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If you want to wake up with a flat belly, this is what you have to have for dinner

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When the goal is to eliminate the belly and show off a flat stomach, losing weight is not enough. You also have to deflate and that means fighting gas, fluid retention, constipation … These dinners will help you attack the problem from all these fronts.

When the goal is to eliminate the belly and show off a flat stomach, losing weight is not enough. You also have to deflate and that means fighting gas, fluid retention, constipation … These dinners will help you attack the problem from all these fronts.

Sautéed green beans

Sautéed green beans


  • 700 g of green beans - 70 g of toasted almonds - 1 red onion - 1 lemon - 2 garlic - salt - 1/2 tablespoons of soy sauce - olive oil.

Step by Step:

  1. Trim the beans and cut them into 2 or 3 pieces. Cut the garlic into slices and the onion into julienne.
  2. Squeeze the lemon and put the juice in a bowl. Put the onion in it and let it marinate for 10 or 12 minutes.
  3. Blanch the beans for 2 minutes, cool them in cold water and drain well.
  4. In a pan, fry the garlic for 1 minute. Add the beans and sauté for 3 minutes.
  5. Add the soy sauce and half a glass of water. Stir, lower the heat and cook for 2 more minutes.
  6. Complete with the chopped almonds and the drained onion. Serve right away.

The star ingredient

  • Green beans, firmness and purification. They are low in fat and rich in fiber. They contain silicon, which stimulates collagen, and a good dose of potassium and little sodium, so they are diuretic.

Cod with vegetables in papillote

Cod with vegetables in papillote


  • 4 portions of desalted cod fillet - 2 carrots - 300 g of flat green beans - 2 large potatoes - 1 clove of garlic - 1 sprig of thyme - olive oil - salt.

Step by Step:

  1. Scrape and wash the carrots; cut them into very thin and short sticks. Trim the beans and, if they have them, remove the threads. Wash and cut them the same way.
  2. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into slices. Place three or four on top of each other, and cut them into small sticks the same size as the beans and carrots.
  3. Arrange all the vegetables in a bowl, add the peeled and finely chopped garlic, and add a pinch of salt. Water them with 1 tablespoon of oil and stir.
  4. Wash the fish and pat it dry with kitchen paper. Preheat the oven to 200º.
  5. Cut 4 sheets of parchment paper about 40 cm on a side. Fold them in half to form a sheet, and unfold again.
  6. Brush the inside of the papers with oil, leaving a clean margin around it.
  7. Arrange the vegetables in it and on top of them the cod and 1 sprig of washed thyme.
  8. Seal the foil by folding the ends inward several times.
  9. Bake them for 15 minutes. Remove them, place one on each plate and serve right away.

The star ingredient

  • Garlic, the best friend of the circulation. Its sulfur components and the substance allicin are effective in improving blood circulation, which helps to purify, as well as to resist infection. In addition, it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.

Carrot cream

Carrot cream


  • 500 g of carrots - 1 onion - 1 leek - 1 apple - 1 piece of fresh ginger the size of a garlic clove - olive oil - salt - a few stalks of chives.

Step by Step:

  1. Peel the onion and cut it into julienne strips. Clean the leek by removing the green part from the roots, wash it well and cut it into thin slices.
  2. Peel and grate the ginger, and wash and chop the chives.
  3. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a saucepan. Add the leek and onion and cook for 5 minutes, stirring often with a wooden spoon.
  4. Peel the apple, remove the core and cut it into small pieces. Scrape the carrots, wash them too, and slice them. Incorporate them to the previous sauce, with the ginger.
  5. Salt and add water, just until all the vegetables are covered. Boil over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  6. After cooking, blend the vegetables in the blender until you get a smooth cream. And rectify with salt if necessary.
  • More complete. You can accompany it with a French omelette with one egg.

The star ingredient

  • Apple, super cleansing. One of the reasons why it is recommended to eat an apple a day is because it is very cleansing. Being rich in potassium and low in sodium, it is perfect as a detox food that eliminates liquids and toxins from your body.

Escalivada with grilled sardines

Escalivada with grilled sardines


  • 20 large sardines - 2 aubergines - 2 red peppers - 2 onions - 2 cloves of garlic - 4 sprigs of parsley - salt - olive oil.

