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Sara Sálamo gives us the essential keys for postpartum recovery

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We love when celebrities give us tricks that they use in their day to day life and that we can also carry out. None of those crazy things that Gwyneth Paltrow proposes, real and realistic advice. And one of the ones that inspires us the most lately is Sara Sálamo. We already learned from her that cutting one's bangs (and making it look good) was possible and now she has given us a series of tips to regain the type after pregnancy that we really liked . Especially because they are the ones she is really following and because she has openly confessed that she gained more weight than recommended during pregnancy and that now it is costing her more to lose it. These are the three keys that he has given us.

Sara Sálamo's three tricks to recover after pregnancy

Two months have passed since the actress gave birth to her first child, Theo, and the time has come to regain physical activity and get down to work with the 'go back to being the old' operation . Pregnancy is a very demanding time that transforms the body for a specific purpose. Once finished, and always with the express permission of the gynecologist, we can go back to doing sports (or start). We always have to start from the idea that there are things that may not be where they were again but in return we have gained a lot and that should not be lost sight of either. So no obsessions.

The plan that Sara is following has three key points: exercise, diet and aesthetic treatments . So as it is, it doesn't seem like anything new, but we loved it, first that he admits that he undergoes firming and remodeling treatments (there are those who insist on hiding that extra help) and secondly, that he takes Theo to the gym and follows a adapted exercise routine to be able to hold him while he sleeps peacefully. She herself shared a series of videos on her Instagram profile in which we saw her training with the little one.

To do this, he advises resorting to a specialized center that adapts to the particularities of the life of a recent mother. Regarding the diet, always supervised since Theo is breastfeeding and it is not advisable to diet on his own and without professional support and advice.