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Why do I always feel bloated?

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The feeling of being permanently swollen is a nuisance suffered by one in three Spanish women. The origin may be fluid retention, gas or slow intestinal transit. In addition to the discomfort that it can cause, it makes you not feel comfortable with your physique, that you feel fat.

Eating less is not the solution

  • Fix the cause. Taking fewer calories does not usually work on its own, because even if it helps you lose some weight, if you do not eliminate the source of the problem (foods that are difficult to digest, others that cause fluid retention …) you will continue to feel bloated.
  • No to restrictive diets. Seeing that cutting calories a bit doesn't work, you may be “tempted” to try another diet that is more restrictive than the previous one. In the end, when you leave them tired of starving, there is a rebound effect: the lost kilos return accompanied by a few more. Recent studies have linked the continuous gains and losses in weight with a change in the distribution of body fat, which begins to accumulate in the abdominal area.
  • And what works? "Invest" the calories well. It is not the same that they come from a entrecote than from a baked fish with vegetables and brown rice. The plan that we propose includes foods with little fat, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, and fish or whole grains, light and easy to digest. Our proposal also gives you the right fiber, which will help prevent fat from accumulating.

What makes you feel this way?

Here are the 5 most frequent causes of that balloon sensation that makes it seem like you are gaining kilos, and the solutions to remedy them.

1. You eat without realizing it or you “boycott” your diet

  • Profile. Instead of the five meals a day, you usually eat two or three. And many days you don't even eat breakfast, because you're not hungry first thing in the morning. You don't eat much, but it seems like everything makes you fat. Of course, when you are stressed or depressed, food helps you relax and feel better (or so you think).
  • Why happens? It may be because you are stressed and under pressure. The body secretes cortisol, a hormone that causes a rise in glucose and increases your craving for sweets. Also, if the levels are high for a long time, you "swell". It is also common to snack when too much time is allowed to pass between one meal and the next or when we skip one.

The solution:

  • More tryptophan. It helps you "manufacture" serotonin, which regulates your appetite and slows down your urge to snack. You have it in cereals, eggs, legumes, banana …
  • More calcium. If you lack it, you will probably take more fats and sweets. You find it in dairy, green leafy vegetables, almonds …
  • Exercise. According to a study published in Medical News Today , half an hour of daily exercise helps control anxiety and snacking.


  • Anchovies in vinegar. The fats in oily fish are satisfying and help prevent you from accumulating fat.
  • Pasta with mushrooms. Mushrooms contain 0% fat, and wholemeal pasta, due to its fiber, is more satisfying. Ideal for a light diet.

2. Puffed up after a meal: does gas make you bloated?

  • Profile. Your belly is swollen after eating, even if you have eaten little. Most days you wake up "flat", but as the hours go by, you notice how your belly "grows".
  • Why happens? Gases are generated during digestion, so there is always, the problem is excess. The causes of this excess gas are diverse: eating foods rich in fat or spicy (fried, legumes or some raw vegetables are difficult to digest, so better avoid them), some intolerance, stress or eating too fast.

The solution:

  • Digestive enzymes. These substances help the digestive system to perform its functions. They are found naturally in papaya or natural pineapple.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks. They cause bloating and gas, especially if you take them during food. In addition, replace the after-dinner coffee with a digestive infusion (boldo, lemon verbena, fennel …).


  • Turkey skewers with pineapple and papaya. Macerate the turkey in lemon and cinnamon and mount the skewers with diced pineapple and papaya.
  • Yogurt and apple compote with cinnamon. Yogurt is synonymous with intestinal health and cinnamon prevents excess gas.

3. Question of hormones: how to keep them under control

  • Profile. At the beginning of the cycle and the days before you feel more tired than usual, irritated, you usually gain some weight and you feel bloated. They also tend to increase your desire for chocolate and sweets.
  • Why happens? The drop in estrogen is to blame and also causes moderate fluid retention, which promotes orange peel skin and a slight weight gain (you may gain up to 2 kilos).

The solution:

  • Less carbohydrates. And also less salt and fat to lighten the diet.
  • Exercise. The aerobic type (walking, swimming, cycling …) increases serotonin levels, which will curb your desire for sweets.

4. Fluid retention: kilos of "remove and put"

  • Profile. You can't lose weight despite dieting. It even seems to you that from one day to the next you add kilos. Also, your hands and ankles swell and unsightly cellulite gains ground. The tummy is also another of those critical areas, and so you feel less and less comfortable with your body. You have been told that you retain fluids, so you decide to drink less to see if you can end the problem.
  • Why happens? In addition to sex - it affects women more due to a hormonal issue - other factors such as excess sodium, tobacco, alcohol or stress can hinder the circulation of fluids in the body. And if the body is unable to eliminate all the excess liquid through urine or sweat, retention occurs.

The solution:

  • Water at all hours. About 2 liters a day; better if it is low sodium water (less than 20 milligrams of sodium / liter of water). And if you have trouble doing it or you forget, sign up for our tricks to drink more water without realizing it.
  • Less salt The maximum is about 4 grams / day.
  • Infusions. Burdock, horsetail, dandelion …
  • Potassium. Eliminate excess fluids. In mushrooms, asparagus, artichokes, banana …


  • Salmon garnished with green beans. The omega 3 fats in salmon help you avoid fluid retention.
  • Swiss chard cream. Cook 250 g of chard stemless and beat together with a little of the cooking water and olive oil.

5. Heavy digestions: when the after dinner is a "punishment"

  • Profile. After eating you always notice pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen that is usually accompanied by swelling, burning, or even nausea. You have a hard time falling asleep due to the feeling of heaviness and there are some days when you wake up with a queasy stomach, like bloated.
  • Why happens? Digestion is a process that can last from 14 to 48 hours, but it lasts longer when you have eaten excessively, have eaten foods rich in fat (fried, battered, buttered sauces …) or when you eat very quickly or there are intolerances to certain foods. And if digestion is too slow, food spends too much time in the digestive tract, causing discomfort.

The solution:

  • Less fat. Fats stay longer in the stomach, and therefore slow down digestion.
  • Without going overboard. Increase its consumption (25 g daily), but do not go overboard if you want to digest without discomfort.
  • Slow digestion The fats in milk slow the digestion of other foods until it is digested, which can lead to bloating.
  • Infusions. You have a large number of plants against heavy digestion that can help you reduce that annoying feeling of heaviness.


  • Chicken a la papillote. Choose lean meats and remember that the cooking method plays a role. With this, digestion is easier.
  • Yogurt with pieces of natural pineapple. Pineapple helps digest protein, so it's perfect for dessert.

And if you have more questions about what you eat, take a look at all the articles in the nutrition office.