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Tone up: 10 easy exercises to get your whole body in shape

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Losing weight without doing sports can be counterproductive from an aesthetic point of view. You must tone up! You will be thinner, but it is very possible that the sagging and sagging will appear and ruin so much effort. The key to defining your figure is to combine proper nutrition with an exercise routine that effectively tones up.  

"Toning is synonymous with putting in tone or strengthening a muscle. It does not consist in gaining volume, but in eliminating the fat and water that cover said muscle so that it looks more marked " -explains the trainer Elena García (@nenamamifit) - " This is achieved by doing many repetitions of certain exercises without taking on too much weight. " 

The benefits of toning do not remain on the surface. They are noticeable on the outside, but they also have many positive effects on the inside: "A good toning job not only improves our physical appearance. Among other things, it raises energy levels, increases flexibility, improves the cardiovascular system, stimulates metabolism, it strengthens the tendons by unloading the joints, corrects bad postural habits and prevents ailments related to the locomotor system, such as osteoporosis or osteoarthritis ". 

These 10 exercises designed by the physical trainer can help you achieve your goal!  

  • If you want to get good results, do 15 repetitions of each exercise and try to repeat the series four times. Carry out this routine two or three times a week and combine it with a balanced diet and some cardiovascular exercise. You will see the results soon!

Losing weight without doing sports can be counterproductive from an aesthetic point of view. You must tone up! You will be thinner, but it is very possible that the sagging and sagging will appear and ruin so much effort. The key to defining your figure is to combine proper nutrition with an exercise routine that effectively tones up.  

"Toning is synonymous with putting in tone or strengthening a muscle. It does not consist in gaining volume, but in eliminating the fat and water that cover said muscle so that it looks more marked " -explains the trainer Elena García (@nenamamifit) - " This is achieved by doing many repetitions of certain exercises without taking on too much weight. " 

The benefits of toning do not remain on the surface. They are noticeable on the outside, but they also have many positive effects on the inside: "A good toning job not only improves our physical appearance. Among other things, it raises energy levels, increases flexibility, improves the cardiovascular system, stimulates metabolism, it strengthens the tendons by unloading the joints, corrects bad postural habits and prevents ailments related to the locomotor system, such as osteoporosis or osteoarthritis ". 

These 10 exercises designed by the physical trainer can help you achieve your goal!  

  • If you want to get good results, do 15 repetitions of each exercise and try to repeat the series four times. Carry out this routine two or three times a week and combine it with a balanced diet and some cardiovascular exercise. You will see the results soon!

Alternating Hammer Bicep Curl

Alternating Hammer Bicep Curl

To exercise your biceps, grab two one-and-a-half kilo dumbbells (you can also do it with two milk cartons or two liter and a half water bottles). Place your palms in a neutral position and alternately perform push-ups with your arms (first one, then the other).

This exercise will help you gain strength and muscle mass. Your arms will look much more defined and beautiful!

Invested fund

Invested fund

Work your triceps by sitting on the floor, lifting your glute and keeping the soles of your feet and palms of your hands supported . With the fingers of the hands facing towards our heels, we do elbow curls.

Photo: Virtual Gym

One hand rowing

One hand rowing

Holding a dumbbell with one hand, bring your opposite leg forward, leave it semi-flexed, and lean on it. In this position, do a row that goes from the height of your knee to your waist. Keep your back straight and push your chest out.

With the rowing you will be strengthening the muscles of the back, one of the most important. Not only does it help stabilize the body but it also influences our body posture. Never forget about her!

Front Dumbbell Shoulder Raise

Front Dumbbell Shoulder Raise

Perform a simultaneous shoulder lift holding some dumbbells (milk cartons or 1.5-liter bottles of water). Raise both arms at the same time without blocking the elbow joint and without exceeding the height of the shoulders.

It is one of the best exercises to shape the upper part of your arms . You will gain muscle mass and strength in your shoulders.

Inverted shoulder press

Inverted shoulder press

Get into the bottom position, forming a pyramid with your body and keeping your hands at the height of our head. Straighten your legs and lift your hips, letting your head point toward the ground. Stretch your arms with your elbows straight and do dips by bending them at a 90 degree angle. Lower your body until your head almost touches the ground. Hold the position and push up to get back to the starting position.

Photo: Virtual Gym

Pectoral bottoms

Pectoral bottoms

Lie on your stomach and place your hands at the level of your chest, slightly more than shoulder height, and perform push-ups. If it is too difficult for you, you have two options: the first is to do it by supporting your knees and the balls of your feet; the second, supporting the calves on the ground or crossing them and leaving them elevated. In the chosen position, flex your elbows, directing your chest towards the ground and keeping your back and your cervical area in a straight line.

This exercise is perfect for working your chest and triceps.

eye! Make sure you are in the correct posture so you don't injure your shoulder or elbow joints.

Sumo squat

Sumo squat

Stand with your legs slightly wider than our hips' width apart and the balls of your feet facing outward. We execute a flexion up to 90 degrees of our knees. This type of squat causes a greater involvement of the adductors and glutes during its execution. You will work both legs and ass.



We make alternate strides walking. The stride is carried out by taking one leg forward and marking a 90 degree bend, while the back leg is down, in a straight line.

With this exercise, you will tone your quadriceps . Go for some nice legs!

Glute kick

Glute kick

To shape your glutes, get into a quadruped position on the floor. Next, bend one leg and raise it while contracting your glute. Lower yourself to the starting position and repeat the exercise. Do the same with the other leg.

Perform the movement in a slow and controlled manner , always maintaining the tension on the gluteus

Leg offset plank

Leg offset plank

Finish by toning your abdomen with an iron and moving your legs forward (first one, then the other). How is this exercise done well? Keeping the body in a plank position on the hands and then directing the knees towards the shoulders. To work your obliques, do not move your legs in a straight line, but bring your knees out.

It is important to execute the plank well to sustain any injury and for the exercise to be effective. 

If you want to exercise your abdomen more with this type of exercise, you cannot miss this video by Patry Jordan: