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Emma stone stars in the movie battle of the sexes

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On September 22, Battle of the Sexes , the film based on the story of tennis player Billie Jean King , opens in the US . In 1973 she faced the misogynist Bobby Riggs - played by Steve Carell - in a match that was, more than a victory for her, a victory for all women.

So far everything normal, it could seem an interesting adaptation of one of the most remembered tennis matches of recent times - and of everything that was lived before, after and everything that it meant for feminism - until you look at the protagonist of the film.

Is it Emma Stone?

Yes, yes, although it may not seem like it, the Oscar winner for Lalaland gets fully into the tennis player's shoes and her characterization is most accurate. An (almost) unrecognizable Emma Stone with darker hair than usual, wearing glasses and looking more seventies than ever, leads us directly to the Houston Astrodome. If you don't believe it, watch the video.

The actress has us accustomed to her everlasting red hair - or blonde, it depends - and to some looks that tend to border on perfection on the red carpet - that's why we chose her as one of the best hairstyles and dresses of the Oscars 2017 - so We are surprised by such a change. Yes, we know it's for this movie but we can't help but miss its ripples.

The film is not only about the highly commented –and followed– tennis match, but also delves into the sexuality of the tennis player who declared openly homosexual in 1981. A story of overcoming, struggle, fear, liberation and feminism that laid the foundations for a social change that continues to inspire us today. A figure who continues to be one of the main figures of feminism and the defense of LGTB groups in the United States.

We still do not know when the film will be released in Spain but what we do know is that it will be talked about and that in the writing we are already dying to see Stone as Billie Jean King and Steve Carell challenging her in the purest alpha male style .