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Diet to lose 6 kg in a month without giving up whims

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Diet to lose weight 6 kilos without suffering

Diet to lose weight 6 kilos without suffering

It is forbidden to eat bread or pizza or chips … And the more they forbid you, the more you want to eat it and the worse you go on a diet. Outcome? In 99% of cases you stop the diet and you can not lose weight.

  • Review, select, reduce, and treat yourself! Review the "tributes" that you give yourself daily. If you have a big breakfast, you don't stop snacking during the day, pizza for dinner… what you have to do is choose what you really can't give up. Reorganize your diet and treat yourself, but one. And you will enjoy it more because it will be “your moment”.
  • What is your "inalienable"? We all have one. There are those who cannot give up eating cheese or sausage or sauce … To be able to afford it and lose up to 6 kilos without suffering, you have two options, take it as a whim or find a way not to weigh you down.

Here are the weekly menus of the diet to lose 6 kilos without suffering:

Download the diet menus

Keep reading, we explain how the diet works …

Keys for the plan to work

Keys for the plan to work

To make it easy for you, we propose some rules with the idea that light and healthy foods displace others that are less convenient. For example, some strawberries for dessert will prevent you from having a sugary strawberry yogurt or a panacota.

Golden rules of the diet to lose 6 kilos

  • 1 more serving of fruit. For breakfast, dessert, snack …
  • 1 more serving of vegetables. Which is equivalent to 150g more.
  • 1 less serving of cereals. Eliminate a portion of bread, pasta, rice …
  • Smaller servings. Of cereals and protein (not of vegetables).
  • Fewer whims (but a few). Review and reduce the "tributes" that you give yourself daily.
  • Enhance tastes. With lemon juice, spices … to take less salt or sugar.

How to follow the diet and treat yourself

How to follow the diet and treat yourself

It is not about eating what you want at all meals, but eating from time to time what you really want, savoring and enjoying it.

We have prepared a weekly menu for two weeks. You will see that there is a free meal a week, we have it on weekends, but if you prefer another day, you can change it. As we said before, it is not a blank menu for you to swallow fast food, for example, but to choose the food that you like and enjoy it well: a plate of pasta with tomato and cheese, a couple of slices of homemade pizza, have a Small sandwich with some cold meat or, why not, have a brunch instead of breakfast and lunch.

In the third and fourth week you can include two free meals. When you've reached your healthy weight, it can be up to 3-4 free meals. But with a head!

And then we will tell you how to integrate what you like into your menus as a permitted whim or without fattening.

If you can't give up sweets …

If you can't give up sweets …

Beyond giving yourself the occasional treat of taking that sweet that you lose, the ideal is that your diet breathes sweetness (without sugar).

Sweet breakfasts that don't weigh down

Don't give up on your toast with jam, but opt ​​for a homemade jam without sugar. Put a handful of fruit in a saucepan with a little water and dates in pieces; cook over low heat until compote. He also opts for oatmeal cooked in a vegetable drink without sugar but with cinnamon, which tastes like rice pudding.

Sweet salads and sweet vegetables

The sauce will taste sweeter if you let the onion simmer for a long time. And the vegetable creams, if they have vegetables such as carrots or pumpkin roasted in the oven. Also if you use sweet spices: turmeric, cinnamon … And the salad? Throw in some dried raisins or a splash of sweet sherry vinegar.

Seconds with a hint of sweetness

Get it with fruit - fresh or dried - and spices. Like the Moroccan tajine, which has plums, dried apricots and cinnamon; or a round with spinach, raisins and pine nuts; or chicken with pineapple.


If you lose your chocolate, you can take an ounce a day without shaking your diet to lose weight. It is always better if the chocolate is more than 85%, because the more cocoa it has, the less it gets fat. But if you don't like it so black or you prefer it with milk, being only one ounce is not an insurmountable difference.

And for dessert?

  • Grilled fruit. When you grill it on a non-stick griddle without oil, its sweet flavor is concentrated and it will taste better.
  • Sweet yogurts. Microwave blueberries or other fruit with a little water to make it look like a jam. Add it to a yogurt and hummmm …

Not without your cheese

Not without your cheese

Having a cheese board for dinner one day is not a problem, the problem is to do it every day because you have not been able to prepare anything and that this displaces a first of vegetables and a second of light protein.

It can help you lose weight

Cheese has a perfect place in a weight loss diet … in just the right amount, as we will tell you below. What's more, according to a Danish study, cheese increases the colony of certain bacteria in the intestinal microbiota that accelerate metabolism and maintain the balance of body fat.

How much is a serving

It depends on the cheese and the whole. A fresh cheese is not the same as a cured one. And one day she has fresh cheese in a salad; another season pasta with Parmesan; and another, make yourself a mini cheese. But not all on the same day.

  • Soft cheese. 2 golf balls (80-125 g)
  • Brie. 2 aa batteries (50-70 g)
  • Cured cheese. 1 cork stopper (40-60 g)

Find out how many calories your favorite cheese has.

Sausage, punctual pleasure

Sausage, punctual pleasure

The sausage happens like the cheese. If our usual diet is rich in fruit, vegetables, legumes… nothing happens to take a portion of sausage on any given day.

The ideal: little but of good quality

So if your diet is correct, you can have a mini sausage a couple of times a week, add it to vegetable stews or as a vegetable topping (such as peas with ham). And if you love chorizo, adding paprika from La Vera to meals helps you not miss it.

How many slices are 150 kcal

  • Chorizo. 4 slices.
  • Sausage. 2.5 slices.
  • Mortadella. 3 slices.
  • York ham. 3 slices.
  • Iberian Ham. 2 slices, but it is the most recommended for its high content of oleic acid, which helps to improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Here we tell you how fat the sausages are: ham, chorizo, turkey …

Addicted to bread?

