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Tricks to make your house smell clean (and none is lighting a candle)

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Those who know me know. I am quite obsessed with the smells in my house. I live in an apartment with an open kitchen and, although it is very practical, the bad smells generated by cooking fish or the garbage can, for example, bring me down the path of bitterness. Sometimes I even lose the desire to cook! In addition, I have a beautiful kitten who with his food and his litter box also contributes to exaggerating my anti-odor crusade.

Over the years I have tried many products and techniques to try to keep bad smells at bay and I am going to tell you about the ones that do work for me. And spoiler, neither is lighting a candle - although I love them, eh, but by the time the house smells good - or spraying air freshener throughout the house. Because, in my opinion, there is nothing more unpleasant than trying to mask a bad smell with the powerful fragrance of an artificial air freshener. Let's go there!

Those who know me know. I am quite obsessed with the smells in my house. I live in an apartment with an open kitchen and, although it is very practical, the bad smells generated by cooking fish or the garbage can, for example, bring me down the path of bitterness. Sometimes I even lose the desire to cook! In addition, I have a beautiful kitten who with his food and his litter box also contributes to exaggerating my anti-odor crusade.

Over the years I have tried many products and techniques to try to keep bad smells at bay and I am going to tell you about the ones that do work for me. And spoiler, neither is lighting a candle - although I love them, eh, but by the time the house smells good - or spraying air freshener throughout the house. Because, in my opinion, there is nothing more unpleasant than trying to mask a bad smell with the powerful fragrance of an artificial air freshener. Let's go there!



Basic but essential. Ventilate the house every morning for 15 minutes, winter or summer. If you can create cross ventilation, the better. It is a gesture that costs nothing and does wonders for the atmosphere of your home. From April to October, which, at least in Barcelona, ​​is no longer cold, I love to leave a couple of windows a little open all day.

In fact, according to the Ministry of Health, ventilating the house is one of the first hygienic measures you can take to keep your house away from viruses.

Goodbye, loaded atmosphere!

Baking soda and essential oil in the garbage can

Baking soda and essential oil in the garbage can

In addition to taking out the trash once a day, here is a very easy trick so that your kitchen or house always smells good. When you put in the new bag, sprinkle a little baking soda on the bottom and add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. I really like citronella or lavender. Seriously, you're going to be amazed at how good your kitchen will smell. The bicarbonate absorbs bad odors and with the essential oil you lightly perfume the entire area.

Oh, and remember that at least once a month you have to clean the garbage cans well. You can do it in the bathtub, it is very practical.


€ 12.97

Essential oils

Essential oils have many uses, to clean and perfume the house they go very well. I will explain some trick to you later.

Clean surfaces

Clean surfaces

Every day you have to clean the most used surfaces in your house: kitchen and sink countertops, dining room table, desk … And more in times of coronavirus! It is a gesture that takes you no more than 30 seconds and contributes to the good appearance and smell of your home. I use a homemade mix that works quite well for me.

Homemade multipurpose cleaner

You need an empty spray can. Fill it with:

  • 1/3 of alcohol of 96º
  • 2/3 of water
  • A mini splash of dishwasher

The "recipe" is from @marinacabero.


€ 3.94

Multi-use cleaner

If you prefer a conventional all-purpose cleaner, Sanytol's smells very very good. I also really like Mercadona's disinfectant cleaner.

Jet of cleaner in the toilet

Jet of cleaner in the toilet

You can now put the candles or air fresheners you want, that if your bathroom is not very clean, it will smell bad. In addition to cleaning regularly (it's only 5 minutes), I have a trick that works very well. Once a day, I squirt the cleaner into the bowl and let it work until the next time I need to flush. Take the opportunity to put the cleaner just after making larger waters …

If you add to this gesture the advice of passing a multipurpose cloth every day over the sink, your bathroom will always smell good. Guaranteed!

Textile disinfectant on the sofa

Textile disinfectant on the sofa

The textiles in your home can be the cause of your home smelling good or bad. In addition to washing them regularly, a trick to freshen them up is to use a fabric spray, there are some that kill bacteria and everything. Two or three times a week you can spray spray on your sofa, you will see how good it smells.

If you have pets, as is my case, wash their bed once every 15 days. The atmosphere of your home will appreciate it.

Textile air freshener

Textile air freshener

Zara Home have a line of textile air fresheners with wonderful scents.

Green Herbs textile air freshener from Zara Home, € 9.99

Wash the sheets

Wash the sheets

Once a week wash your sheets. And once a month, the cushions and blankets on the sofa and also on the bed. It's a must-have cleaning habit to keep your bedroom smelling good.

Mikado diffusers

Mikado diffusers

They are great to perfume your house in a subtle way. You can make rattan or bamboo sticks (skewer sticks) and make the air freshener yourself with essential oils.

Homemade mikado air freshener

Pour the ingredients into a glass jar, if you have a narrow mouth, the better. If not, a glass jar of jam will do.

  • Half a cup of almond oil or some other odorless
  • 20 drops of the essential oil that you like the most
  • Two tablespoons of 70º alcohol

If you prefer what is done, the Zara Home ones smell great.

Citrus with cloves

Citrus with cloves

I love making this homemade air freshener. It is very easy and, in addition, it keeps flies and mosquitoes away from your home. You just have to split a lemon and stick nail sticks into it, worth the redundancy. It can also be made into an orange or a lime. Distribute two or three halves for the areas of your house that you are interested in deodorizing. It smells amazing, I give you my word.

Inside plants

Inside plants

Did you know that there are certain indoor plants that purify the air in your house ? According to a NASA study, sansevieria (super trendy, too), dracans, ivy, or living room palm trees really contribute to a fresher, more toxic-free home.