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The 20 questions women are ashamed to ask the gynecól

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Let's face it, we all like to talk about intimacies and sex with our friends, but it is planting ourselves in front of the gynecologist and blocking ourselves. Perhaps it has happened to you on more than one occasion that you have many questions to ask but once you get to the consultation, they disappear. You don't know why, but talking about "your stuff" with someone who wears a white coat is, to say the least, embarrassing, no matter how much you are the queen of the mambo in your day to day life.

Because we know that sometimes it is difficult to break this barrier, we have spoken with Dr. Gerardo Ventura Serrano, member of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, and Núria Jorba, sexual coach and couples therapist, to answer all these questions. List? You have 20 questions and answers ahead of you, and don't worry, no one will see you reading them.

1. Why does it itch there?

In some cases, the itch may be due to the fabric of your underwear or your own sensitivity, but in others it may be something more serious. If these itches are accompanied by a yellowish or greenish discharge, they could be fungi; And if you have red bumps, it could be herpes. To clear up doubts, you know, as we always tell you: direct to the gynecologist.

2. I have warts in my vagina, what do I do?

If you had unprotected sex a while ago, make an appointment with your gynecologist. Although they do not bother you, they can indicate that you have the human papilloma virus, and to avoid complications the specialist should follow up. Do not worry ahead of time or turn it around, make an appointment with your doctor and get rid of doubts.

3. If I have HPV, will I have cancer?

There are 40 types of human papillomavirus, and not all of them are synonymous with cancer. If you go to your gynecologist for a check-up every year, it doesn't have to lead to cervical cancer. Cytology is essential to monitor the evolution of the virus.

4. Is comprehensive pubic hair removal bad?

With this issue we never know what to do. Some like to take that area "naturally", others dare with fashions that involve wearing shapes and colors, and others prefer not to see a single hair. There is nothing written about tastes but… when we talk about health, how should we handle it? Gynecologists are not in favor of comprehensive hair removal, as it removes a protective barrier against certain infections. If you still prefer to wax, experts recommend not doing it completely. If you use a razor, apply gel before shaving and don't rush. If you are more of a wax, avoid excessive pulling. Keep in mind that small cuts and ingrown hairs are one of the possible causes of lumps in the groin.

5. Blisters on the vaginal lips, should I be concerned?

They usually appear on the labia majora and minora, the clitoris and the pubic area. In addition, they can be accompanied by pain when touched. Most of the time these vaginal sores are harmless and caused by rubbing, but sometimes they are the first symptom of a sexually transmitted disease, such as herpes. A visit to the gynecologist will clear your doubts and, in the meantime, avoid having sex.

6. Is it normal to have too much flow?

Vaginal discharge may increase before you have your period. In this case, it is usually transparent or whitish in color and does not smell bad. But if you notice that your discharge becomes thick, the area is red and itchy, do not overlook it and go directly to your gynecologist, as it could be a vaginal yeast infection.

7. How can I avoid vaginal airs?

You are in an intimate situation with your partner or in yoga class and suddenly, a vaginal wind escapes you. After the moment "earth swallow me", do not hurry, it is normal and everything has its explanation. In the first case, it may be due to the position you have adopted; while in the second, the cause may be due to some type of viral-bacterial-fungal infection.

8. Something is sticking out of my vagina, what could it be?

It could be due to a detachment of the uterus or vagina, better known as uterine or vaginal prolapse, and this problem usually occurs when the pelvic floor is very weak. To prevent this from happening, experts recommend strengthening this area with specific exercises and keeping body weight at bay.

9. What exactly is vaginal herpes?

It is a sexually transmitted disease and, therefore, you could infect your partner. When you are active, it is recommended not to have sex. While when it does not present symptoms, the condom can help protect against the risk of contagion, but it is not infallible.

10. Why do I have inverted nipples?

A 10% of women have retracted nipples birth. If this is not your case and you notice that they have been getting inside, it is best that you go to the doctor for an examination. Sometimes, it can be due to mastitis, but in others the culprit could be a tumor in the breast, a reason more than enough not to let it pass.

If you notice that the nipple changes shape or is more sensitive than normal, see a doctor

11. Can I get an infection from wearing a thong?

We all like to feel sexy, but not everything goes if we put our health at risk. Some experts say that the string thong, by moving more, makes the bacteria from the anus reach the vagina more easily. In addition, rubbing can also cause irritation. If you start to notice discomfort, change the model. We're not telling you to switch to the classic flesh-colored granny panties now, but you can find a model that makes you feel sexy and comfortable at the same time.

12. I have urine leaks, what can I do?

The range of solutions is very wide and can range from training your pelvic floor with hypopressive exercises or with Chinese balls, for example, to surgical intervention if indicated by the specialist. Ask if you have this problem and do not resign yourself to using pads for losses. You are not the only woman in the world that this happens to, so don't be overwhelmed. It has a solution!

13. What does it mean to have lazy ovaries?

It means that one of your ovaries is not producing eggs. You can get pregnant with lazy ovaries, although it may cost you more than a woman with normal function of her ovaries. Your gynecologist will tell you what treatments you can follow.

14. Why do I have vaginal bleeding without periods?

Bleeding between periods or after menopause can have very different causes: from fibroids to changes in your hormonal levels, to a tumor. Taking birth control can also be one of the reasons. Make an appointment with your doctor and discuss this situation with her.

15. Toilet paper or wet wipes?

To avoid infections, it is essential to maintain good intimate hygiene. If you have to choose between toilet paper or wipes, the latter may be a better option. They do not leave residues, they are softer and, being wet, they clean better. Of course, always use them from front to back, like paper, and make sure they are as neutral as possible.

16. I have to pee a lot, is this normal?

You may be suffering from cystitis. Consult your doctor, because it requires treatment with antibiotics and is usually very annoying. In less common cases, this could also be due to an overactive bladder and you should go to the urologist to get the appropriate medication prescribed. On the other hand, if it is something specific you do not have to worry.

17. Why does the tampon bother me?

Do you remember the first time you used it? From that first day you realized how important it is to put it on. How awful when you start practicing! If it bothers you, you probably have not placed it correctly. Change your position or tampon directly.

You may be using a tampon whose absorption does not adapt to the current flow

18. How do you clean the vagina?

You should wash it once a day, avoid sponges and use a soap that respects the pH of the vagina. Ideally, you should opt for a specific soap for this area. Do not overdo it with cleaning because you could alter your vaginal flora. And always remember to wipe yourself from front to back, just like with toilet paper.

19. Why does my period smell bad?

If you think the smell has changed and is more intense, make an appointment with your gynecologist coinciding with the end of your period, because it may be a fungal or bacterial infection. This smell can be accompanied by other discomforts such as itching, stinging when going to the bathroom, etc.

20. Is having a lot of hair normal?

Another issue that usually leads us to the head is that, sometimes, that excess hair may hide something more than an aesthetic problem. It is known as hirsutism and it is an excess of male hormones that causes the appearance of hairs in areas where there should not be them. If you think this is your case, go to your gynecologist for the solution.

And if you want to know the answer to the 17 most frequently asked questions about sex, don't miss this post.