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Infallible tricks to buy the best mattress

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Paying for a good mattress ensures a good rest and takes care of the health of our back but also of our entire body, since restful sleep has been shown to be necessary to strengthen the defenses.

Hit it

This is what you should assess before:

  • Firmness. According to the OCU, a good mattress must distribute the weight and be firm enough to support the body without being uncomfortable. You must also respect the curvature of the spine in any position.
  • Double mattresses. They are a good investment for couples with sleep problems, because it allows the mattress to adapt to each physical constitution and preferences.
  • Dimensions. The ideal measurements are 105 cm (for individual mattresses) and 200 cm (for double beds). The length should exceed the height by 15 cm, while the recommended minimum thickness is 15 cm.
  • Types. If you have a mite allergy, go for latex ones. Those with springs breathe better and are suitable for people who sweat a lot. Those of viscoelastic adapt to the body and reduce pressure, but give much heat. And the bio - biosoja are more natural and ecological by substituting the oils derived from petroleum used in their manufacture with soybean oils.

Keep it in good condition

Turn it around. At least every three months and turn it from head to toe. Ventilate and expose it to the sun. Prevents the proliferation of mites and fungi. And remember, you have to renew it every 10 years at least, or sooner if you detect any anomaly.

Details not to be overlooked

Pillow. When resting the head on it, the cervical and dorsal vertebrae should form the same angle as when standing. If you regularly sleep on your back, it is advisable to opt for a low and soft pillow; if you sleep on your side, for a high and hard. In any case, if you sleep with your partner, each one should have their own pillow model suitable for their needs.

And the mattress. It is more important than it may seem, as it maintains the structure of the mattress. The most used are slatted ones, which are usually made of vaporized beech, carbon fiber or glass, and whose main benefit is that they allow the mattress to ventilate, thus avoiding the accumulation of moisture and fungi. And if it is supported with legs and two people sleep or are overweight, better more than four legs. At least one more pair in the central part so that it does not sag.