity is very important to avoid that congestion in the veins. Medical specialists (angiologists and phlebologists) assure that one of the main ways to prevent them or stop their worsening is by moving, either practicing exercise, dancing or, simply, walking.
  • A bad diet. Salt or processed foods that contain it are inadvisable because they raise blood pressure.

Surely you have also heard about how contraceptives influence, wearing heels, crossing your legs … Find out what is true and what is myth about poor circulation.

What can I do to end varicose veins?

To eliminate them, angiologists and phlebologists recommend, above all, an initial Doppler ultrasound (a non-invasive test that calculates the flow of blood in the blood vessels) to check the state of the circulation and determine which treatment is the most appropriate.

The treatment will be aesthetic (for the result), but the important thing is that it will be functional and will make your spider veins or varicose veins and their annoying symptoms disappear. Of course, do not forget that once they disappear, there is the "risk" that they may reappear due to your genetic predisposition, but your collaboration will be essential there, that is, that you follow a good diet and stay active. Even if you don't leave the house, there is no excuse, you already know that there are many exercises you can do.

The most effective treatments for spider veins or varicose veins

  • The laser for spider veins. It passes through the skin and heats the vein, causing clotting to occur and disappear. No anesthesia is needed and cold air is usually applied (it cools the skin to protect it from the laser light). They are eliminated in 4 or 5 sessions.
  • Sclerotherapy for varicose veins. It consists of injecting a substance into the varicose veins that causes them to be reabsorbed without having to remove them. It is an outpatient intervention and recovery is quick, but it may require several sessions.

On many occasions, both techniques are usually combined.

And how can I alleviate the symptoms of varicose veins?

Feeling of heaviness, cramps, burning … Do you recognize yourself? To alleviate them, we have selected some nutritional supplements that improve circulation, and gels and creams that relieve these annoying symptoms, which are aggravated by heat, because it makes the veins dilate more. 

Ah! And since this dilation makes them even more visible, while you decide whether to do a treatment or not, we have also included in our gallery a product that you will love: makeup for the legs. No, it is not a self tanner. You apply it as the base of the face and, apart from achieving a medium effect, you hide any imperfections, such as spider veins. Then, to eliminate it, a shower and that's it!

Relieves the feeling of heaviness and burning

Relieves the feeling of heaviness and burning

The heat makes legs with varicose veins heavier and cramps appear more often. To combat these symptoms and get the legs you want even with high temperatures, you can finish your shower with jets of cold water from the ankles to the knees and give yourself an upward massage with a cold effect gel or one of the specific creams that improve circulation. .


€ 7.35 € 15.61

Vitiven: Ultra-cold Massage Gel

How pleasant is the feeling of freshness when we feel tired or burning in our legs ! With a massage of this Arkopharma gel you will feel how they are lightened. Made from red vine, butcher's broom, witch hazel and horse chestnut extracts, which promote circulation, it also has a pleasant cooling effect that provides well-being and relief to the legs.


€ 13.97

Soivre: Tired Legs Cold Spray

If you need an immediate effect, yours is the spray format. It combines plant ingredients with the cool effect of menthol to instantly comfort, decongest and calm the skin of the legs, as well as hydrating them.

The English Court

€ 8.40 € 12

Collistar: Cold Boots Mask

Lie down and let it work for you. The anti-fatigue effect of this mask in boot format for feet and calves will enchant you. With only 20 minutes, it will be as if you had gone through a spa, you will be able to nourish and refresh your legs. It has a double layer of fabric: inside it is impregnated with a rich serum with active ingredients and the outer layer creates an occlusive effect that amplifies the properties of the active ingredients. Take advantage of the relaxing moment to also benefit from a mask on your face. Multimasking session!


€ 8.84

E'lifexir: Actidren leg cream

We love multi-purpose creams. And this one, from Phergal Laboratories, in addition to activating microcirculation, helps drain and reduce accumulated fluids in knees and ankles. The improvement in circulation is achieved thanks to its Varitonic complex, which contains arnica montana and vitis vinifera, which help protect blood vessels. It is tested under dermatological control and can also be used by pregnant women.