Step by Step:

  1. Wash the aubergines and peppers and peel the onions. Place the vegetables in a baking dish and poke the aubergines with the tip of the knife. Drizzle everything with olive oil and salt.
  2. Cook the peppers in the oven, preheated to 180º, for 30 minutes; 40 minutes the aubergines and 1 hour the onions.
  3. Let cool 20 minutes covered with parchment paper. Then, remove the skins and seeds and cut into julienne strips.
  4. Mix in a bowl and season with salt, freshly chopped parsley and a drizzle of olive oil.
  5. Clean the sardines well, removing the guts, head and central spine, and separate the loins. Wash with cold water and drain.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200º. Peel the garlic and chop together with the parsley. Mix them well with 1 dl of olive oil.
  7. Brush the bottom of a baking dish with the garlic and parsley oil.
  8. Salt the sardines, place in the pan, brush them again with the oil and bake for 10 minutes. Serve with the roast still warm.
  • Save time. You can have the escalivada prepared in advance and combine it with some canned sardines, which are on the list of tolerable processed foods and will get you out of more than one hurry.

The star ingredient

  • Parsley, a vitamin C pump. It is one of the vegetables with the most iron and vitamin C, so it is very remineralizing, something that goes very well if you are following a cleansing cure or a weight loss diet. And, in addition, its active principles make it very diuretic.

Mushroom and spinach omelette

Mushroom and spinach omelette


  • 4 eggs - 300 g of mushrooms - 50 g of cooked ham - 100 g of frozen spinach - 1 clove of garlic - 1 pinch of chopped thyme - 4 tablespoons of olive oil - salt.

Step by Step:

  1. Remove the earthy part of the mushrooms, wash them quickly, without letting them soak, pat dry and chop them.
  2. Peel and mince the garlic. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a non-stick pan and sauté the mushrooms for 2 minutes over medium heat. Add the garlic, cover and continue cooking, over low heat, for 2 more minutes.
  3. Cook the spinach in salted water for 3 minutes and transfer to a colander; Press them with the back of a spoon to remove as much water as possible and chop them.
  4. Add them to the pan, along with the sliced ​​ham. Salt, season with the thyme and continue cooking for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
  5. Remove the sauce from the heat. Crack the eggs into a bowl and salt them. Beat them, add the filling and stir.
  6. Heat the rest of the oil in a frying pan, pour the mixture into it and curdle the tortilla for 2 minutes on each side.

The star ingredient

  • Spinach, good for losing weight. Spinach is very suitable in weight loss diets due to its low calorie content and its great nutritional value. In addition, due to their high fiber content, they facilitate intestinal transit and fill you up without getting fat. Here are more recipes with easy and irresistible spinach.

Hake in green sauce

Hake in green sauce


  • 480 g of hake fillets - 8 clams - 2 garlic - 300 ml of fish broth - 3 sprigs of parsley - 2 tablespoons of olive oil - salt.

Step by Step:

  1. Let the clams soak in salt water for at least 30 minutes, so that they release the sand.
  2. Heat the oil in a saucepan that can also be used in the oven. Add the hake, salt it and brown it on both sides. Remove it and reserve.
  3. In the same casserole, brown the peeled and minced garlic. Add the broth and bring to a boil. Sprinkle the chopped parsley and pass everything through the blender.
  4. Add the hake again and bake for 8 minutes at 180º. When there are 5 minutes to finish cooking, add the clams.
  • More complete. Accompany the hake with some sauteed or steamed vegetables to make them easier to digest.

The star ingredient

  • Hake, to lower belly. Its white meat is easy to digest. A study by the CIBERobn research center found that its regular consumption helped reduce abdominal fat.

Cooking tricks for a flat stomach

If you want to wake up with a flat belly in the morning, follow these tips when preparing your dinners.

  • Light and digestive foods. To make dinners easier to digest, avoid carbohydrates, dairy, raw vegetables, salads, and spice.
  • Better fish than meat. Avoid red meats and opt for white and leaner meats (such as turkey, chicken or rabbit), and even better if you decide on some type of fish, which is less heavy.
  • Control fat. To add the minimum of fat, paint the same food with oil instead of putting it in the pan or the grill. As for the foods that you are going to make in the oven, it is better to remove the skin and visible fat at first because otherwise the meat will absorb it during cooking.
  • Reduce the amount of salt. Salt promotes fluid retention, so the less you use the better. Salt last because you get more salty flavor by adding less salt. And replace it whenever you can with spices.
  • Be careful with the cabbages. Cauliflower, cabbage and crucifers in general favor gas. Consume them in moderation, but do not eliminate them from the diet. Instead, add seasonings such as anise, fennel, thyme … which promote digestion and reduce gas.
  • Drink more water throughout the day. This is how you fight fluid retention. Also eat diuretic foods such as celery, pumpkin, or sauerkraut. And avoid carbonated drinks.