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Light desserts: nougat semi-cold recipe

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125 g of Jijona nougat
2 eggs
4 gelatin sheets
2 tablespoons of sweet wine
Fresh mint leaves
Edible pearls to decorate (optional)

(Light version 230 kcal - Traditional version 335 kcal)

One of the kings of Clara's light desserts is our light version of the nougat semi-cold. It has 100 calories less than the semi-cold nougat of a lifetime and, despite this, it is as rich or more than the traditional one. And, in addition to being delicious, as it is not very very caloric, it suits you inside and out. When you take it, the regrets won't appear even remotely.

And what is his secret? Very simple: do without the whipped cream and sugar, which are two of the ingredients that add and add calories.

In addition, as it is made with nougat, it fits perfectly as a light dessert for Christmas. Something quite timely considering that Christmas menus are usually quite heavy. It also works great as a recycling dessert when you want to take advantage of the nougat leftovers that have been left over the holidays.

Realization step by step

  1. Prepare the gelatin. The first thing you have to do is soak the gelatin sheets in cold water. And immediately afterwards, crumble the Jijona nougat well in a bowl and reserve.
  2. Make the cream. To do this, crack the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the latter with the nougat that you had crumbled before and add the sweet wine. Finally, crush everything and cook until it reaches the consistency of cream.
  3. Add the gelatin and the whites. Once the cream is made, let it cool a little, add the drained gelatin and mix everything. Assemble the whites that you had previously separated to the stiffness and add them to the cream.
  4. Assemble the semi-cold. Now you just have to pour the mixture into 4 rings lined with baking paper and placed on a tray (or in individual flan molds lined with plastic wrap), and leave them to set in the fridge for 4 hours or so. To decorate, put some fresh and washed mint leaves.



Decorate the plate with edible pearls. You can also form a wire rack of melted chocolate on a non-stick surface and let it cool until the chocolate solidifies. Or you can put sliced ​​almonds on top.