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Easy oatmeal breakfasts ideal for weight loss

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Oatmeal, satiating and purifying

Oatmeal, satiating and purifying

Oatmeal is rich in fiber and slows down the passage of sugar into the blood, which means that there is no glucose spike and it takes you away from hunger for longer. Therefore, it is highly recommended to incorporate it into your breakfasts. How? Easy, with yogurt, milk, vegetable drinks, nuts, as a porridge, in pancakes … Read on to discover many more ideas.

Oatmeal, yogurt, raspberry and papaya delicacies

Oatmeal, yogurt, raspberry and papaya delicacies

In a glass jar, layer the crushed oat flakes with some hazelnuts and some sunflower seeds. On top, add a layer of raspberries whipped with a little honey. Then a layer of 0% soy yogurt. And finally, some whole raspberries with papaya cubes. You have it ready in a quarter of an hour.

Porridge (or oatmeal porridge)

Porridge (or oatmeal porridge)

To make a porridge, the nutritious breakfast that hits Instagram, you just have to heat rolled oats in a saucepan with water and a pinch of salt and stir over low heat until you get a kind of porridge. Once done, you can add cold milk, cut fruit, nuts, seeds … Here, for example, we have put some goji berries.

Oat pancakes with tomato and cottage cheese

Oat pancakes with tomato and cottage cheese

If you like savory breakfasts, try these pancakes. You need 8 egg whites, 70 g of rolled oats, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, tomatoes, and cottage cheese. Beat the oatmeal with the egg whites. Add the yeast, a pinch of salt and beat again. Heat a pan, pour small portions of the preparation. Wait 1 or 2 minutes for it to set and turn it over. Spread the pancakes with the cottage cheese and place the chopped tomato on top.

With yogurt, raspberries, blueberries and currants

With yogurt, raspberries, blueberries and currants

If you want to give yourself a shot of antioxidants along with oatmeal, you can opt for this breakfast. You just have to mix skimmed yogurt, (rich source of calcium for your bones, in addition to stimulating the immune system, thanks to its probiotic effect), along with red fruits: raspberries, blueberries, currants … (full of antioxidants), and oat flakes, of course.

Jar of oatmeal with mango

Jar of oatmeal with mango

In a glass jar, put a few whole oat flakes, low-fat natural yogurt (sweeten with honey if you want) and mango cubes. It's that easy and delicious, and so satisfying!

Oatmeal, banana and apple muffins

Oatmeal, banana and apple muffins

You have to prepare this breakfast in advance. In a bowl, crush 2 cups of rolled oats, 3 ripe bananas, 2 eggs, 4 pitted dates, a teaspoon of baking soda, a tablespoon of sunflower oil and cinnamon to taste. Then add apple pieces and place the batter in muffin tins. Bake at 180 degrees until pierced with a toothpick and comes out clean.

With kefir, banana, kiwi and orange

With kefir, banana, kiwi and orange

Ultra easy. In a bowl put some kefir or skimmed yogurt, a few flakes of oats and banana, orange and cut kiwis. Kefir is an excellent probiotic that facilitates digestion and strengthens the immune system. Banana regulates the proper functioning of the kidneys thanks to its potassium. Orange has anti-cancer properties and also improves circulation. For its part, kiwi is a good source of vitamin C.

An "overnight oats"

An "overnight oats"

The "overnight oats" is a breakfast whose main ingredient is oatmeal prepared the night before, hence the "overnight". You just have to mix the oatmeal flakes with yogurt, milk or a vegetable drink, let them soak overnight to soften them, and in the morning add the topping of your choice (fruit, seeds, nuts). This one is made with yogurt, strawberries, mint, and chia and poppy seeds.

Smoothie for constipation

Smoothie for constipation

If you have trouble going on your stomach, have this delicious homemade smoothie made with oat flakes, yogurt, apple, blackberries, cinnamon and flax seeds for breakfast. It does not fail! See recipe.

Oat pancakes with strawberries

Oat pancakes with strawberries

To prepare them, you will only need 4 eggs, 250 g of crushed oat flakes, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of oil and 500 ml of skimmed milk. The batter of the pancakes should be somewhat thick, as this will make it easier for you to handle them. If it is very runny, add some more crushed flakes little by little, until you find the right texture. Add pieces of strawberries and you will be providing an extra dose of nutrition.

