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Tricks not to gain weight (even if you are at home locked up by quarantine)

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The change in habits that confinement and the time we have been at home have forced us to are testing our patience and our will not to destroy the pantry. Surely, you don't need theory because you already know what to eat and what not to eat and what to do sports, stay active while at home … But this, after so much time at home, is being complicated, especially , due to an emotional issue, because motivation fails … We understand you and that is why we tell you what you can do to stay at a healthy weight.

The change in habits that confinement and the time we have been at home have forced us to are testing our patience and our will not to destroy the pantry. Surely, you don't need theory because you already know what to eat and what not to eat and what to do sports, stay active while at home … But this, after so much time at home, is being complicated, especially , due to an emotional issue, because motivation fails … We understand you and that is why we tell you what you can do to stay at a healthy weight.

Do you love clothes? Your illusion is your motivation

Do you love clothes? Your illusion is your motivation

Forget about the tights and comfortable clothes with which you go home. Grab your favorite outfits and spend some time in front of the mirror making new combinations. Keeping the line to show off those baggy paper bags that you love is sure enough motivation not to go overboard with food and to train in the mornings or afternoons with Patry Jordan. You can even make a small wardrobe change and start incorporating summer clothes … Or hang on the computer and look at the fashion news that we tell you at CLARA to start thinking about new outfits …

Don't spend the day thinking about food

Don't spend the day thinking about food

One of the phenomena that has accompanied the #yomequedoencasa is that the images of food have spread like wildfire through the networks. Everywhere you are bombarded with images of someone experimenting with bread or pizza dough or making more cakes than Alma Obregón. And it is almost impossible that you also not put your hands in the dough and upload photos to your Instagram. But it is better to open a path to creative salads or, directly, avoid for a while these accounts that you know will lead you to think about food more than is desirable …

Don't cook every day

Don't cook every day

If you have children at home, it is not so easy to avoid making more than a salad, but try not to cook every day by making more of a preparation and freezing to have for other times … It is another way to avoid occasions to peck, if not having to think too much about meals … Plan your menus so that the leftovers from one meal can be used for others and / or sign up for batch cooking and cook one day for the whole week.

Make a healthy purchase

Make a healthy purchase

After the role of toilet, what is most devastated on the supermarket shelves with confinement are snacks and cookies … But that's good news. If you don't take temptations home with you, it's easier to avoid them. So making a purchase of fresh (fruit, vegetables, fish …) and basics (oil, canned vegetables …) will help you make more balanced menus and avoid cravings or uncontrolled snacking. (And if you already have temptations at home, put them in opaque tapers and in high cabinets, less accessible). Here's a healthy shopping list to make it easy for you.

Take up (or discover) a hobby

Take up (or discover) a hobby

Do you like to paint? Have you had a scarf started for months? Does the guitar collect dust in a corner of the room? It is time to dedicate that time that you do not usually have for those hobbies that you love. And also to give a chance to others who have not dared to start because your schedule was already quite full. Have you always wanted to play the piano? Well, look for a tutorial online and get to it … And so your head will be on other things that absorb you and you love and they are neither sweets nor snacks.

Yes, you must treat yourself

Yes, you must treat yourself

If you think that you should deprive yourself of everything, a day will come that without being able to avoid it, you will destroy what is put in front of you. It is better to control the quirks by indulging in them. If you know that one day a week you can have a portion of that ice cream that you love, you will have much less anxiety and it will surely make you peck less sweet. Cleavage your "peccadillos" and see when to fit them into your diet. For example, if you are going to have ice cream, make it a snack and then have a very light dinner. That way it won't weigh you down.

Manage your stress

Manage your stress

Anxiety and nervousness is what most leads us to assault the kitchen. Therefore, finding ways to manage stress helps you not gain weight. Some get it with mindfulness, with yoga … Other people need to do sports and others prefer to feel absorbed by reading. The important thing is that you find your way or ways of "distracting" and reducing tension. Have you already tried painting mandalas?

Fill your gaps with broth and infusions

Fill your gaps with broth and infusions

Yes, there is a time when food fills emotional "voids". Since it's not really hunger that drives you, why not fill it with a cup of unsalted vegetable broth or a warm infusion? It will fill you up and it won't weigh you down. In fact, it is a great way to manage hunger that is often used a lot in the intermittent fasting diet during the hours when you cannot eat. So we have the proof that it works.

Vermouth moment with friends, essential

Vermouth moment with friends, essential

Yes, it helps not to gain weight, because feeling that you continue to have your loved ones close -family, friends- even if it is making a virtual vermouth makes you not need to take refuge in food to cover a deficit of affection. Laughing with your people with a beer in hand and some olives is almost as fun as doing it on a terrace. Don't deprive yourself, but have a healthy tapas. Because the important thing is the company and not what you eat.

When you eat, just eat

When you eat, just eat

It is easy that the mobile is always in your hand when you are eating, whatever the food is, and that this distracts you from what you put in your mouth, robbing you of moments of full satisfaction (and delaying the message of satiety that reaches the brain, causing you to eat more). Better that you leave it away from the table - because you have to set the table to eat and the prettier, the better - and that you enjoy every bite. Not only will it take away your hunger for a longer time but you will have that satisfaction that it gives to eat and that then you will not have to search between meals in sweets or snacks.

If you are going to snack, choose apples or carrots

If you are going to snack, choose apples or carrots

They are foods that force you to chew, they are hard and dense. It takes time to eat them. It is not like putting a peanut in your mouth or some sweets, which you make disappear from the bag in zero coma. In addition, they provide very few calories despite their volume. They are a sure snack that you can afford.

You always have things to do

You always have things to do

No, you haven't been home so long that you don't have too many "to do's" on your list. You may have thoroughly cleaned, sorted papers and selected clothes to wear and donate, but have you put your photos in order? Have you checked the invoices? Surely you still have a good amount of things to do that will help you occupy your mind with things other than food.

And yes, the drink also makes you fat

And yes, the drink also makes you fat

We don't usually take it into account, but the calories in the drink are calories after all. And those of alcoholic beverages much more. They are "hidden calories", that is, calories that we do not usually take into account. But they all add up. So do not give up the vermouth beer or have some wines with your boy or toast at Sunday lunch, but that they are specific moments, do not incorporate them as something usual because you are in quarantine.