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Lose weight: 7 exercises to look better without going to the gym

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Fine tunning

Fine tunning

Physical exercise is much more than losing weight and looking good in the mirror. Physical exercise is also inner well-being, getting fit, happiness and, above all, health. It is, together with a varied and balanced diet, the paradigm of a healthy and healthy life , and for this reason it is not only advisable to put ourselves on top for the summer - which seems to be the time of year when we need more security at times like putting on a bikini - but we should be active throughout the year. Anyone can play sports, whatever their physical condition and condition.

There are so many types of physical activity and degrees of intensity, so there is never a real excuse not to do it . Neither should lack of time or money. We have compiled 7 exercises from our sports experts Patry Jordan and Eri Sakamoto that we have already told you about and with which we have created a full body routine that we should do at least three times a week, always combining it with some cardiovascular work such as running, walking or climbing stairs.

7 simple and effective exercises that you can do at home or wherever you prefer without any type of material and that, without sweating or disheveled, will make you arrive in a better version of yourself during the hot months. And let's not fool ourselves, when it comes time to 'teach' a little more, we all want to feel slimmer and more stylized. So do we start bikini 2020 operation?

Exercise 1: Squat or Squat

Exercise 1: Squat or squat

Starting position: With your feet shoulder-width apart, bring your weight to your heels and lower your hips, keeping your torso upright and your core activated. When you go up, feel the tension in your legs. Squats, in addition to being an exercise that burns a lot of fat in general, is a very complete exercise that strengthens and tones the legs, buttocks and, yes, also the abdomen. We tell you how to do squats correctly.

  • Do four sets of 15 reps.

Exercise 2: Lunges or lunges

Exercise 2: Lunges or lunges

The perfect exercise to strengthen, define and lift the gluteus. It is done in two simple movements. Standing with our legs hip-width apart, we bring one leg back, resting it on the tip at the same time we bend the other leg until it is at a right angle. We try to make the lower leg do it enough so that the work is more intense. Then we return to the starting position by squeezing and maintaining balance.

  • 15 repetitions with each leg in four series.

Exercise 3: Hip Raise

Exercise 3: Hip Raise

We continue with glutes. This exercise is one of the easiest and simplest. Lying on a mat with our hands next to our hips and bent knees, we lift our hips by squeezing the gluteus very hard without making an arch with our back, then we return to the initial position, lowering slowly and maintaining pressure. Optional: You can wear a rubber band on your ankles to increase the strength of the exercise.

  • 15 repetitions in four series.

Exercise 4: Push-ups

Exercise 4: Push-ups

Our legs are already 'itchy' enough and we start with the upper body with another of the most complete classic exercises that cannot be missing in any full body routine. If you don't have much technique, start practicing them with your knees supported, the closer you have your hands to your knees, the easier. Slowly. The keys are: hands at shoulder width, wrists strong and in line with the elbows, we lower flexing until the chest is a few inches from the ground and we raise giving a push to stretch the arm. The most important thing is to keep the buttocks active and in line with the back so that the pelvis does not sag, which can cause pain in the lower back.

  • Four sets of 15 reps.

Exercise 5: Abs

Exercise 5: Abs

A flat stomach is everyone's dream and there are very simple exercises that we can practice to keep it firm, which will also alleviate many back pain and help us to have a better posture. In the end, physical exercise should be a global job , don't forget it. This exercise is perfect for warming up the core, and it is nothing more than activating it by doing the famous standing crunch! Legs at shoulder width, we raise one leg bending the knee at the same time as we 'tighten' the abdomen (without pulling the neck). Then we repeat with the other leg.

  • Do 15 reps per side.

Exercise 6: Planks or isometric crunches

Exercise 6: Planks or isometric sit-ups

There is no better material to exercise than the weight of our own body, which is why isometric exercises are so addictive and effective. The plank , although it may seem like a very hard exercise, especially at first, is one of the most complete exercises to see ourselves more beautiful and slim in front of the mirror (and on the beach, which is why we are in full bikini operation). The hands or elbows (depends on the support) should be aligned with the shoulders, the back straight with the pelvis aligned with the rest of the body and the pelvic floor, glutes and quadriceps activated to keep the body straight. Maintain the posture to failure and gradually increase the time. Your body will give you the marks, there is no rush. Not sure how to do an abdominal plank well? We will tell you!

  • Hold 15 seconds, rest and hold 15 seconds more.

Exercise 7: Lateral Isometrics

Exercise 7: Lateral Isometrics

The abdomen is worked on a global level, so we cannot forget about the obliques. On the side, with the forearm supported and in line with the shoulder, raise the hips and maintain a straight line with the body from our feet to our head. A really effective exercise. If you want it to be more intense, make small bounces, without touching the ground.

  • Hold 15 seconds and switch sides.

Important: Don't forget to stretch

Important: Don't forget to stretch

When you finish the routine, don't forget to spend a few minutes stretching the muscles we have worked on. There are some very easy yoga postures with which we could also add a plus to our sports routine.

Get inspired by celebrities

Get inspired by celebrities

Jennifer López has shared this week a photo of her well-worked body with which she has put the batteries, and a lot. The singer and other celebrities such as Elsa Pataky, Blanca Suárez or Ariadne Artiles share their routines on Instagram, so if one day you lack motivation, go to social networks and 'focus' with your goal.

Photo: @jlo

Cover photo: @gigihadid