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What to eat to lose weight: 10 foods that help you lose weight

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These ten foods that we recommend help you lose weight because they are high in water and fiber, which helps to dilate the walls of the stomach and send a signal to the brain that we have already eaten enough. In addition, they are foods with a low caloric density,  that is, they have few calories in relation to their weight. Therefore, they have a very high satiety index and are light. Find out what they are and add them to your menus. You will lose weight almost without realizing it, eating healthier and with less temptation to snack.

These ten foods that we recommend help you lose weight because they are high in water and fiber, which helps to dilate the walls of the stomach and send a signal to the brain that we have already eaten enough. In addition, they are foods with a low caloric density,  that is, they have few calories in relation to their weight. Therefore, they have a very high satiety index and are light. Find out what they are and add them to your menus. You will lose weight almost without realizing it, eating healthier and with less temptation to snack.



If there is a light and satisfying food par excellence, this is none other than lettuce. Its caloric intake is very low, only 17 kcal per 100 grams - what makes it fat is that your hand goes away dressing it - and it is very rich in fiber. If you get used to starting your meals with a good plate of salad, you will leave less space for other more caloric foods without leaving you hungry. In addition, this will not cause you any nutritional deficiency since it is rich in vitamin C and folic acid.



They have a bad reputation that they do not deserve because they are 3/4 parts water and have almost no fat (unless you put it in the form of oil or sauces). They only provide 70 kcal per 100 grams if they are boiled or roasted (fried is another matter, but not because of the potato, but because of the oil they carry). And fill, they fill a lot, especially they are allowed to cool, because their hydrates are converted into a type of fiber called resistant starch that is a real hunger remover. In fact, potatoes fill 3 times more than the same amount of white bread and 7 times more than a croissant or other industrial bakery product. It is ideal to accompany vegetables but also fish, eggs … The ideal size to consume if you want to lose weight is the equivalent of a chicken egg.



It is true that oatmeal is not as light as other foods on this list (350 kcal / 100 g), but … its advantages are so many that it has earned its place among the 10 recommended foods to lose weight. It contains a fiber called beta-glucan, which is a soluble type that makes consuming 3 grams of it daily - the equivalent of 75 g of flakes or 40 g of bran - makes the blood sugar level stabilize and you do not feel hungry for a long time.It also helps lower cholesterol. And as it has a prebiotic effect, it also helps to lose weight by contributing to the good health of the intestinal microbiota. And if that weren't enough, it stimulates the thyroid gland, which participates in the metabolism of fats. A poker of aces in a single food. Do not consume it only in the form of flakes for breakfast, you can also boil the grain and consume it as rice or make bread with its flour.



A medium apple provides only about 82 kcal and a lot of water and pectin, a type of soluble fiber that is in its pulp and that leaves you very satiated. In addition, being a fruit with tough meat, it forces you to chew well and eat more slowly, which contributes to making you feel more satiated because chewing slowly causes you to consume fewer calories in the time that the stomach sends the signal to the brain that you are already full. So take it at the end of a light meal or between meals and you will delay the moment of wanting to eat again for much longer.



It is not usually a food that appears very frequently in the section of recommended foods because not everyone likes it but … it is highly recommended. Not only is it light (8 kcal / 100 g) but it is ideal for deflating because it is very rich in potassium and in an essential oil that dilates the renal vessels and thus increases the expulsion of water. In addition, it stimulates gastric juices and helps to expel gas. The ideal is to eat it in a salad, as crudité accompanying hummus or other vegetable patés and, of course, you can make celery broth without salt and consume it between meals, which also helps to relieve hunger if it is warm.



Protein foods tend to be more satisfying because they spend more time in the stomach, but many are of animal origin and, while their proteins are consumed, their fat is also consumed, so they are more caloric. If you have doubts about the value of soy protein, keep in mind that egg white and milk protein have the highest biological quality, valued at 1, while the biological quality of soybeans is 0, 91, almost equal to that of veal (0.92). Among legumes, chickpeas are close, with a 0.78. So it is worth incorporating soy into your regular diet.



They are an almost essential garnish because they have almost no fat and very very few calories (20 kcal / 100 g), on the other hand, they contain a high percentage of water (between 80 and 90%) and a lot of fiber. Also, like oats, it is a type of fiber called beta-glucan, which is especially satiating. And you can not only take them as a garnish, but also in scrambled eggs, like cream, in the filling of lasagna and cannelloni to reduce the amount of meat and calories …



Egg white is the highest quality protein, even more so than meat. And protein foods are very filling because they stay in the stomach longer than carbohydrates. In addition, there are studies that demonstrate its ability to suppress hunger. For example, an investigation by the University of Connecticut (USA) concluded that eating an egg for breakfast helped you lose weight because it prevented you from being hungry until the next meal. And don't be afraid of it, nothing will happen by eating it frequently.



It is one of the fruits that most removes hunger due to its large amount of water and fiber, but for this to be the case, when peeling it, do not remove the white part of the skin because a lot of soluble fiber is concentrated there. Also, a medium piece of about 225 grams is only 61 kcal. And another key for it to be on the list of the 10 most recommended foods to lose weight is its richness in vitamin C, and is that the lack of this vitamin is related to the tendency to obesity.



Fish is more satisfying than meat. According to research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was concluded that eating fish at noon instead of meat caused up to 11% fewer calories to be consumed at dinner because it was more filling. This, it seems, has to do with its proteins but also with the quality of its fat. So if you want to lose weight, prefer fish to meat.