€ 10.63 € 12.22

Pranarom: circulatory gel

If you are a lover of natural cosmetics, this gel is formulated based on 100% pure essential oils and vegetables . It is specially enriched with calophyll vegetable oil, which improves circulation and gives a pleasant sensation of freshness. It is recommended to apply a gel nut 2 to 3 times a day on the affected area and massage lightly until its complete penetration, from the bottom up.

Help yourself also from within

Help yourself also from within

There are herbal infusions with venoprotective properties (they fight venous insufficiency and strengthen capillaries), which can help improve circulation in the legs. Among them are the butcher's broom, the red vine, the horse chestnut or the ginkgo biloba. Of course, you can also resort to nutritional supplements in the format of tablets and ampoules, but you should know that both in the case of infusions and in supplements, you must be very constant to obtain the best results.


€ 8.57 € 10.21

Venoforte: drinkable ampoules

High temperatures together with a sedentary life are key factors for the appearance of symptoms when suffering from venous insufficiency. Leg heaviness, tingling and cramps, especially at the end of the day, are exacerbated in summer and are indicative of poor circulation in the legs. To improve them, Venoforte Legs Ligeras is a treatment in ampoules (also available in capsules), which, thanks to a formula rich in red vine, butcher's broom, witch hazel and horse chestnut, helps the circulation of the legs and reduces the feeling of heaviness.


€ 16.87 € 19.40

Aquilea: Light Legs tablets

We already know that standing or sitting for many hours, genetic predisposition or a poor diet can affect venous return in the legs, causing the appearance of spider veins or varicose veins. A good help are food supplements, such as this one from Aquilea, which contains a combination of bioflavonoids (diosmin, rutin, hesperidin) and plants such as butcher's broom and horse chestnut, in addition to Vitamin C.

Buttock provides a feeling of lightness in the legs and horse chestnut helps normal venous circulation, while vitamin C contributes to the formation of collagen for the normal functioning of blood vessels. The box contains 60 tablets and they are taken two a day.


€ 19.99 € 30.52

Humalik: Light legs two in one

Why a two in one? Because it is a pack in & out for light legs . It contains two products formulated with natural ingredients: one with internal action to activate circulation (60 tablets) and a refreshing gel to combat the effects of venous insufficiency, such as the feeling of heaviness and cramps.

How to hide varicose veins

How to hide varicose veins

The appearance of spider veins (known in medical terms as telangiectasias) or that of varicose veins, bothers us especially in spring-summer, when we tend to show our legs more. To improve its appearance there are pharmacological products, which can be very useful as a follow-up treatment at home if you have venous sclerosis. Or cosmetics, like leg makeup.


€ 21.13 € 25.60

Trofolastin: Angiogel

It is a dermo-cosmetic that allows the normalization of unsightly pigmentation of the skin, such as the possible bruises that can occur after a venous sclerosis treatment - injections of a substance in the affected area, which allow the vein to close and the varicose vein to disappear. or a phlebectomy - removal of varicose veins through an outpatient operation.


€ 21.31

Remescar: Varicose and spider vein cream

This cream strengthens the wall of the veins and reduces the appearance of spider veins. Forms a long-lasting, breathable, occlusive layer over and around the affected skin. Due to its phospholipid content, a film is formed that allows the perfect absorption of the cream through the lipid barrier of the skin. After 6-8 weeks of continuous use, spider vein redness is reduced by up to 50%.

Does the brand sound familiar to you? Perhaps you have heard of Remescar droopy eyelids.


€ 25.95

Skin Doctors: Vein Away plus cream

This cream promises to reduce the color of spider veins in 4-6 weeks thanks to its formulation with retinyl palmitate, a more stable version of retinol, and vitamin K, which helps to brighten the appearance of capillaries. It is recommended to apply the cream generously and massage the area for the best results.


€ 9.45 € 13.50

Sally Hansen: Leg Makeup

For a medium effect with a nice shade, this lightweight leg makeup, Aibrush Legs, covers up freckles, spider veins and blemishes. It is very easy to apply and, if you wait a few minutes, it will not stain your clothes. It is waterproof, but it goes perfectly in the shower when you scrub it with soap and water.