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Home insurance: the 30 things it should cover and you didn't know

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Do you know that during confinement domestic accidents have increased? Or that there has been a rise of up to 20% in robberies with violence in the city of Barcelona, ​​for example?

In fact, recently the cell phone was stolen from our writing partner Encarna Aguado, the beauty manager. She was opening her home mailbox and someone behind her took her cell phone out of her bag. Although home insurance usually includes theft outside of it, in this case not because it was without violence. And this is called theft. It is as if home insurance considers it to have been an oversight, not a theft. However, there are insurances that do include the theft option, as well as other very interesting benefits. It is a matter of asking for it and negotiating it.

A well-contracted home insurance can make us much more protected in these situations. You get quite upset when you have a problem in your home, not to have adequate coverage. Investing time in choosing the best insurance now will save you a lot of trouble later. David Timón Pérez, Certified Insurance Mediator by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, explains 30 things that home insurance can cover and tips to hire them correctly.

1. Robbery away from home

As we said at the beginning, many people do not know it, but home insurance can also include any robbery and / or robbery that you suffer outside your home. However, the contract must specify it, as well as the amount that is covered in the event of being the victim of a robbery. In addition, to benefit from this coverage, you must report to the authority and keep a list of stolen goods and objects, including their unit values. This coverage usually offers an agreed amount and there is a maximum compensable.

2. Theft (robbery without violence)

It is not the same to suffer a theft than a robbery. In theft there is no violence or intimidation when it comes to appropriating someone else's property that is inside the house, while in a robbery the criminal does use it: he forces a door, breaks things, tears off your bag. a jerk, etc. Sometimes insurance only includes the second option, so make sure you also include the first. As with robberies outside the home, it is generally necessary to file a report with the authorities.

3. Jewels

If you want to save money and bureaucracy, include your jewelry among the coverage of home insurance. It may make the premium a bit more expensive, but in the long run it saves money and bureaucracy, since you will avoid having to take out specific insurance to recover its value in the event of theft. Always try to keep your purchase invoices or have the assessment of a professional expert. It is also convenient to keep a photographic report of each of the pieces.

4. Electrical damage

Another detail to keep in mind if you want to forget about headaches is to include coverage for electrical damage. In many policies they are not included and it does not hurt to value them to be sure that we will be protected against this type of situation. For the purposes of this coverage, it is advisable to include the loss of assets, such as appliances or refrigerated appliances, due to lack of gas or electricity.

5. DIY, assembling furniture …

Did you know that there are home insurance that includes up to 3 annual interventions to perform DIY tasks? A priori it may seem silly, but having a handyman when assembling a piece of furniture or doing any more delicate fudge is priceless … This coverage does not include arrangements of electrical installations, plumbing issues or works on the parameters of the structure of the House. In addition, remember to have devices and hardware at the operator's disposal to streamline her work, since this service is provided for a limited time that can range between 2 and 3 hours.

6. Computer assistance

Now that most of us are teleworking, we realize the need for help if our computer dies, we suddenly lose all data or the network leaves us hanging. This service is also included in many policies. Don't forget about him! It can get you out of a lot of trouble.

7. Fire damage

A fire is one of the most terrible accidents that can happen to you. It is the first cause of accidents and it can take away that heritage that you have cost so much to achieve, either in the form of a container (housing) or content (trousseau, appliances, furniture, etc.). Fire devastates everything in its path and the damage it can cause is incalculable. Check that the intervention of all the specialists necessary to repair the damage to your home is covered if you find yourself in this situation.An Insurance Broker will take care of the assessment of the continent and will help you with the content. You must not skimp. The lack of capital creates an underinsurance problem, which means that if you have insured an asset that costs 1000 euros for 500, they will only pay you the proportional part between what you should have insured and what you have insured.

8. Water damage

It seems that it will never happen to us … Until it happens to us! The rupture of a pipe is much more frequent than we imagine. A common insurance will be in charge of locating the fault, of repairing it. Make sure that it will also cover everything that has deteriorated, as well as the damages that may occur to third parties (neighbors, storage rooms …).

