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Sonia ferrer, latest victim of body shaming on instagram

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People love to criticize, just like that. There can be no other explanation for the enormous amount of negative comments that celebrities are having to put up with these days when sharing photos in a swimsuit with their followers. We have already lost count of how many have had to go through this lately but we have the most recent two etched for being so highly contradictory . Jason Momoa has been called "fat" and the presenter Sonia Ferrer has been ugly that he is "too thin."

Criticism of Sonia Ferrer for her physique on Instagram

Every so often we have to read comments on the publications of celebrities who criticize their physique. And of course, neither do it with a bit of tact or common sense. And it is just that what must be missing to make you judge a foreign body without knowing what may be behind or starting from some canons that nobody knows exactly where they come from. In short, the last famous person who has had to endure this type of comments has been the presenter Sonia Ferrer, who shared this photo in a bikini.

She is thin, yes. But it is also evident that she is strong, that she exercises because her muscles are marked and that her constitution, the natural shape of her body, is that. Neither Sonia Ferrer nor anyone else should change their physical form because of what others think, least of all someone who obviously takes care of themselves a lot. Luckily there are people with two fingers in front and they have come out in his defense like the writer Lucía Etxebarría, who wrote a post on her Facebook about it.

Although his reflection deserves a complete reading, we are left with this part that also referred to the criticism that Shakira has received lately for just the opposite and the confession of the singer Billie Eilish, who says that she wears clothes four sizes larger to avoid haters comments :"In what sick society do we live in which when a woman is successful we destroy her by criticizing her body? What do we teach girls? That no matter how smart they are or how good a heart they have, there will always be some (to ) mindless (a) who will crush them because he will find a physical defect. In this way they will stop trying to be engineers, doctors, scientists, novelists, elite athletes … Extraordinary women. "

But unfortunately there are many boys who also have to endure quite hurtful comments about their physique and surprisingly one of them has been the actor Jason Momoa, whom you surely remember for being Aquaman and Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones . They call him "fat"! Well, if that's being fat …