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Indoor plants that purify the air

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Natural air cleaners

Natural air cleaners

In addition to providing a natural touch, it is proven that the presence of indoor plants in spaces makes them healthier because they mitigate noise, reduce static electricity and purify the environment. This is how Elisabet Silvestre, a doctor in Biology and an expert in habitat biology, explains in her book Tu casa sin toxicos.

  • Detoxifying power. Plants provide oxygen, regulate humidity and filter many of the harmful particles from paint, cleaning products, furniture coverings …

The most purifying indoor plants

The most purifying indoor plants

According to research, the most purifying indoor plants are:

  • Esparraguera (in the picture)
  • Ivy
  • Wax flower
  • Hemigraphis alterna
  • Spatifilo
  • Living room palm tree
  • Raphis excelsa
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Bamboo palm
  • Sansevieria
  • Dracenes

But let's see how they discovered it and how they purify.

Eliminate up to 87% of toxic air

Eliminate up to 87% of toxic air

The first evidence of the purifying power of plants emerged in the 1980s as a result of a study carried out by NASA, the United States space agency, to investigate ways to clean the air on space stations.

  • Very effective. Their results found that, in addition to absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis, some indoor plants have the ability to absorb and neutralize certain volatile organic pollutants (carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, benzene, ammonia …) and remove up to 87% of toxic indoor air in 24 hours.

Carbon monoxide tapes

Carbon monoxide tapes

Ribbons, potos and dracenas, three of the most resistant indoor plants, are the champions when it comes to standing up to carbon monoxide, a pollutant from combustion stoves, open fireplaces, tobacco smoke or malfunctioning heaters and boilers.

Ferns against formaldehyde

Ferns against formaldehyde

The ferns, the philodendrons (family of plants to which the monstera or Adam's rib belongs), the azaleas, the dieffenbachias, the aloe, the ivy, the ficus, the ribbons, the dracenes, the spatifilo, the red anthurium, the aglaonema, bamboo palm, sansevieria and potus stand out for filtering formaldehyde from the air; present in construction materials, plywood furniture, synthetic paints, varnishes, glues and glues, carpets, fabrics, nail polishes, detergents, gels, shampoos or tobacco smoke.

Potus against benzene

Potus against benzene

Pothos, ivy, astyphyllous, bamboo palm, aglaonema, sansevieria, rapis, ribbons, daisies and chrysanthemums remove excess benzene from indoor air, a toxic element present in paints, resins, products of cleaning, detergents, tobacco smoke …

Ivy vs. Toluene

Ivy vs. Toluene

Ivy, ribbons, potus, astyphilous, anthurium, sansevieria and gerbera are the champions of indoor plants to neutralize toluene, a pollutant from the insulating foam used in construction, as well as in perfumes and deodorants.

Spatifilo against ammonia

Spatifilo against ammonia

Spatiphyllum, anthurium, parlor palm, rapis and chrysanthemum are the most efficient to remove ammonia, present in many cosmetics, detergents and cleaning products (discover the most toxic cleaning products for your health and, if you are looking for alternatives, here are the most effective household cleaning products).

Dracenes against trichlorethylene

Dracenes against trichlorethylene

The dracenes, the spatifilo, the ivy, the bamboo palm, the rapis and the sansevieria are very effective against trichlorethylene, a contaminant that comes to us through dry cleaning and metal degreasers .

Sansevieria against ozone

Sansevieria against ozone

Sansevieria, ribbons, and potus are great for absorbing ozone from photocopiers, laser printers, UV lights, and electrostatic air purification systems.

Combine them and you will succeed

Combine them and you will succeed

The NASA study concluded that with at least one plant for every 10 m2, the air can be cleaned efficiently. And a more recent study from the University of Georgia (United States) determined that ivy, asparagus, wax flower and Hemigraphis alterna are the plants with the highest capacity to eliminate all pollutants present in the air in homes.

  • To take full advantage of the benefits of indoor plants as environmental cleaners, it is recommended to combine several species.

Multiple health benefits

Multiple health benefits

In addition to purifying the air, having indoor plants is proven to be very healthy.

  • They strengthen. Research shows they benefit the immune system. Exposure to them regulates brain activity, pressure, and heart rate.
  • They relax. The effects of its contemplation are comparable to meditation and reduce the levels of cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress.

If you want to benefit from them but you are not good at them, here are all the secrets to take care of indoor plants (and that they do not die).