9. Atmospheric phenomena

A storm, a blizzard, a big snowfall, an unexpected hail … can cause serious damage to your home. Generally, insurance usually includes among its basic coverage material damage that can be caused by meteorological phenomena, but do not forget to check it. It does not hurt to confirm it.

10. Failures of electrical appliances

We are so used to living with appliances that many times we do not realize how necessary they are for our daily lives. But… oh, when they break down! Hence the importance of putting them in the part of the insurance that protects the content. Policies normally cover household appliances when they suffer breakdowns as a result of power outages or power surges. It is convenient to contract specific coverage so that these are included in the event of damage due to other causes. This coverage is usually conditional on a maximum period of age of the device and is usually contracted to offer repair service, not replacement. An independent professional will advise you on the best option.

11. Breakage of windows, glass or marble

Generally, insurance covers or guarantees the payment of the cost of flat windows (insurers normally exclude curved windows or glass), mirrors, kitchen hobs and countertops or furniture made of marble or stone methacrylate, whenever they are accidentally broken. Now, many times the moldings, glassware or crockery, computer screens, spectacle lenses are not included … For a little more, you can include the repair of these "additives" and you will live much more calm. Now, read carefully the construction equipment and materials that will be covered, since not all products are adapted to the new times and construction materials.

12. Replacement of locks

Normally, home insurance includes changes of the lock when there is a robbery or theft of the home or one of the family members has lost the keys or has suffered a robbery in which they have been stolen (as long as a complaint to the relevant authority). ¿ And what happens if the lock is damaged or malfunctioning? In this case, normally the intervention of a locksmith will only be covered if you have it stipulated by contract (this varies according to the companies and the products contracted). Including this service can be of great help. At the end of the day, our security often depends on the proper functioning of the access door to our home.

13. Personal accidents at home

Within your home insurance you also have the option of including a domestic personal accident clause, which will keep you protected if you suffer a fall inside the home, trip in the bathtub, cut yourself with a knife … I hope it never happens to you, But this coverage is usually of great help in any domestic accident, which happens more frequently than we think.

14. Legal protection

It is possible to contract a home insurance that includes legal defense among its coverages. Normally this coverage is quite basic and includes the expenses generated by legal proceedings related to housing or problems in the community of neighbors in which the insured is immersed. If you have the option, contract the claim guarantee, especially if you rent the apartment to third parties. There are companies that guarantee coverage of non-payment of rent and the execution of the tenant's eviction.

15. Civil liability

If you do not want to have problems with your neighbors, do not neglect this point. Civil liability is responsible for covering the damages you cause to third parties. If you suffer a domestic accident or have a breakdown that causes damage to your neighbor's home, you can rest easy, since your insurance will take care of solving the problem and will assume the expenses derived from its repair. Make sure your insurance includes this clause. You will live much more calm! It is advisable to subscribe as much capital as possible, always limiting if there are excesses, since this will be an amount that must be paid by the policyholder and / or insured. A professional will advise you appropriately, since there are many conditions that aggravate this need.

16. Damage of your pets to third parties

There are specific insurance to protect your pets, but within home insurance, protection for civil liability is offered. This means that your insurer protects you against the damages that the animal can cause to third parties. If your dog or cat sneaks onto your neighbor's property, breaks something, or causes damage, your insurance will repair any damage.

17. Baggage in the hotel, apartment or temporary residence

Did you know that your home insurance can protect your luggage when you stay in a hotel, an apartment or a temporary residence? If you travel a lot for work or pleasure, it doesn't hurt to include this protection in your home insurance when you hire it.

18. What you have in the garage or storage room

If you have a storage room and garage, do not forget to include them in your home insurance, as well as the content that you keep there. The “pieces” other than the house itself that are part of the cadastral registry within the same building must be declared.

19. Cancellation of cards

If you are a bit clueless and you tend to lose your credit cards or leave your mobile in the most unexpected place, you should consider the possibility of including in your insurance the option to cancel the cards and block your Smartphone. Surely you use this service on more than one occasion and save yourself unnecessary scares.

