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This will be the ultimate beauty in 2017

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1. Hyperspecialized cosmetics

From the “all-in-one” products we will move on to cosmetics to cover very specific needs. This is the case, for example, of the eyebrows. To the typical pencils or shadows to enhance this area, are added conditioning primer, gel with microfibers to give them volume, highlighter pencil, cream with brush to fill in gaps, gel to give reflections to dark eyebrows …

Other innovative products focused on taking care of every last detail are: oils or masks only for lips, hair serums that reduce drying time, serums for the growth of eyelashes or products that protect the hair before coloring.

2. Draping, the new makeup technique

The trends are being renewed: contouring, strobing, nontouring … Now draping is making its way, which consists of using blush to sculpt the face. Drawing inspiration from the 70s, the cheekbone is marked, while the face lights up. And for this, you play with two shades of blush.

How it is performed. The dark shade is applied from the hollow of the cheekbone to the temple, above the eyebrows and below the chin. And the lightest tone, around the area where the dark has been previously applied and on the upper part of the cheeks.

3. Protect from contamination

Since scientists have discovered that smoke and airborne particles have dire consequences for the skin, the demand for anti-pollution cosmetics for the most urbanites has increased. In 2017 these types of products will multiply. There will be a boom in serums, creams, masks and foundations formulated to combat the effect of pollution, which causes an increase in stains, dehydration, more reactivity, a greyish tone and accelerated aging.

4. Superfoods in creams

Kale, ginger, pomegranate, reishi and shiitake mushrooms, honey, seaweed, chia seeds and quinoa … Until now you knew them for their high nutritional value. Well, very soon you will be able to taste superfoods on your skin. The beauty industry will take advantage of the richness in antioxidants, unsaturated fats and vitamins of these superfoods to incorporate them into creams and nutritional supplements. The result: a detox effect and a more revitalized skin.

5. Very natural hair colors

No more strident colors or more extravagant proposals, such as granny hair (gray hair). Also forget the platinum blonde and the contrasting highlights. It will wear hair that looks "did nothing to you." Be careful, that doesn't mean you should stop dyeing it.

As if it were yours, but with an illuminating touch. This effect is achieved by using dyes of the same color as your base tone (brunette, blonde chestnut) and "animating" the hair, for example, with soft reflections at the ends or in the areas near the face. This is hair contouring, a technique that, playing with very fine highlights –light and dark–, manages to highlight the features of the face with a very flattering effect.

6. Lifting without surgery

For those who want to get rid of a few years without going through the operating room, focused or high intensity ultrasound (Hifu) arrives. Approved by the FDA (the health regulator in the USA), they lift and tighten the skin of the eyebrows, eyelids, jowls and neck, in addition to improving the wrinkles of the décolleté.

Why "sweep". There is no medical leave, no postoperative, no injections, no radical changes. The stretching of the chosen area of ​​the face is immediate, but with natural effects. And all this after a single session lasting about 60-90 minutes.

7. Greener cosmetics

In a society that is increasingly aware of the environment, it is logical that cosmetic laboratories increasingly avoid parabens, silicones, preservatives, dyes, etc.

Eco, natural, organic … With or without a bio certificate, the important thing is that the trend in the world of beauty is to substitute part of the synthetic active ingredients for other natural and plant-based ones, which is why they are more "green" products. . Flowers, algae and seeds will predominate, above all, in the anti-aging sector.

8. The colors of next spring

From lapis lazuli blue , to hazelnut, through primrose yellow and flame red. This is the color palette that will dominate next spring-summer, according to the Pantone Color Institute (a company that advises on trend colors for brands).

Start looking for eye shadows, lipsticks and nail polishes in these shades and be the first to wear them. And remember that one of the keys to getting your look right is to combine makeup and accessories (bags, scarves, jewelry) of the same color.

Do you want to know which are the products that will hit hard in 2017? Do not miss this gallery of images with what is to come.