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Work your legs and glutes with the new challenge of patry jordán

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Are you a Patry Jordán fan? If yes, you will love this new challenge that he proposes to us and if not, you could not have arrived at a better time to meet her. She is responsible for keeping us fit during confinement. Well, we and a half Spain because it has 9.37 million followers on YouTube , which is said soon.

Her training routines have helped us a lot and she is capable of turning exercise into a game, an activity in which we have fun and disconnect from everything while we take care of ourselves. Therefore, we are looking forward to starting your new challenge. Long live the JUMP squats!

The new challenge of Patry Jordán for the month of June: do you dare to face it?

Our favorite virtual coach has a new challenge in store for us. With the arrival of the month of June, it has been proposed that we have steel glutes and the best way to achieve this is by squatting . But since doing them without more can become a punishment, she wants us to play.

It's called #Poweringyou and under this hashtag he wants us to share our day to day doing it on social media. This is the plan he has designed to keep us fit and entertained:

  • On Mondays: we do squats in our day to day. As soon as we get up, while preparing lunch or dinner, every 2-3 hours if we work… it is a way to stay active!
  • Tuesdays: super game! Every time they say a keyword, you will have to do a squat. Will you remember to do it?
  • Wednesdays: We pass the squat! Record yourself doing the proposed challenge and don't forget to give the camera a fist to pass the baton. How many squats will we add in total?
  • Thursdays: we hang on the wall! How long can you last squatting on the wall? Calculate it and share it on social networks!
  • Fridays: we have a dance! Every Friday different Patry will propose us a song. Dance it however you want but don't forget to include a squat. You dare?
  • On Saturdays: before the rest day, I suggest you repeat the videos of 100, 200, 300 and 400 squats throughout the challenge. You sign up?
  • Sundays: rest!

Don't miss this and other challenges on the Patry Jordán website: GYM VIRTUAL.