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How to avoid sugar and eat less sweet

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1. Even if it costs … be positive!

1. Even if it costs … be positive!

You may take us for crazy but yes, a positive attitude to a situation like the one we are experiencing due to the coronavirus can do a lot for you. So to avoid bingeing on candy out of nerves or uncertainty, think twice. And is that after eating a piece of cake your body secretes hormones linked to a feeling of well-being that makes you want to repeat, and repeat …

If you think that stopping eating it is going to be torture, you will not succeed. Your conviction along with these tips are a good way to overcome it. Do you want to be a more positive person?

Also, think that if you are overwhelmed - it is normal, we all are -, you will have hormonal ups and downs that will make you crave sweets even more. Practicing yoga or meditation will help you channel stress . Take a look at this weekly exercise plan to take care of your body and mind during quarantine.

2. A balanced breakfast

2. A balanced breakfast

Start the day with a breakfast rich in fiber and protein (skimmed milk with rolled oats and a fruit) and, above all, avoid these 5 "healthy" foods in the morning. This way, glucose spikes will not be produced that would end up making you want to eat sweets.

3. Eat every 3 hours

3. Eat every 3 hours

For insulin to be stable and cravings not triggered, you should eat every 3 to 4 hours. Three main meals rich in fiber, protein and healthy fats (fish, chicken, egg with vegetables or brown rice) and two snacks such as fresh fruit, nuts, yogurt. Find out why it is important to have a snack.

4. Your great ally: green tea

4. Your great ally: green tea

In addition to its antioxidant properties, drinking green tea has been seen to help control blood glucose levels. Therefore, in addition to preventing diabetes, it is very useful to combat craving for sweets.

5. Make your own candy

5. Make your own candy

If you are a chef, you can prepare your favorite cakes by replacing refined flours and sugar with healthier and less addictive options. Whole wheat or oat flour instead of refined white flour. Stevia, a natural sweetener, instead of sugar, as it does not alter glucose levels. Olive oil, instead of butter. Do you fancy these cupcakes? We have the recipe!

6. Do not lack fiber

6. Do not lack fiber

Fiber is essential so that you feel more satisfied and do not have hunger attacks. For this reason, vegetables, legumes and whole grains (bread, pasta, rice …) should not be missing in your diet. Take note of these 15 infallible tricks to get more fiber.

7. If the body asks you for sweet …

7. If the body asks you for sweet …

Faced with unexpected cravings, fruit is a good option, since in addition to a sweet taste, it provides vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. You can take it whipped with a yogurt. Another option is oat milk with cinnamon or dried fruit (dried apricots, etc.). Or if you are a cook, you can prepare your favorite cakes by substituting refined flours and sugar for healthier and less addictive options. Whole wheat or oat flour instead of refined white flour. Stevia, a natural sweetener, instead of sugar, as it does not alter glucose levels. Olive oil, instead of butter.

8. Be selective and enjoy it

8. Be selective and enjoy it

Before a special occasion you don't have to deprive yourself, but little by little, limit the portions and quantities. It is always preferable to have an ounce of dark chocolate to a piece of cake. Be selective and savor your choice well.

9. Stress doesn't help you

9. Stress doesn't help you

Stress produces hormonal ups and downs and also creates a sweet tooth. Do not feel guilty if you are more nervous or irritable, quarantine for the coronavirus is a situation that you have not experienced before and it is totally logical that we experience different feelings. But, if possible, keep busy, you can start practicing yoga or do whatever you love but don't normally have time to do.

10. Take care of your body and mind

10. Take care of your body and mind

In addition to taking care of your diet, avoiding stress and being positive, staying physically and mentally active is essential. Exercising allows, on the one hand, to release endorphins that fight anxiety and, on the other hand, it helps to prevent glucose levels from skyrocketing. Yes, now we cannot leave the house but you can do many exercises that you can do in the living room for example. Take a look at these Instagram and Youtube accounts and get in shape at home.

Does anxiety still get you?

Does anxiety still get you?

Find out how you can train your brain to prefer what you lose!

And if you want more information about the coronavirus …

And if you want more information about the coronavirus …

We have selected for you some articles that may be of interest to you to face the coronavirus with the necessary energy and positivism that has always characterized us:

And don't miss the Coronavirus Practical Guide: everything you need to know.