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How to fold the sheets yourself step by step

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After the fever of The Magic of Order and the Marie Kondo reality show, we take it for granted that you already control vertical clothing folding. However, the unfinished business for most mortals remains how to fold sheets and bedding in general. Do you feel identified?

If when organizing your bedding you have realized that you have more than necessary, you should apply Marie Kondo's advice and see if it is really worth keeping so many pieces. Do you use them all? To decide, it is not enough to touch the bedding and decide if it makes you happy or not, according to the guru of Japanese order, you must smell it! We know you don't do any of those gross things that people tend to do with clothes, so sharpen your nose and put it to the test.

Why Marie Kondo wants you to smell your bedding

In the book Happiness after order (Aguilar) KonMari says that to help you choose which bedding you should keep you should smell it. The reason is as simple as it is real: "Clothes that are not used often tend to absorb odors to a surprising degree." So now you know, if your sheets smell really strong, you should still consider getting rid of them. But even if it's new and in its plastic wrap, unused bedding never tends to trap moisture.

Putting order in your bedding is easy (if you know how)

Original text

Sheets, blankets, duvets, duvets, duvet covers and pillows. We have all wondered how to fold the sheets so that they take up less . Well, once you have everything gathered and you have made the selection with the Marie Kondo method, it will be time to say goodbye to what no longer makes you happy either because it is worn out, the size does not match the beds you currently use. or what you have not used for more than a year.

How to fold the sheets yourself like Marie Kondo

Folding the sheets yourself without help is easy. Lay out the sheet, make a rectangle by folding the edges inward, and keep folding into smaller rectangles. KonMari's basic folding method says:

  1. Fold the two ends of the sheet toward the center to form a rectangle.
  2. Fold the rectangle lengthwise in half.
  3. Then fold in half or thirds.

The first rectangle will be quite long for you. Fold it in half to reinforce it. When you do, hold the weaker part. Remember that instead of folding to the bottom edge of the sheet, it will be great to leave a little space. We do this to get a firmer shape. Then adjust the height by folding again in half or thirds.

You will keep these rectangles, of course, upright in your drawers or on the couch under your bed (if you have one).

How to fold elastic fitted sheets step by step

Step 1: Prepare your workspace

Find a completely flat surface to fold the bottom sheets on. Lay the fitted sheet with the flat surface facing down and the elastic edges facing up.

Step 2: Start folding your elastic sheet in thirds

Fold the fitted sheet in thirds lengthwise, placing one long side in the center and then the other. This step should leave you with a long, narrow rectangle.

Step 3: Fold the bottom sheet until it is the size you need

This time, fold the rectangle that your bottom sheet has formed in half across the width.

Step 4: Store your sheets so they take up less space

Store your sheets upright, in a drawer, in a storage box, or in a closet along with the rest of the bedding.

Video to learn how to fold the sheets in Spanish

We have already seen Marie Kondo in action, what did you think? As we know that the theory is very good, but what you want is to go directly to practice, we leave you this super practical video of the YouTuber Helena HG and in Spanish! In addition, Helena adds a very interesting variation, she folds the sheets by herself standing up. What method do you prefer?

In this video you will find the definitive solution for:

  • Fold fitted sheets (fitted sheets with elastic).
  • Fold the blankets.
  • Fold tablecloths.