Addicted to bread?

You can eat bread every day and lose weight. You can even have it at every meal, for example, a mini or some toast for breakfast and a couple of slices at lunch or dinner. Of course, then you should not eat pasta, rice or potatoes at the same meal or in snacks throughout the day.

You can do it, it is true, but if you do it frequently, you displace more nutritionally interesting foods and the diet loses variety and becomes impoverished. Ideally, you should incorporate it with other foods in a varied diet, in one or a maximum of two meals a day.

Better sourdough bread

It is not a fad, sourdough contains "good" bacteria that help the health of the intestinal microbiota. And a healthy biota helps to control weight and also the feeling of hunger. In addition, these bacteria predigest starch and bread is easier to digest.

Varieties that fill

  • Integral. It is if it puts whole wheat flour as the first ingredient on the label and has 70% of it.
  • Rye. Rye wholemeal bread has a very dense crumb, is very rich in fiber and highly satisfying.
  • Oats. It is the one with the most protein, so it takes away hunger for much longer.

In good company

Accompanying a slice of bread with oil and chocolate, in addition to being pleasant, is a good idea, because combining a hydrate and a fat slows down the speed at which their sugars pass into the blood and makes you feel full for longer.

And if you want you can also encourage yourself to make your own homemade bread.

Crazy about pasta

Crazy about pasta

If you like pasta, you can eat pasta every day in garnish rations accompanying a second, for example, or as a single dish once or twice a week in light recipes, such as spaghetti a la marinera or macaroni with homemade tomato sauce .

Cook it al dente and let it cool

Cook the pasta so that it is a little soft on the outside, but with a somewhat hard heart, which forces you to chew more, satisfies you earlier and takes away your hunger for longer. The ideal 3 in 1. But also, if you let it cool and then reheat it, its starch turns into resistant starch, a type of fiber that is much more satiating.

Is it true that integral is better?

Only if you like it. As the nutritionist Carlos Ríos explains, "I don't care if the pasta is white or whole, the most important thing is the side: vegetables, healthy fats and proteins." Come on, white pasta with a drizzle of olive oil and oregano is better than a whole wheat carbonara.

Varieties that weigh little …

  • Couscous Couscous semolina - or small soup pasta - takes up a lot of liquid, so with a small amount (40 g) you fill the plate.
  • Legume pasta. You can stick with a side dish because it has more fiber than wheat pasta and is much more filling.
  • Made of veggies? Ok, it's not pasta but … if you like spaghetti or noodles, accompanying some wheat with others zucchini make a more complete portion.

If the sauce gives you life, don't give up

If the sauce gives you life, don't give up

Carlos Ríos recommends changing "ultra-processed sauces, refined oils, salt, additives and sugars, for healthier dressings." He proposes using “spices and vinegar, both with healthy properties demonstrated by scientific evidence; Tomato sauces and prepared with 90% tomato and better with EVOO ”. He also advises that if soy sauce is used, it is low in salt.

Dressing a salad is not making it swim in sauce

Olive oil is very healthy, but… a level tablespoon is 90 kcal, so we can't go overboard with dressing or with sauces or stir-fries that contain oil. For example, to lighten a vinaigrette, add one part oil, one part vinegar, and one part vegetable stock, instead of 3 oil to 1 vinegar.

The trick so that the pasta is well impregnated

To sauce the pasta without going overboard, do like the Italians. When draining the pasta after boiling it, they never completely drain it, so that little water helps the sauce spread well and you need to add less.

The lighter recipes

  • Fruit vinaigrettes. Mix the juice of the fruit you like, with a mild vinegar such as rice, the grated skin of the fruit or pieces of it and spices.
  • Fat-free tomato sauce. Roast onion, tomato and carrot in the oven; grind everything with salt and spices to taste. The same goes for making a red pepper sauce, for example.
  • Of yogurt. Beat yogurt with cucumber, lemon juice and mint.

More light and super easy to make sauce and vinaigrette recipes here.

Fried, forbidden?

Fried, forbidden?

One day a week you can give yourself the pleasure of taking them. It is always more recommended that it be a light frying, such as Andalusian, which only contains flour, than a breading, which adds egg and breadcrumbs. Although, from time to time, you can have it in a sensible portion.

The secret is in the temperature

Olive oil is the most recommended for frying because it is the one that can take the highest temperature without degrading. The ideal is to fry at 180-200º, at a lower temperature the food becomes too impregnated with oil. To know if it has reached this temperature, add a grain of corn to the oil and when it explodes into popcorn, it will be ready.

Substitutes? Yes, there are lighter ones

  • Vegetable chips. They are only really lighter if you bake them at home with very little oil. The bagged ones are the same as the regular chips.
  • Oil-free fryers. They are an option for frying with almost no fat, as can the oven as well.

Number of chips allowed

One hundred calories don't ruin any diet. They are that 10% ultra-processed tolerable. The problem is sticking to the amount of chips they represent.

  • How many chips can you have for 100 kcal? 10 homemade chips - 7 potato balls - 6 potato wedges - 5 potato chips.
  • Best homemade. It is easier to control that you fry them in good oil and that you do not go overboard with the salt.
  • Separate ration. Put your portion in a separate bowl and you will avoid overeating.

If you lose your pizza …

If you lose your pizza …

Size does matter. The ideal portion is your hand with open fingers.

  • Thin crust. Best homemade - flour, olive oil, yeast, just salt and water -, without bad fats or preservatives, and very very fine.
  • Basic or veggie. Better a margarita or a vegetable than a 4 cheese or a barbecue.

Discover all the secrets to make low calorie pizza.