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Clear challenge: start practicing sports

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If you always find excuses not to go to the gym or are lazy to even go for a run, walk or swim, you need a change in habits. To be successful with the #Clara Challenge, not only do you have to modify your diet a little - be inspired by the menus from the first week - but you also need to "get active". It is not mandatory that you join the gym, you can perform simple and effective exercises at home.

Laura, colleague, has managed to lose 10 kilos with this challenge, so you can too!

Holmes Place personal trainer Anna Santidrian shares with us three of the most important keys to losing weight thanks to exercise.

1. Find an "accomplice"

Obligations or family make our daily routine not include sports. Either due to lack of time or desire, it is the first thing we leave. Changing your habits and introducing sport into your life can be easier if you have someone to help you. If your budget does not allow for a personal trainer, why not do it with a friend or your partner?

2. Combine cardio and toning

When we want to lose weight, we make the mistake of believing that we must spend hours and hours running or cycling. No, the ideal is to combine "cardio", that is, running, swimming, skating … with toning exercises.

3. A good rest

To achieve the desired goal, in addition to a balanced diet and physical exercise, rest is essential. If you don't get enough sleep, your body won't recover 100%.

Three exercises to do at home

Firm buttocks. Besides squats, one of the easiest exercises to do at home is the hip extension. Get on all fours, bring one leg back, and do 15 small bounces. Repeat with the other leg and do 4 sets with each one.

A little more. In the same position, lift one leg back, with the knee at a 90 degree angle and the sole of the foot towards the ceiling. Stretch your leg, bend it, and bring it up 15 times. Repeat with the other leg and do 4 sets with each one.

Smooth abdomen. Lie down on the floor, place your hands behind your neck and bring your knees to your chest. Tighten your abdomen well and move your legs back and forth alternately. Rest and repeat 5 times. Then in the same position, do the bike.

And if you still don't know what #RetoClara is , don't miss this video.