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Recipes with spinach irresistible and easy to make

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Spinach with cod and raisins

Spinach with cod and raisins

Spinach is super light because it has a high water content (89%), and at the same time it is highly recommended as it is the vegetable with the highest proportion of iron and a high content of calcium and potassium, as well as other minerals and vitamins. Combined with cod and dried fruits, they result in this dish that fits perfectly in light dinners to lose weight, super delicious (and easy to make) and for meals too. See recipe step by step.

Spinach cream with boiled egg

Spinach cream with boiled egg

Sauté a leek and a carrot. Then add 500g of fresh spinach and a potato cut into small cubes. When the spinach has reduced, add vegetable broth to cover. Cook for about 20 minutes (until the potato is cooked) and mash. To accompany and make the dish more complete, you can add boiled egg (in this case they are quail), toasted almonds and a sautéed fresh spinach leaf to decorate. More recipes for easy creams and soups here.

Spinach and mushroom muffins

Spinach and mushroom muffins

To give a more sophisticated air to the classic spinach omelette, we have turned it into muffins. How? Very easy. Sauté onion with garlic and mushrooms. Add some fresh spinach and sauté until they lose all the water. In a muffin or muffin tray, distribute this batter into the greased holes and add a mixture of beaten egg and a little cream to cook until each one is covered. Bake 25 minutes at 180º and that's it.

Spinach and escarole salad with orange and onion

Spinach and escarole salad with orange and onion

It's one of our favorite fresh spinach recipes. On a base of escarole and spinach, add orange segments and red onion. Top with one of our super easy light sauces and vinaigrettes. And decorate with seeds or chopped nuts.

Puff pastry cake with spinach

Puff pastry cake with spinach

In a round mold, put a sheet of pre-cooked puff pastry, so that it protrudes generously from the sides. Fill with sautéed fresh spinach, roasted tomato slices, cooked ham, and grated cheese. Cover with beaten egg. Fold the edges of the dough inward and join to close the cake. Prick the surface with a fork several times and bake for 40 minutes at 180 °, until the puff pastry is done and golden. Discover more recipes with easy and super tempting puff pastry.

Chickpeas with spinach and cod

Chickpeas with spinach and cod

Another super easy and sooo nutritious salad is this one based on baby spinach, cooked chickpeas, desalted cod and quail eggs. You just have to mix the drained chickpeas with the washed spinach shoots, a few strips of desalted cod and a couple of cooked quail eggs per person. Easy, delicious, appetizing and full of energy. It is one of the recipes that you can make with a pot of chickpeas.

Crepes filled with spinach, ham and cheese

Crepes filled with spinach, ham and cheese

You can also make some crepes and fill them with sauteed spinach, sweet ham and cottage cheese. If you don't know how to make the dough, we will tell you how to make crepes step by step and ideas (sweet and savory) to fill them.

Chickpea stew with spinach

Chickpea stew with spinach

Or you can make the classic recipe for chickpeas with spinach in an easy and ultra-fast version. You just have to sauté some ajitos in a large skillet, add a bag of washed spinach and sauté them too. Finally add half a pot of cooked chickpeas and mix well. Yes Yes. It is done. Discover more recipes with legumes, an essential food that satisfies, provides fiber, lowers cholesterol … Can you ask for more?

Spinach Lasagna

Spinach Lasagna

In a refractive source, put a finger of béchamel. Top with a layer of cooked lasagna noodles. Top with a mixture of cooked spinach and crumbled cottage cheese. Put another layer of plates of lasagna and spinach plates with cottage cheese. Top with one more layer of lasagna plates, cover with béchamel sauce, sprinkle cheese on top and bake for 18 to 20 minutes in a preheated 200 ° oven. It's one of the easy and irresistible dinner ideas.

Spinach and smoked salmon pizza

Spinach and smoked salmon pizza

It is super simple. Take a sheet of pre-cooked pizza dough. Spread it on a baking tray, cover with the chopped mozzarella and the fresh spinach, washed and chopped. Bake at the highest temperature for 10 minutes or until you see that it is done. Remove the pizza from the oven and top with slices of smoked salmon and some capers. And if you are looking for a low calorie pizza, we have the recipe!

Spinach, apple and mushroom salad

Spinach, apple and mushroom salad

It looks irresistible and instead only 180 calories. Bring fresh spinach leaves, carrot, chives, apple, mushrooms and a handful of chopped nuts. Mix everything together and garnish with a vinaigrette made with olive oil, vinegar and a pinch of fig jam or whatever you have on hand. To prevent the mushrooms and apple from turning black, sprinkle them with lemon after washing and cutting. Discover more easy, quick and … delicious salads!

