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Infallible tricks to be perfect even if it's winter and it's very cold

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Color gray days!

Color gray days!

Let's start with the basics. Who said that only muted tones are allowed in winter? Not at all! A trick to wear fun looks and with which to give joy to the day to day is to have sweaters in bright and vibrant colors in the closet . They are also the great allies to illuminate the face and thus we vary a little.

Instagram: @martitamgd

Jersey? Better inside the pants

Jersey? Better inside the pants

This seems to us to be one of the most stylish ways of not being cold. That low temperatures creep through the waist? Well, put the sweater inside the pants! And it is that by putting the sweater strategically we manage to mark the waist and stylize our figure a lot.

Photo: @rimbaumarta

The time for extra long sleeves

The time for extra long sleeves

And to think that in his day Enrique Iglesias made us very funny … If something is allowed on cold days it is to wear oversized and warm clothes that cover a large part of the body, and you will not deny us that the hands are one of the areas more sensitive to low temperatures. So let's not hesitate to look for a sweater with extra long sleeves. The hands will appreciate it and, besides, isn't it as super appetizing?

Photo: @mariapombo

Shirts against the cold

Shirts against the cold

What can you tell us about this shirt? Has it all! White, basic, with style … And with a very sophisticated detail on the neck that also protects it from the cold. Opting for garments with details that become allies against low temperatures is one of our favorite tricks. A cool cloth coat and hit the streets!

Photo: @ariviere

Trousers inside the boots

Trousers inside the boots

What a bad thing it happens when cold enters the ankles and gets all over the body. A very easy and cool trick is to put the pants inside the boots . This, believe us, is a VERY top recommendation, and by the way we will give the prominence that the coolest boots of the season deserve.

Photo: @mairagdejaime

Maxi dresses that have it all

Maxi dresses that have it all

There are dresses that have everything you need to combat winter days. Long, with a high neck, with long sleeves, which cover a large part of our anatomy with style and bright colors … We find them super flattering and if you put a belt to define the silhouette a bit or a cool cropped jacket, then now you have it all.

Photo: @jessicabueno

Oversized sweater as a dress

Oversized sweater as a dress

Directly rescued 21 buttons for you! Very warm but sexy and feminine. It's the idea, isn't it? Buy a couple of sizes more of the most tasteful and wide sweater in the store and put it on with some cool stockings and high-heeled boots to style. If you feel that it is too big, a belt can give it all the touch and define your waist. In fact, wearing a sweater with high boots is the fashion combination that is sweeping the street style.

Photo: @ cristinaf96

No to coats

No to coats

If you consider that putting a coat over your 'requetepensado' look to go down the street is time wasted, another trick of the style queens, like Olivia Palermo, is to put on an open cape (or failing that, a poncho) with the one that is warm, stylish and on top shows off a complete outfit.

Faux leather leggings with hair!

Faux leather leggings with hair!

This more than a trick is a resource … Leather-effect leggings are worn a LOT and have become a must in autumn and winter looks, well, Calzedonia has its famous version that is super stylish but it is that Be careful, it is thermal as it has a fur lining inside. Sandy, but without freezing to death, please …

XL socks under the boots (and make them look)

XL socks under the boots (and make them look)

It seems to us a super resource that we should exploit more. Cute socks at the knee are in almost all stores and under high boots but seen in the area closest to the knee (or above it) in addition to giving the look a super personal and overwhelming touch, it offers us double protection for legs in low temperatures.

Photo: @silkitta

Maxi sweater to not wear a coat

Maxi sweater to not wear a coat

Looks like this are total to dress well in winter because they get attractive looks with very little. They are also super chubby and warm so with a good thermal shirt underneath, some socks and high boots we can go out and split the corduroy without a coat!

Photo: @mariatilve

Coat over shoulders

Coat over shoulders

Like Paula Ordovás. Look at the detail, just by putting the coat on the shoulders leaving the arms free under the garment the look seems completely different and infinitely more sophisticated. And we will be warm!

Photo: @paulaordovas

Jacket with collar

Jacket with collar

If you are not one of those who loves to put one garment over another garment and another! Another comfortable and stylish option is to get a jacket and / or coat with a large collar that protects from the cold, and goodbye scarves.

Photo: @claudiaparrast

Short garments? Waders!

Short garments? Waders!

Let's see, don't be fooled, the cold is not incompatible with wearing short clothes . You just have to think of a solution to protect your legs and run. Cashmere tights and leggings can be great allies, but considering the trend of over-the-knee boots … we have it very easy! The looks are super cool and feminine, and the body temperature under control.

Photo: @natinatcoll

Printed ankle boots

Printed ankle boots

We already talked about this look and these ankle boots that are love, and we have to highlight again the great idea that is to include a very striking patterned accessory to break the harmony of a look of basic and neutral tones, which are usually the usual ones of the winter.

Photo: @mstreinta

Yes to prints

Yes to prints

Do not believe that clothes with prints are only for good weather. Beyond the accessories, to have a wardrobe that differs in winter, it is tricky to have garments with striking and suggestive patterns to combine with more basic garments. They break the monotony and get a smile even on the grayest days.

Photo: @mariatavera

What protects the most? A monkey

What protects the most? A monkey

We can't think of a better way to protect the waist from the cold than with a jumpsuit . From top to bottom and they do great! If we add to this that there are the most varied ones, we find a perfect trick to not get cold, look beautiful and set a trend. What more could you want?

Photo: @paulaarguellesg

Cardigan (also inside!)

Cardigan (also inside!)

Just like wide sweaters inside the pants to mark the waist, the same thing happens with cardigans. They are a winter staple but there are girls who do not see themselves with them considering that they gain one size more by putting them on, but look at the influencer Estíbaliz Prieto has put it inside her pants and, hey, it's something else!

Photo: @__esti__