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Tricks to avoid skin irritation when using a mask

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Living with a mask is part of our new normal and we are already more than familiar with them, right? We know all the types there are, where and how to use them and how to wash them if they are reusable. It is incredible how, in a matter of months, we have adapted our entire lives to the situation , and that includes changes in our family, social, work life, the way we shop, clean our house or how we take care of ourselves and protect ourselves.

In the meantime change, the use of the mask is one of the most notable and is that now its use is mandatory and we do not know for how long it will continue to be so. What do we have left? Well, accept it and do our part to make it as bearable as possible and with the minimum risks for our skin due to its continued use.

We drank seriously and skin care of our face to tackle the main problems of pi and l, good for acne, redness, blemishes or signs of aging such as wrinkles, loss of firmness and hydration. For this we have established a correct morning and night beauty routine plus the necessary care throughout the day that is very important, such as reapplying sunscreen or moisturizing mist. But, beware, that with the mask these cares require a small twist of the screw, and that is that using a mask daily can irritate our skin and, we already know, prevention is better than cure.

We have already talked about the best moisturizing creams for this stage in which we have to use a mask and also the changes that should be made in skin care with the arrival of this new accessory, but regardless, there are tricks and tips that we can start up in a simple way as a prevention and then we will appreciate both in beauty and health.

And this is important whether you wear the mask for hours to work or if you wear it to walk or go shopping. Keeping our face protected with a mask can end up causing undesirable side effects, such as acne breakouts, dryness, inflammation, irritation … But, peace of mind, since with small gestures we can avoid it.

Tricks to prevent your skin from being irritated when using a mask

  • Use the mask as necessary . It seems obvious but it is never wrong to remember it again. We are clear that the use of the mask is mandatory in public transport, closed spaces and on public roads in the event that the two meters distance cannot be guaranteed, but we must not forget that any friction of fabric against the skin can cause friction and irritation, so whenever we do it from safety we let the skin breathe.
  • We have to be aware that our skin routine has to change. Ideally, apply our creams an hour before using the mask or, if it is impossible, avoid unctuous products that leave moisture under the fabric . With our own breath we generate too much moisture, not to mention that, especially in summer, we sweat more and our pores open more. It is also important to use ultra-soft products that are as neutral as possible , and avoid those with exfoliating action. The action of these products on a skin that cannot breathe can damage the outer layer of the skin and irritate it. At this stage it is much better to use soothing and regenerating products in the form of balms and oils than other creams with a lot of active ingredient.
  • Pay attention to your nighttime facial routine. We already know that in the morning we hydrate and protect and at night we try to regenerate our skin from all the damage of the day. That is why there are specific products for day and night, because the needs of our skin are different depending on the time of day. Well, with the use of a mask even more, take advantage of the night to pamper the skin to the maximum and have it prepared for the 'aggression' that is covered so many hours during the day.
  • Get serious about cleaning your skin . Always and now more. In addition to morning and evening, the ideal is to cleanse the skin each time you remove the mask. It may seem like a hassle but it is a matter of getting into a routine. Under the mask sweat, oil from the skin itself, dirt, makeup accumulates … Not having a clean pore can clog it and cause pimples or, beyond that, serious acne breakouts.
  • Don't forget about sun protection. Even if we wear part of our face covered, do not stop protecting the areas exposed to the sun. This is important. And more taking into account that in prominent areas of the face such as the forehead, the sun shines a lot and spots may even appear. The area around the eyes is very sensitive and your skin is four times thinner than the rest of the face, so protect it and avoid greater evils. Take a look at these sun creams for face: pharmacy and for less than 15 euros.
  • Don't use makeup base! We are flirtatious women, but you do not know how grateful the skin is to get rid of makeup from time to time. Now we have no excuse. Highlight your look using a good concealer, either mascara, eyebrow products, shadows or a super eyeliner. The limit is up to you! Now that you are, do it like an expert and discover which shade of shadow will suit you best according to the color of your eyes.
  • The choice of the mask. As with underwear, dermatologists recommend the use of masks made of a soft and organic fabric such as cotton than synthetics that perspire much worse. If they are reusable, wash them properly to avoid risks.