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How to clean the house fast and tricks to keep it clean

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There are very few people who enjoy cleaning. Come on, it is not one of the activities that nobody would put in their top 10. But, on the other hand, everyone likes to be in a clean and orderly environment … And this is where we enter into paradoxes and contradictions. As long as they do not invent the robot that (really good) leaves the house sparkling, or as long as we do not win the lottery and we can hire the famous butler on TV, we have no choice but to clean our homes. And that is where popular wisdom must be applied with that of "the cleanest is not the cleanest but the least dirty." Well, since life is much more than spending Saturday with a mocho in hand, sign up these tricks so that when you have to clean, it lasts much longer and you can clean less at home.

Prohibits entry to dust

  • Windows closed. Remember that 10-15 minutes is enough to ventilate a room. So the best way to keep dirt from the street out is to keep your windows closed during the day. At night is when there is less movement in the street and, therefore, when less dust is raised.
  • Mosquito nets. They are the best resource to be able to have the windows open without "risk". There are even antipolen, whose tissue acts as a kind of shield.
  • Doormats. The usual solution for cleaning shoes before entering the house. Now, in addition, those made of vinyl fiber are capable of retaining dust and mud.

Your best allies

  • Microfiber cloths. Use lint-free chamois, cloths, and dusters, such as microfiber cloths. If not, the surfaces will not finish being clean and you will multiply your effort. And don't forget to clean them after use.
  • Disposable wipes. Keep disposable cleaning wipes on hand in the kitchen and bathroom. They are very practical to immediately resolve small liquid drops, accidental stains and touch-ups without having to remove the entire cleaning arsenal.
  • Specific mops. For wooden floors, for example, there are special mops with the built-in cleaner, which protect the floor from dirt for longer.

Products with antistatic effect

  • For furniture and floors, look for multipurpose and cleaners with this effect (there are them for all types of surfaces). Not only do they trap dust better, but they then have a "repellent" effect that keeps furniture dirt-free for longer. Dust dusters have the same effect.
  • Specific pre- moistened wipes are available for computer, tablet and television screens that remove dust and dirt without scratching them and also prevent smudges and fingerprints.

How to cook without staining

The key is to combat splashes and not let waste build up:

  • Place a non-slip mat in front of the vitro or stove so that splashes do not fall directly on the floor. This way you will avoid stepping on them and leaving footprints all over the kitchen.
  • There are also panels that protect the wall in front of the cooker from splashing food and facilitate cleaning.
  • Immediately pick up any piece of food that falls off the ground, no matter how small (breadcrumbs, etc.), to avoid stepping on it and dragging it. And don't use the sink as a garbage can. For example, directly peel vegetables in the organic waste bin.

How to clean the mirrors

  • Both mirrors and crystals stay clean for longer if you rub them with toothpaste, let it dry, rinse well with water, and dry again.
  • The steel fronts will remain free of fingerprints if after cleaning them you clean them with a cloth dampened in vinegar.

Dust proof upholstery and controls

  • The fabrics of sofas, armchairs and chairs will pick up less dust if, after vacuuming them, you wipe them with a cloth moistened with water and a few drops of scented ammonia.
  • To prevent the remote controls from collecting dirt between the keys, cover them with cling film and replace it when necessary.

Easier bathroom cleaning

    The Frame. Ideally, it should have an anti-scale treatment. But, if not, rubbing it with alcohol is fine. Lime will not stick as easily.

  • The sink. Dirt will "slip off" if you dab a little liquid wax on it. Let it work for a few minutes, then scrub vigorously and buff with another dry cotton cloth.

Homemade tricks of a lifetime

  • The "magic" of fabric softener. Clean the furniture with a soft cloth slightly dampened with water and a little fabric softener. It has an antistatic effect.
  • Apple cider vinegar To keep floors shiny for more days, scrub them with water to which you have added apple cider vinegar (three parts water to one part vinegar). It does not fail.
  • The alcohol. Screens and monitors will be perfect if they are wiped with a cloth soaked in a mixture of equal parts water and alcohol. And also they will not tarnish.
  • The bicarbonate. To remove the yellowish stains that appear on toilets, add a tablespoon of baking soda to the water you use for rinsing. They will stay like new for longer.

After reading these tips, don't miss this article and discover how to clean your house faster.