With vegetable drink, cinnamon, grapes and apple

With vegetable drink, cinnamon, grapes and apple

If you are vegan or lactose intolerant, instead of milk or yogurt you can use a vegetable drink (rice, coconut, almonds …) to mix it with oatmeal, fruit and other toppings. In this case, grape (it is detoxifying and thanks to its copper and manganese content it helps strengthen bones), apple (calms acidity and protects the heart), and cinnamon (relieves joint pain).

Oatmeal cream with fruits

Oatmeal cream with fruits

Mix 375 ml of soy, oat or rice milk with 120 g of rolled oats and cook for 4 minutes. Turn off the heat, add 2 tablespoons of honey and mix well. Chop dried plums and dried apricots and mix them with raisins, a pinch of wine, 50 ml of water, and cook for 4 minutes over low heat. Finally, mix it all in glasses along with kiwi slices and orange wedges.

Apple oatmeal muffins

Apple oatmeal muffins

To make 10-12 muffins like these you need 180 g of flour (sift beforehand to avoid lumps), 90 g of sugar, 80 g of rolled oats, 2 eggs, 200 ml of milk, 75 ml of sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, a little salt and 100 g of apples. Once you have the ingredients mixed, preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake for 25-30 minutes.

With yogurt, fruit compote, hazelnut and chocolate

With yogurt, fruit compote, hazelnut and chocolate

Another possible delicious breakfast with oats is to mix the flakes with yogurt, dark chocolate (rich in tryptophan, which favors the secretion of serotonin, the hormone of happiness), fruit compote (provides vitamins and helps intestinal transit), and some hazelnuts (reduce anxiety and protect memory).

Oatmeal cream with banana and peanut butter

Oatmeal cream with banana and peanut butter

Here you have a delicious and full of energy breakfast. To do this, heat milk with oats without bringing it to a boil. Crush it and add a little cinnamon. And accompany with some banana slices, apple wedges and a tablespoon of peanut butter. It is super energetic.

Vanilla Lemon Flavored Oatmeal Smoothies

Vanilla Lemon Flavored Oatmeal Smoothies

Smoothies are a perfect ally to start the day with energy or as a mid-morning snack. To do this, you just have to boil 100 g of crushed oat flakes in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes. Add a vanilla bean, the skin of a lemon, and 2 tablespoons of brown sugar if you like it sweeter. Strain it and let it cool before drinking it. It goes super well to have perfect skin.

Yogurt with oatmeal

Yogurt with oatmeal

To prepare it, you need a 0% Greek yogurt, 3 shelled walnuts, 3 tablespoons of rolled oats, 1 agave syrup and half a cup of berries. The union of calcium from yogurt, omega 3 from walnuts, the satiating effect of rolled oats and the rest of the ingredients make this dessert perfect to avoid being hungry after a few hours.

With vegetable drink, chia seeds, dates and mango

With vegetable drink, chia seeds, dates and mango

Another idea based on oat flakes and a vegetable drink is to mix them with dates (rich in fiber, which helps intestinal transit and the feeling of fullness), mango pieces (an antioxidant that helps to compensate blood pressure) and seeds of chia (source of protein, calcium and omega 3).

We are totally surrendered to the charms of oats. Why? Well, because it is a great ally for health and to lose weight. It is rich in protein, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and complex carbohydrates. It has cleansing properties, helps control blood sugar levels, improves digestion, regulates cholesterol and also provides energy. Can you ask for more?

Oatmeal, a cereal with many benefits

The need to incorporate cereals into a healthy and balanced diet has brought some old grains back to the table, such as oats that had been relegated almost exclusively to animal consumption (and that surpasses other more popular cereals due to its high in protein and healthy fats).

  • Double fiber. Oats are the only cereal with both soluble and insoluble fibers. Thanks to the insoluble fiber, it facilitates intestinal transit and reduces constipation. In addition, the action of soluble fiber intervenes in the reduction of bad cholesterol and, therefore, protects against cardiovascular diseases.
  • Source of minerals. Oats are rich in silica, which strengthens the body's tissues and memory. And because of its high phosphorus content, it is ideal for feeding the brain.
  • Full of vitamins. Those that predominate in oats are the B vitamins, essential for the body to take advantage of the energy from food, and also protective of the arteries.