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Telecommuting: (realistic) tips you should keep in mind

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It is the theme of the moment. The coronavirus is on everyone's lips and, after learning the symptoms by heart, taking into account everything we must do to try to avoid contagion - wash our hands thoroughly, clean our work area and our home well and abandon any behavior that may favor the spread of COVID-19–, we have now taken a step further and teleworking has begun to be implemented in many companies .

But … what is teleworking?

Teleworking is a form of work organization that consists of the performance of professional activity without the physical presence of the worker in the company during an important part of their working hours. It encompasses a wide range of activities and can be done full or part time. So, in times of the coronavirus and at a time when confinement is an increasingly real possibility and actions such as #yomequedoencasa are the present, it doesn't hurt to know the tricks of those who know the most about teleworking - and what They have been at it for a few years now - on how to face this new situation and not lose their temper.

If due to the coronavirus you have been forced to carry out your work remotely, you will love reading these tips that, although simple and sometimes obvious, are very important. We have extracted them from a thread on Twitter that @ClapForMarta has published and the truth is that they represent us.

10 infallible tips if you have to telecommute

  1. It is very tempting, but do not work in pajamas (We accept comfortable clothes as a pet, but that is different from what you wear to sleep)
  2. If possible, don't work in the same room where you sleep or in a week it will look like the Gaza Strip. And when you finish your schedule, close the door.
  3. It will seem incredible to you that I have to tell you this, but believe me, it is necessary: ​​SHOWER EVERY DAY.
  4. Set a schedule, official type, the one you choose but be strict. This is very important or you will ALWAYS end up overworking.
  5. Stop for coffee / whatever, not to run the washing machine, do the dishes or make the bed.
  6. IT IS NOT WORTH TO EAT OR DRINK IN FRONT OF THE COMPUTER, It seems easy and reasonable, right? Well, you will see that this is one of the most difficult things.
  7. If you have a dog, go for a walk alone. If not, stretch your legs at home.
  8. Never tell a client that you are at home, always "I'm in the studio", "I'm at work", etc. It is possible that if you skip this step you will start receiving calls on a Friday night at 10 pm. Yes, there are still people like that.
  9. When the weekend arrives, imagine that the room where you work is a source of coronavirus contagion. Do not enter even to clean.
  10. And finally, if you develop a job where you do not have to talk to anyone, EVERY DAY CALL A FRIEND and chat for a while. (WhatsApp not valid)

There is life beyond telecommuting

As Marta says, it is important to set a schedule and adhere to it, to be able to rest and disconnect well during the hours when we are not going to work. Do you think you're going to get bored if you have to stay home? No way! Check out these things you can do if you have to stay home because of the coronavirus. And we all have our particular 'To Do' list that we never update due to lack of time, so now may be the perfect time. Of course, avoid making these 10 mistakes at all costs if you have to be at home with the coronavirus.

And what if I have children?

This is another question that we will ask ourselves the most in the coming days and that is that it is not so easy to telework when schools have closed and we have the children at home. But you know what? Telecommuting and keeping children busy and fun without spending the day hooked on the tablet or video games… it's possible! Take a look at these game dynamics that can be very useful if you have to take care of your children and work at the same time.