20. Second medical opinion and psychological orientation

Did you know that some home insurance also includes a second medical opinion and psychological guidance in their clauses? Without a doubt, these are very interesting options to consider when hiring good home insurance. You will have the analysis of specialized doctors about a disease diagnosed in Spain and with psychological counseling by telephone in the event that you face situations of emotional tension related to health, family or work.

21. Solar panels

Many homes for rural use tend to have solar energy systems and we must not forget to include solar panels in the policy to ensure them in case of theft or fire. Not all companies cover them and the financial damage can be very high. In these very specific cases it is essential to turn to a professional, who detects many needs and helps not to overlook any detail.

In addition to knowing everything that your home insurance can cover, keep the following recommendations in mind:

22. Go to a professional

Seeking the services of an insurance mediator is the best alternative to not leave any loose ends. You probably think it will be an added expense, but it is not. Having the services of this professional does not make the final product more expensive and makes things much easier for you when it comes to subscribing the insurance . He is always up to date with the technical bases of insurance and its conditions and / or clauses. In addition, it will offer you good advice on what is good for you or not to insure and how to do it. On the other hand, it will help you when you have to claim compensation or a service provision, as it knows the insurance formulas and risk assessments.

23. Compare prices

When hiring insurance, you must make a detailed study of the different offers available in the market. At first glance it may seem that there are no big differences, but there is not. You must compare prices and coverage to choose the one that best suits your needs.

24. Do not trust the premiums paid by your acquaintances

Comparing prices is necessary, but never make comparisons between the premium you are going to pay and the one paid by your neighbor, your sister-in-law or your best friend. For starters, their home doesn't have to be the same size or contain the same content as yours. To continue, it is possible that your insurance does not offer the same coverage as the one you are contracting.

25. Take a closer look at all coverages

Before signing any contract, it is essential to carefully read all its clauses.When contracting insurance, an obligation or commitment to pay for goods or civil or criminal liabilities is transferred to an insurer, so it is essential not to leave any detail to improvisation. You must review point by point to make sure that all the coverage you need is included in the contract and assess the different insurance formulas (It is not the same to insure at real value, new value or replacement value). It may seem tedious, but it will avoid unpleasant surprises when you suffer a loss. The insurance broker guarantees you the knowledge and the pertinent explanations of your case. In addition, in the event that this mediator makes a mistake, you will have an additional guarantee: your professional Civil Liability insurance.

26. Take your time to value your assets

Check all your belongings well. This section is essential for hiring. You must make an assessment of the most reliable of your property and what you house in it. Many times we only stop at the things that we consider important and forget about others that also have a lot of value and that without realizing it we are ignoring: jewelry, works of art, computers, valuable clothing … Sometimes it is convenient to be advised by experts on which one is the optimal value to ensure.

27. Insure your assets for the value it would cost to return to

There are different modalities when it comes to insuring your goods. The most recommended way to avoid having to assume extra expenses after a claim is to insure your belongings for the replacement value or, what is the same, what it would cost to return to. Why? Imagine that an appliance that has already been in use for a few years breaks. The insurance can cover the value that this appliance has at that time, but this value will not allow you to replace it with a new one. You will have to assume the difference. Taking advantage of this modality may make your insurance slightly more expensive, but in the long run this investment will be profitable.

28. Cover the aesthetic value of your belongings

There is nothing more important than being comfortable in your own home. If it suffers any damage, the insurance can cover its repair, but perhaps the repair is not as beautiful as you would like. This may seem superficial, but living with something that you don't like at all can become a major inconvenience. If your insurance offers you coverage of the aesthetic value, both for the container and for the content, you can repair the damage and leave everything to your liking again without an added cost.

29. Hire an "All accidental risk"

This type of insurance has begun to be installed in homes. It basically applies when some good does not have a specific coverage and suffers an "accidental event". If an accident occurs inside the insured home, care will be offered that is not otherwise covered. For example, a kitchen cabinet falls over due to an installation failure, breaking both the structure and the contents, and even an adjacent cabinet is damaged.

30. Insurance a la carte

The best products are those that allow you to make "à la carte insurance", a customized product, completely personalized and adapted to your needs. No two clients are the same, each one has a particular situation and different priorities. That is why this modality is gaining ground and it is a trend that will surely end up being implemented in many cases.