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Home remedies for toothache

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How to relieve a toothache

How to relieve a toothache

Toothache has different causes, and it is sometimes difficult to know why. Therefore, the first thing to remedy is to call the dentist and make an appointment as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we propose a series of home remedies so that you can relieve toothache until it is time to go to the consultation.

Extreme dental hygiene

Extreme dental hygiene

If there are food debris, flossing or interdental brushes can take pressure off the tooth and provide some relief. Try not to use too much force on the affected area so as not to increase the pain. Then, brush normally to remove any remaining residue.

Ice, a homemade anesthetic

Ice, a homemade anesthetic

Take some ice cubes and wrap them in a thin cloth and place them on the affected cheek. The cold has an anesthetic effect and will help relieve toothache. On the other hand, you should never put the ulna directly on the affected tooth, because the effect would be the opposite, it would increase tooth sensitivity and pain.

Salt water rinse

Salt water rinse

With your mouth completely clean, make a homemade rinse by mixing a tablespoon of salt with warm (never hot) water. You should not swallow, just gargle with it. Salt water has an antiseptic effect.

Propolis vs. Sensitivity

Propolis vs. Sensitivity

Propolis reduces tooth sensitivity, which is helpful when your teeth hurt. It also has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. Soak a cotton ball in alcohol-free propolis extract and apply it on the aching tooth,

The "miraculous" clove

The "miraculous" clove

This spice has anesthetic properties thanks to its content in eugenol, a phenolic derivative that has sedative properties. It is also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, so it can help you until you can see your dentist. You can apply it as a powder or as an essential oil on the affected tooth, but never whole.

Use the home medicine cabinet

Use the home medicine cabinet

In addition to using anesthetic sprays that you can spray on the tooth, you can also take non-prescription medications such as pain relievers (paracetamol) or anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen). Instead, you should not resort to acetylsalicylic acid because it can increase sensitivity and bleeding. And you don't have to take antibiotics without knowing if there is an infection and without being prescribed by a doctor. These medications will not cure you, but they can provide relief while you are not seen by the dentist.

The food, soft and warm

The food, soft and warm

Make life easy for yourself and try to eat soups, creams, purees, fish, omelet…. Dishes that do not require much chewing and that give your teeth a rest. To also avoid accentuating the sensitivity of the dentin, avoid extreme temperatures and eat food as warm as possible.

Avoid sugar and sweets

Avoid sugar and sweets

If there is no pain, sugar and sweets do not help at all to good dental health, when you are raging with the teeth, you have to avoid them altogether, since it worsens sensitivity and pain. You should also avoid alcohol and tobacco, because they also aggravate the situation.

Sleep supporting the "good cheek"

Sleep supporting the "good cheek"

If you sleep on your side, try not to support the sore cheek by the affected tooth, so that the pressure does not worsen the sensation of pain. If you have trouble sleeping on the other side, you can put a tennis ball attached to the back of your nightgown to force you to roll over.

If you have ever had a toothache, you have little desire to repeat the experience again. When it is acute, it is one of the most exasperating pains we can suffer and we count down to seconds before the dentist catches us. To make the wait more bearable, in the photo gallery we tell you what are the home remedies for toothache that you can apply until the dentist can treat you and determine the origin of your toothache.

What causes toothache

Depending on how your pain is, you can deduce what can cause it.

  • If the pain is sharp and appears suddenly. It is usually due to a cavity.
  • If it's a constant, dull ache. The cause is usually inflammation of the tissues around the tooth.

How to relieve toothache at home

  • Extreme dental cleaning and flossing
  • Rinse with warm water and salt
  • Apply ice wrapped in a cloth on the affected cheek to "anesthetize" the area
  • Apply propolis extract soaked in a cotton ball on the tooth
  • Clove in powder or essential oil also helps against toothache
  • You can temporarily resort to anesthetic sprays and analgesics (paracetamol) or anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen).
  • Eat soft foods so you don't chew too much and warm, to avoid tooth sensitivity
  • Avoid sugar and sweets, as well as alcohol and tobacco

Don't let it pass

It is important to go to the dentist as soon as possible to treat toothache. He thinks that if there is an infection, it can end up becoming seriously complicated. In addition, although it is not usual, toothache can have an origin outside the mouth, either due to an ear problem that radiates to this area, or because it is a rare symptom of a heart attack.

And if you don't want it to happen to you again, here we give you 17 keys to always having a healthy mouth.