Spinach with raisins and pine nuts

Spinach with raisins and pine nuts

To make these Catalan-style spinach, you just have to boil some frozen or fresh spinach, drain it well and sauté it along with raisins and pine nuts. It serves as a starter, both for lunch and dinner, or also as a base for a filling of vegetarian cannelloni, for example, or for some dumplings or croquettes. Discover how to make equal croquettes and prevent them from breaking step by step.

Zucchini cannelloni stuffed with spinach and mushrooms

Zucchini cannelloni stuffed with spinach and mushrooms

If you are looking for recipes with frozen spinach, try this one. Boil some frozen spinach and sauté some mushrooms. When they are done, add the well-drained spinach to the mushrooms. Sauté everything together, add a béchamel sauce and blend until you get a homogeneous dough. With the help of a kitchen mandolin, make thin slices of zucchini, roll them up and fill them with the dough. And if you don't like raw zucchini, you can bake it for a few minutes with the oven at 180º.

Fresh spinach salad with anchovies

Fresh spinach salad with anchovies

It is another of the easy and delicious recipes with fresh spinach that we propose. On a base of washed fresh spinach, put small pieces of dried tomatoes in oil, anchovies in vinegar and some poached quail eggs or some mozzarella balls. And to give it a "crunchi" and original touch, you can add some chopped pistachios on top.

Potato, spinach and ham salad

Potato, spinach and ham salad

If you are tired of the typical potato, tomato and tuna salad, try one of the most delicious and easy to make recipes with fresh spinach. A delicious unique dish that could not be missing in the best meals to take to work because it is very complete, it can be eaten cold and it is very easy to make. See recipe step by step.

These recipes with spinach are ideal for the whole family because, in addition to being very easy to cook, they are nutritious, digest well, provide a lot of energy without too many calories, and are rich in vitamins and minerals.

How to cook spinach and take advantage of it

As you have seen in the recipes with spinach, they can be consumed in many ways, both raw and cooked (whether they are sautéed, steamed, in cream, in an omelette …).

  • Crude. If you are going to eat fresh spinach without cooking, make sure it is thoroughly cleaned. Wash them several times so that they loosen all the dirt, but without letting them soak because they already have a lot of water. And it is recommended to do it without detaching them from the root, since that way they are easier to manipulate. And then these, the spoiled leaves and the very large stems are removed.
  • Boiled in water. It takes about 5-7 minutes. They are then placed in a colander, briefly soaked with cold water to stop cooking, and mashed well by hand to remove the water. To preserve their green color, it is important to use plenty of water with a handful of salt and submerge them when they reach full boil. Do not store the cooking water because it has a lot of oxalates.
  • Steamed. They cook in 3 minutes. Fewer nutrients are lost, but some nutritionists do not recommend it because they conserve oxalates.
  • Sauteed. They can also be sautéed directly in a pan or left to cook in their own water in a saucepan. As in the case of steamed and fresh spinach, they retain more nutrients but retain oxalates.
  • Frozen. Frozen spinach is cooked without defrosting, throwing it directly into the water or the stew to which it will be incorporated.

Keep in mind that the volume of fresh spinach is reduced by about three-quarters when cooked. For a first course you need about 500 grams per serving. For garnish, half is enough.

Tips when it comes to and keep them

According to the seasonal vegetable calendar, the best time for fresh spinach is winter, which is when it occurs naturally.

  • Varieties. There are curly leaves, which are eaten fresh between autumn and spring, and smooth leaves, which are usually bought frozen throughout the year.
  • Bulk fresh spinach. Check that the stems are green and the leaves are healthy and whole, with a bright, deep green color, and no reddish spots.
  • Fresh spinach cut and packed. It is convenient to look at the color of the leaves and make sure that there is no excess humidity or wilted or yellowish leaves inside.
  • How to save them. Spinach spoils quickly so it should be eaten as soon as possible. To preserve them, it is best to put them in the refrigerator in a perforated plastic bag or wrap them in plastic wrap. And if you wrap them first with absorbent kitchen paper, you will protect them more from moisture.
  • How much they hold. Cooked they do not hold well for more than a day. The frozen spinach they sell keeps well for up to a year. And if you have frozen them yourself (you just have to blanch them beforehand and drain them well) they last about three months.

Spinach and iron

Although they do not have as much iron as was believed, its amount is not negligible (4.1 mg / 100 g). But they also contain oxalates, which reduce their absorption. The solution? If you're anemic, don't eat them raw, steamed, or sautéed. Cook the spinach separately and remove the water, where much of its oxalates will have dissolved. Discover the foods richest in iron for anemia (some will surprise you).

Did you know…

Not so much iron

A transcription error in the calculation of its nutrients led to the belief for many years that it contained ten times more iron than it actually does. Even so, it is quite rich in this mineral and its reputation for being healthy is totally deserved.