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Satisfying, low-fat recipes to control you after the summer

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Eating healthy and light doesn't have to be the equivalent of starving or eating boring. These recipes are super easy to make, they are delicious, and they fill you up and don't weigh you down. And how is it possible? Well, because they are full of satisfying foods, which fill you up but do not make you fat, and they do not boycott your efforts when it comes to losing weight.

Eating healthy and light doesn't have to be the equivalent of starving or eating boring. These recipes are super easy to make, they are delicious, and they fill you up and don't weigh you down. And how is it possible? Well, because they are full of satisfying foods, which fill you up but do not make you fat, and they do not boycott your efforts when it comes to losing weight.

Fresh pasta with seafood

Fresh pasta with seafood

4 people - 30 min - 394 kcal

Seafood provides proteins, vitamins, minerals, omega 3, so it takes care of the line but also the heart.


  • 300 g of fresh pasta type noodles or spaghetti - 8 peeled prawns - 12 clams - 12 mussels - 1 clove of minced garlic - 2 glasses of crushed tomato - ½ glass of dry white wine - 2 tablespoons of minced parsley - olive oil - salt and pepper.


  1. Clean the mussels well, removing the whiskers and the incrustations from the shells, and leave the clams in salted water.
  2. Put the mussels in a saucepan, with very little water, and steam. Remove them just as they start to open. Reserve the cooking liquid. Open the clams also steamed.
  3. Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and sauté the garlic. Let it brown a little and add the prawns. Pour in the crushed tomato, the wine, a little water from the cooking of the mussels and sprinkle with the parsley. Cook for 10 minutes, add the clams and cook 5 more minutes until the sauce thickens. Season with salt and pepper, add the mussels to the sauce and mix well.
  4. Cook fresh pasta for 6-8 minutes until al dente. Finish cooking the pasta by sautéing it for a couple of minutes in the sauce with the fruits of the sea. Serve immediately.
  • You can also make the same recipe with zucchini noodles instead of pasta. You can make them yourself with the help of a spiralizer or a potato peeler. And they can be eaten both raw, steamed or sautéed.

Green salad with tofu and walnuts

Green salad with tofu and walnuts

4 people - 25 min + maceration - 228 kcal

When we think of light proteins, we think of fish and seafood, but tofu is also an interesting and very versatile option in the kitchen.


  • 600 g of tofu - 20 chopped walnuts - 2 small carrots - ¼ of red cabbage - 100 g of watercress - 50 g of spinach leaves - marigold lettuce and oak leaf - black olives.
  • For the marinade: 2 bay leaves - 1 sprig of thyme - 1 tsp. of sweet paprika - 4 cloves of garlic - ½ liter of olive oil - 4 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar.


  1. In a saucepan with the olive oil, confit the bay leaf, thyme, paprika and the peeled garlic cloves over low heat.
  2. When it starts to boil, remove from the heat, let it cool and add the apple cider vinegar.
  3. Cut the tofu into cubes and marinate in this marinade for 3 hours. Chop the red cabbage into very thin strips and reserve it in a container with water.
  4. Wash the lettuce, watercress, and spinach leaves. Cut the lettuce leaves and immerse them in a bowl of water. Cut the carrots into strips.
  5. Centrifuge the lettuce, watercress and spinach well; Mix with the carrots and red cabbage and divide into individual plates or bowls. Add the olives, walnuts, and well-drained tofu.
  6. You can give it an extra flavor by adding some slices of apple. To prevent them from rusting and turning black, sprinkle them with a little lemon juice.
  • A plus: Sunflower, pumpkin, sesame seeds … not only provide flavor, but also minerals (iron, zinc …) and fiber.

Curried vegetable panaché

Curried vegetable panaché

4 people - 45 min - 174 kcal

Peas, like all other legumes, and carrots and potatoes are some of the essential foods in a satisfying diet.


  • 1 zucchini - 2 carrots - 100 g of peas - 2 potatoes - 1 cauliflower - 8 wild asparagus - ½ liter of vegetable broth - olive oil
  • For the sauce: 1 small onion - 1 tbsp. flour - 1 tsp. mustard - 2 tbsp. curry powder - 1 tsp. lemon juice - 2 tbsp. liquid cream


  1. Blanch the cauliflower in the vegetable broth for about 5 minutes. Remove it and set it aside.
  2. Cook the potatoes, cut into strips, and the peas in the same way. Cut the rest of the vegetables into strips and sauté them.
  3. Sauté the chopped onion, add the flour, stir well and leave for a couple of minutes.
  4. Add the curry and pour ¼ liter of the broth to cook the vegetables.
  5. Add the mustard, the juice, and the cream.
  6. Mix well until you get a homogeneous sauce, and serve with the vegetables.

Discover more recipes with easy and irresistible zucchini.

Monkfish wok with asparagus

Monkfish wok with asparagus

4 people- 15 min - 265 kcal

Asparagus is a good source of tryptophan, which takes away your anxiety. And vegetables, in general, are rich in magnesium, with an anti-stinging and anti-stress effect. In addition, by bringing ginger (one of the fat-burning spices) it deflates because this root increases gastric juices and facilitates digestion, and in this way you fight gas.


  • 400 g sliced ​​monkfish - 1 tbsp. grated ginger - 2 tbsp. sweet chili sauce - 1 tbsp. corn oil - 20 wild asparagus - 2 spring onions - 1 tsp. of sesame oil - sesame seeds - salt.


  1. Mix the ginger with the chili sauce and, with the help of a kitchen brush, paint the pieces of monkfish with this preparation.
  2. Wash the wild asparagus and remove the base. Cut the rest of the asparagus into two or three pieces.
  3. Heat the wok well, pour in the corn oil and, when it is hot, add the monkfish slices.
  4. When the meat shrinks a bit, add the asparagus and sliced ​​spring onions. Sauté all the ingredients for about 5 minutes, stirring carefully to avoid breaking the fish.
  5. Remove the wok from the heat, let the mixture rest for a couple of minutes and add the sesame oil to the sauté. Season with a pinch of salt and stir all the ingredients again to mix well.
  6. Divide the preparation into individual plates and serve immediately with a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds on top.
  • If you don't have corn and sesame oil, you can make it with mild oil or sunflower oil. And instead of monkfish you can make it with fresh hake or cod.

Sea bass with rice pilaf

Sea bass with rice pilaf

4 people - 35 min - 320 kcal

Sea bass, along with cod, hake, whiting, perch and ray, is one of the leanest white fish (with little fat), but at the same time very satiating. For this reason, it is considered one of the foods that fill you up the most but does not make you fat.


  • 4 sea bass fillets, 150 g each - 1 tsp. cumin - lemon juice - olive oil - butter - breadcrumbs - salt
  • For the pilaf: 100 g of wild rice - 100 g of basmati rice - 1 onion - 25 g of butter - salt and pepper.


  1. Boil the rice separately, drain, mix and reserve.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry it with butter.
  3. When it is transparent, add the rice and sauté 2 minutes. Salt and pepper and reserve.
  4. Season the fish with lemon and salt. Mix the breadcrumbs with the cumin and a drizzle of oil.
  5. Coat the meat side of the sea bass with the mixture.
  6. Butter four rectangles of parchment paper, place the fish and make small packages.
  7. Cook for 25 minutes in the oven preheated to 150 ° and serve with a rice pudding pilaf.

If you are looking for recipes with rice, here are the most sought after and delicious.