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Christmas desserts: puff pastry Christmas tree and cocoa cream

Table of contents:


1 sheet of chilled puff pastry
200 ml of whipping cream
30 g of cocoa powder
45 g icing sugar
1 egg

A good idea as a Christmas dessert when you don't have the typical nougat, marzipan and others on hand is to make your own Christmas candy. Like, for example, this puff pastry and cocoa cream Christmas tree.

We love it because it is a dessert as colorful as it is easy to make (something that is very appreciated at this time, really …). And, in addition, it likes both young and old. Success squared assured!

How to do it step by step

  1. Prepare the dough. While the oven is preheating to 180º, stretch the puff pastry with the help of a lightly floured rolling pin and cut it with different-sized star-shaped pasta cutters. Keep in mind that you have to make 2 pieces of each size and arrange them on the plate lined with parchment paper, without overlapping them.
  2. Bake the puff pastry. First, crack the egg into a bowl and beat it. Brush with it all the puff pastry pieces that you had cut, bake them for 10 to 15 minutes, and let them cool.
  3. Make the cocoa cream. While the puff pastry stars are baking, whip the cream, which should be very cold, with 25 g of sugar and cocoa, until it has the consistency of cream.
  4. Mount the tree. First of all, spread the surface of each star with the cocoa cream. And then, form a tower with them, arranging them from highest to lowest to make the effect of a tree. Press them lightly to make them stick. Lastly, sprinkle with the rest of the sugar and serve.



If you fill the puff pastry with pastry cream, for example, you will have a much more loaded and tempting tree. You just have to cut the stars horizontally in half, put pastry cream on one of them and cover with the other half.

If you want an idea to complete your Christmas menu and you don't have much time, discover our last minute recipes.