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Infallible tricks to organize the pantry and keep it in order

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The first thing to do when you want to organize the pantry is to clean both the space itself and what you have stored.

  • As recommended by the guru of order Marie Kondo when it comes to ordering the house in general and, specifically, the kitchen and the pantry, you have to remove everything from within the space that you use as a pantry; throw out what is in bad condition and what you know you are not going to eat (because it has been there for an eternity and you have not paid any attention to it); and before putting it back into storage, clean the area where you store it.

Group and label

Group and label

The next basic step in organizing your pantry (and before putting it back in its place) is to group it by categories and label it with the name of what it is and the expiration date. This is especially important if you keep it in boxes, jars or containers that do not allow you to see inside. So you don't have to open them to find out what's inside.

  • Combine pasta with rice, flour and legumes; liquids, such as milk, oil, and vinegar, with beverages; and group the preserves.

Distribute well and you will win

Distribute well and you will win

Now that you have everything grouped and labeled, do not rush to save it without rhyme or reason. Follow the three basic keys to distribute the pantry well that the experts recommend.

  • At the bottom, put the things that weigh the most: jugs of water, cartons of milk, bottles …
  • In the central part, the one that is closest to hand, what you use the most: legumes, cereals, pasta, rice, sugar, coffee, flour …
  • In the upper part, what weighs little and you don't use very often: certain preserves, sauces, special flours, spices of little use …

Don't miss the rice

Don't miss the rice

And, of course, without forgetting the golden rule of pantries: from the oldest to the newest. That is, regardless of the pantry area in question, put the things that have been around the longest or that are about to expire on the front line and behind the newer ones or those that need more to expire.

  • When you arrive with the purchase, do not put things in front, but behind what you already had in the same category. So you have more at hand what you have to spend before and do not run the risk of getting lost so easily.

Do not accumulate

Do not accumulate

According to experts, the main mistake when organizing the pantry is accumulating excessively. Otherwise, it may expire and eventually you will have to throw it away.

  • The shelves must have a depth of about 15-20 cm, so as not to have more than two rows of products. If they have more depth, take advantage of that space to store small appliances, kitchen utensils of little use, extra dishes for when guests come …
  • It is recommended not to exceed two packages of each thing, one open and one to open. And do not replenish until the first is exhausted.
  • Once something is opened, transfer it to an airtight jar; to be able to be of glass, since the plastic ones can be toxic. But never fill a jar that still has previous product because its expiration date is different.
  • To facilitate the order, make sure that all the containers are the same and of three basic sizes: large for pasta and rice, medium for sugar and coffee, and small for nuts and condiments, for example.

Use boxes and baskets

Use boxes and baskets

Both to group things and to access them more easily, use boxes and baskets. They will help you keep them in order, make them more accessible and prevent them from getting cluttered every time you want to grab something or check what you have. "These elements allow us to arrange the content by category, making the most of the space, so that all our cans, jars of spices, etc. are ordered and visible", emphasizes the interior designer of Ikea María Lizarraga.

  • For low areas and heavy things, like bottles, cans, and jugs, put boxes on wheels. So you can manipulate them effortlessly.

Removable elements

Removable elements

Another key to putting the kitchen in order and organizing the pantry in a correct and practical way are the removable elements, whether they are columns of shelves or simple drawers and shelves that can be removed. They are ideal to take advantage of the entire fund and access it effortlessly.

  • You don't need to remodel the kitchen, in many kitchenware and home goods stores, or on Amazon, there are removable closet organizers that you can put in your pantry without installation.



It is also important to reserve a space for vegetables that are not kept in the fridge, such as potatoes, onions, garlic, tomatoes …

  • As they require dark and well-ventilated spaces, you can reserve a drawer for them, or put a basket or a greengrocer inside the pantry.

Wine racks

Wine racks

Another element that works very well are the bottle racks for drinks, in general, and wine, in particular.

  • If you have space, you can put a box with or without wheels for normal drinks or liquors and, for wine, a bottle rack that allows you to have the bottles lying down, since this is how it is best preserved.

Auxiliary furniture

Auxiliary furniture

And if you don't have enough space, no problem. You can create a pantry area with a cupboard, for example, or placing greengrocers, bottle racks, spice racks … in some corner that you do not use in the kitchen, the gallery or the laundry room.

  • If you opt for a cupboard with doors, so that its interior is not visible, you can place it both in the kitchen and in any other room in the house: from a corridor or a passage area, even in the dining room or living room.